bccrissy checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 If you're here to try and rape me, you're going to be wearing your balls as a bow tie. Get it? --- Let me guess. The guys are tired of me kicking them where it hurts, so they sent you in here to do something obscene. Well, I can hurt you just as bad; I just need to kick higher. Get it? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node008 My knight in shining armor returns. Well, it would shine if you'd clean it every once in a while. Oh, and you might want to consider bathing yourself as well. So, what can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node008 Node007 Please take me to my mother, Rebecca. talk_p_proc->Node007 Node002 Yeah. A fancy piece of cloth worn around the neck for decoration. It's like a scarf, but for men. Now, just imagine me kicking you SO hard that you end up wearing your dangly about your neck. Get it? Node001->Node002 Bow tie? Node005 In a nutshell, my name is Chrissy and I'm from the Squat. I was out exploring last week when I found that entrance out there. I thought it might be an abandoned mine or something, so I decided to check it out. Well, it's not a mine; it's a secret entrance into Vault 15. The vault is being used as a base for a band of raiders called the Khans. They caught me snooping around and their leader, Darion, had me locked up in here. --- The people of the Squat are protecting these guys by helping them keep the vault a secret, but they don't know what's really going on here. Darion told us that the vault was being repaired so we could have a safe place to live with lots of food and water, but it's all a lie. I've been in there and looked around. The vault is dead, and the food and water machines don't work. Our food and water's been coming from the spoils of raids against caravans. --- Look, I've got to go home and warn everyone about what's really going on here. We can't help these monsters. Will you take me home? Node001->Node005 What go on here? Who you? Node001->Node005 I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here. Node009 Hey, I know I have a smart mouth, but I want you to know that I'm very grateful for you saving my butt. Thanks very much! Node008->Node009 Me just say hi. Me go now. Node008->Node009 Just thought I'd say hello. I'll be going now. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a young woman. --- You see Chrissy, Rebecca's daughter. description_p_proc You see a pretty young woman. She looks confident and able to handle herself in a fight. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc combat_p_proc Node998 Node999 Node003 Okay, so why are you here? Node002->Node003 Me understand. You no hurt me. Node002->Node003 I got the picture; please don't hurt me. Node004 Really? Awesome! Let's go. Node005->Node004 Okay. Me take you home. Node005->Node004 All right, I'll take you home. Node003->Node005 Me want know what go on here? Who you? Node003->Node005 I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here. Node004->Node999 Okay. Node006 Well, I'll be damned. Today must be my lucky day. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again? Node006->Node005 What go on here? Who you? Node006->Node005 I'd like to know who you are and what is going on here. Node009->Node999 You welcome. Node009->Node999 You're welcome.