VCINGRD checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node014 talk_p_proc->Node014 Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node009 You there! Halt! What is that ghoul doing here in Vault City?! --- You there! Halt! What is that mutant doing here in Vault City?! talk_p_proc->Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node002 It’s past 6 PM. Time for you to return to the courtyard. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node011 Great, looks like we got us a pair of idiots. All right, dim. --- You're coming with us. We're going back to the Courtyard where you... and that thing... belong. --- Very funny. --- You're coming with us. We're going back to the Courtyard where you... and that thing... belong. Node009->Node011 Breep-oop foop foop Node009->Node011 A ghoul? Where? Node009->Node011 A mutant? Where? Node010 He's with you? Then you're coming with us. We're going back to the Courtyard where you... and that thing... belong. Node009->Node010 He's with me. Node012 You want to do this the hard way? Fine. Guards! Intruders! Node009->Node012 He's traveling with me. If any of you racists have a problem with that, maybe we should settle it right here and now. Node003 Well, I’ll just make sure you get to the courtyard safe and sound. C'mon, let's go. Node002->Node003 Okay. I’ll leave right now. Node002->Node003 Okay. I’ll be going in a minute. Node002->Node003 Umag Nak!?! Umag NAK! Node015 I don't recognize you. Where's your papers? Node002->Node015 Look, I'm a Citizen. Node004 Sorry, got my orders. I’ll need to escort you to the other side of the gate. Node002->Node004 I got things to do. I’ll go when I’m ready to go. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc I'm watching you, Outworlder. description_p_proc I think it's about time for you to leave. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 Node013 timed_event_p_proc->Node013 Node998 Node999 Node003->Node004 I can find my own way. Node997 Node003->Node997 Okay. Let’s go. Node003->Node997 Brog Frup Node005 (Leans in.) Look, it's been a *long* day, friend. Come with me, don't cause any trouble, and this day won't get any worse for either one of us. Understand? Node015->Node005 I don't have them on me at the moment, but -- Node016 Hmmmm. All right, everything seems to be in order. Sorry to disturb you, Citizen. Vault City prevails. Node015->Node016 Here they are, "officer." I think you'll find everything in order. Node004->Node997 Okay... but I’m not happy about it. I may file a formal compla -- Node004->Node005 Sorry, I've got *my* orders. I’m staying. Node005->Node998 Over my dead body! Node005->Node997 Okay, fine. I’ll go. Node011->Node997 We go we go quiet-lee Node011->Node997 All right, we'll go peacefully. Node011->Node012 ME NO GOH HIM FREN! U NO FREN! Node011->Node012 He's traveling with me. Any of you assholes have a problem with that, we can get down to shedding blood right now. Node010->Node997 All right, we'll go peacefully. Node010->Node012 Why don't you try to escort us out of here? I guarantee it'll be an educational experience. Node012->Node998 Hrnghhhhhhhhhh! Node012->Node998 You're going to be dead before those friends of yours show up. Node016->Node999 Yes. Vault City prevails. Node016->Node999 You're lucky I don't report you. Get out of here.