bcphil checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node012 We killed that bitch Chrissy, and now it’s your turn to die! talk_p_proc->Node012 Node001 I should shoot you dead, but I'm kind of curious about what you could possibly have to say to me. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node011 So, you’ve returned. Let’s see who comes out on top. talk_p_proc->Node011 Node998 Node012->Node998 Node001->Node998 Screw you. Me shoot you dead. Node001->Node998 Up yours and have a bullet breakfast, asshole. Node002 Ah, that would be me. Now that you've found me, what's next? Node001->Node002 Me look for spy. Go this way. Node001->Node002 I'm looking for an eavesdropper who came this way. Node010 You mean the one locked up in back that we've been having fun with? No, I haven't seen her. Node001->Node010 Me look for missing girl. You know where find? Node001->Node010 I'm looking for a missing girl. Seen her? Node009 The only way you're leaving here is feet first, in a box. Node001->Node009 Me come here accident. Go now. Node001->Node009 Sorry, took the wrong trail by accident. Gotta go. Node011->Node998 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a Khan raider. --- You see Phil, a Khan guard. description_p_proc You see a tough-looking young man in metal armor. He is heavily armed. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node999 Node002->Node998 Now me know not be shooting wrong person. Thanks! Node002->Node998 Just wanted to make sure I'm shooting the right person. Thanks, and have a nice day! Node002->Node009 Nothing, me go now. Node002->Node009 Hmm. Nothing, I guess I'll be going now. Node003 I can't believe that you think you can just waltz in here and get answers to your questions! Oh, what the hell, you're about to die anyway and I feel generous. We've got her kid locked in the back room and have been having some fun with her. That bitch, Rebecca, has been trying to find her, so we've been keeping an eye open to make sure she doesn't get too close. Node002->Node003 Why you spy Rebecca? Node002->Node003 Why are you spying on Rebecca? Node010->Node998 You sicky in head. Me fix by remove head. Node010->Node998 You are one sick puppy. I think I'll put you to sleep now. Node010->Node009 Oh. Me leave now. Node010->Node009 Fine, have fun and I'll be going now. Node004 Think about it as you die, stupid. Node010->Node004 What you mean have fun with girl? Node005 Why in the hell should I do that? Node010->Node005 Hand over the girl and we can all leave here alive. Node003->Node998 You sicky in head. Me fix by remove head. Node003->Node998 You are one sick puppy. I think I'll put you to sleep now. Node003->Node009 Oh, that explain. Me leave now. Node003->Node009 Fine, have fun and I'll be going now. Node003->Node004 What you mean have fun with girl? Node003->Node005 Hand over the girl and we can all leave here alive. Node006 Screw that noise. Node005->Node006 It's good for your eternal soul. Node007 That sounds like a challenge. I'll take it. Node005->Node007 Because I'm the worst thing that you could ever fear happening to you. Hand her over or feel the pain. Node008 Hmm... I... Yeah, Okay. Here's the key to her cell; she's in the back room of the shack. Take her and get out, but don't come back. If I see you again, we'll see who lives and who dies. --- Let's see who comes out of this alive. Node005->Node008 Because if we fight, one of us will die. I don't want to die any more than you do, so let's end this peacefully. Okay? Node008->Node999 Thanks, you did the right thing. giveKey Node008->giveKey canSeeDude Node997