RCSTANWL checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 You're the worst excuse for a guard I've ever seen. You couldn't keep your word if your life depended on it. --- Get the hell out of here. You should know better. talk_p_proc->Node005 Node006 Did you really think that I'd reward a thief? You're lucky I didn't lynch you on the trail. I'm certainly not paying you anything. Now get out. talk_p_proc->Node006 Node007 We got so torn up out there that I don't have enough money to pay you. Of course, if you'd done your job better, things would be different. talk_p_proc->Node007 Node008 We didn't quite lose everything we had...but we lost more than I can afford. If you'd done your job right, you'd be getting more than this $500. talk_p_proc->Node008 Node009 That wasn't too bad at all. Here's your $2000. Come on back if you need more work sometime. talk_p_proc->Node009 Node010 That was a good run. Might not have worked out that way if you weren't along. Here's your $2000, plus a $500 bonus for the great job. Thanks again. talk_p_proc->Node010 Node001 The NCR doesn't take kindly to quitters. Get out of here. --- You know what I think about your kind. Just get out of my sight. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node003 I'm Stanwell. I run the caravan between Redding and the New California Republic. Brahmin for gold. We could use an extra guard, and we're ready to leave right now. --- People call me Stanwell. I run the caravan between Redding and the New California Republic. Brahmin for gold. Can usually use an extra hand or two. We leave town on the 11th day of every month. If you want to sign on, make sure you're here then. --- Something else? talk_p_proc->Node003 Node999 Node006->Node999 A thief? I resemble that remark, you damn ingrate. I'm leaving. Goodbye. Node006->Node999 Someday soon, you'll regret crossing me. Goodbye. Node007->Node999 You cheap bastard! You'll pay for stiffing me. Goodbye. Node007->Node999 Well, sometimes you just get luckier than others. This was one of the unlucky times. Goodbye. Node008->Node999 Well, something is better than nothing, I guess. Goodbye. Node008->Node999 You lousy bastard! Nobody could have done a better job. You'll regret stiffing me. Goodbye. Node009->Node999 I don't think I ever want to spend so much time looking at the ass-end of a brahmin again. Goodbye. Node009->Node999 That wasn't too bad at all. See you later. Goodbye. Node010->Node999 Nice to find someone who appreciates quality when he sees it. See you around, maybe. Goodbye. Node010->Node999 Always glad to make some extra money. Thanks, and goodbye. Node003->Node999 I don't think that's for me. Goodbye. Node013 Sorry, pal, we've already got enough throwbacks working in this caravan. Node003->Node013 Moo-moos? Node003a Node003->Node003a You need a guard, huh? Node014 We trade NCR's best brahmin for gold ore in Redding. Straight and simple - just the way I like things. Node003->Node014 What does this caravan transport? Node011 I can't leave until we get a full load of ore. It'll all be ready to move on the 11th. Early in the day is best. Stop back then if you want a job. --- We need to get the brahmin in from the outlying settlements before we can get going. We'll be ready to move early on the 11th. Stop back on then if you want a job. Node003->Node011 Why are you waiting until the 11th? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a man dressed in armor. He looks at you speculatively. --- You see Stanwell, the caravan master for the Redding-NCR run. description_p_proc You see a tall, muscular man in armor. His gear looks worn but well maintained. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc Node998 Node002 Hee-yah! Head 'em out. Node002a Node002->Node002a Okay, Let's go. Node013->Node999 Oh, okay. Node015 You came along at a good time. We're ready to go right now. The job pays $2000, but I'm only paying you for the job since I only need one more guard. Ready to join us? --- You came along at a good time. We're ready to go right now. The job pays $2000. Ready to join us? Node003a->Node015 Node012 We're usually looking for caravan guards but, like I said, we won't be ready to go until the 11th of the month. If you still want a job with us, come back then. Node003a->Node012 Node014->Node003 Let me ask you something else. Node014->Node999 Oh, okay. Goodbye. Node014a Node014->Node014a Gotcha. You said you're looking for guards? Node011->Node999 Thanks, I'll do that. Goodbye Node011->Node014 What did you say you usually transport? Node011->Node015 Let me ask you something else. Node015->Node999 I can come up with better ways to spend my time than eating brahmin dust all day. Goodbye. Node015->Node002 Sounds great. I'm ready. Let's go. Node012->Node999 Okay, thanks. Goodbye. Node012->Node014 What does this caravan transport? Node012->Node011 When on the 11th? Node014a->Node015 Node014a->Node012 Node016 Well, you got free eats and a safe trip here. Now get out of here, you moron. Node016->Node999 Gerg? Bye bye. Node016->Node999 Grrrr! Me want blood!