bcrebecc checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node005 We should be able to talk here. talk_p_proc->Node005 Node016 Please, just go away. talk_p_proc->Node016 Node022 Thanks for everything you've done for me. talk_p_proc->Node022 Node019 You must be the person who saved my daughter. I can never repay you for your kindness.Thank you. Please wait here, I need to talk to Chrissy and then I'd like to talk to you. --- You saved my daughter. I can never repay you for your kindness. Thank you. Please wait here, I need to talk to Chrissy and then I'd like to talk to you. talk_p_proc->Node019 Node021 I hope you find Chrissy soon. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node018 Have you changed your mind? Will you help me? talk_p_proc->Node018 Node017 Have you thought things through? talk_p_proc->Node017 Node001 Hi, I'm Rebecca. Can we talk privately, please? talk_p_proc->Node001 do_trans talk_p_proc->do_trans Node007 What do you want to know? Node005->Node007 Me got questions first. Node005->Node007 I have some questions for you, first. Node020a Node019->Node020a Okay. Node999 Node021->Node999 Me looking. Node021->Node999 I'll continue to search for her. Node018->Node999 Sorry, no. Node015Acc Node018->Node015Acc Me help. Node018->Node015Acc Yes, I'll help you. Node017->Node999 No, still think. Node017->Node999 No, I'm still considering everything. Node017->Node007 Me ask questions. Node017->Node007 I want to ask you some questions. Node001->Node999 No. Me leave. Node001->Node999 Sorry, not interested. Node002 (whispering) My daughter is missing and I need help finding her. I can't talk about it here, though. Can we go somewhere private? Node001->Node002 What talk about? Node001->Node002 What talk about? Node001->Node002 What do you want to talk to me about? Node001->Node002 What do you want to talk to me about? Node003 (whispering) You may think I'm crazy but I get the feeling I'm being watched all the time. It's rather disturbing, and I'm a bit on edge because of it. Node001->Node003 Why need talk private? Node001->Node003 Okay. Node001->Node003 Why the need for privacy? Node004 Thanks; we can go to my tent. Node001->Node004 Okay. Node001->Node004 Sure, where can we go for privacy? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an older woman. --- You see Rebecca. description_p_proc You see an older woman. Although she appears to have lived a hard life, she has not lost any of her natural beauty. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node998 Node002->Node999 No, me go. Node002->Node999 No thanks, I don't want to get involved. Node002->Node003 Why need talk private? Node002->Node003 Why the need for privacy? Node002->Node004 Okay. Node002->Node004 All right, let's go. Node003->Node999 No time for sicky in head. Node003->Node999 Sorry, I don't like the sound of this. Node003->Node004 Okay, we go private. Node003->Node004 All right; where can we go to talk? Node004->Node005 Okay. NodeTrans Node004->NodeTrans Okay. NodeTrans->Node999 Node006 I have a daughter named Chrissy who's a bit of a tomboy. She likes to run around, explore, and pretty much stick her nose into things. Chrissy's a good kid, though. She doesn't cause trouble, she's always home on time and she's shown herself to be a very responsible young lady. I let her do as she pleases most of the time. Last week Chrissy didn't come home. I've asked around, and nobody's seen or heard from her. I tried to find her myself, but Zeke, he's... sort of the mayor here... stopped me. He said it wasn't safe for me to go out looking on my own; he'd have some of his men do it. They couldn't find her, either, and said that maybe the slavers got her. --- I can't explain why, but I don't believe the slavers took her. I've an uneasy feeling that something else is going on. And then there's this feeling that I'm being followed. I've had it ever since I talked to Zeke about Chrissy. I need someone to help me find my daughter. Will you help me, please? Node007->Node006 Thanks. We talk you problem? Node007->Node006 Thanks Rebecca. Let's talk about your problem now. Node008a Node007->Node008a What go on here? Node007->Node008a What's going on around here? Node010a Node007->Node010a Who boss? Node007->Node010a Who's in charge around here? Node011a Node007->Node011a Me try find Vault 13. You know where is? Node007->Node011a I'm looking for Vault 13. Do you know anything about it? Node012a Node007->Node012a Tell about vault. Node007->Node012a Tell me about the vault. Node013a Node007->Node013a Tell about Darion. Node007->Node013a So tell me about Darion. Node006->Node999 Need think before decide. Node006->Node999 I need to think about this. Node999Ref Node006->Node999Ref No, not get involved. Node006->Node999Ref Sorry, not interested. Node006->Node015Acc Ok, me seem be hero type lately. Node006->Node015Acc All right, Rebecca. I'll try to help you. Node014 I have nothing to give you other than my undying gratitude. Node006->Node014 If I help you, what's in it for me? Node999Ref->Node999 Node015 Thank you so much. I'll never be able to repay you for this. I'll wait here until you bring... Hey, there was someone outside listening to us! I saw their shadow on the tent wall. They just ran off that way! ::points north-east:: They must have heard everything! Node015Acc->Node015 Node014->Node999Ref It'll take more than that to buy my help. Node014->Node015Acc That's more than enough. I'll help you. Node014->Node015Acc What the hell, I'll help you. Node008 We call this place the 'Squat' because it was settled by the homeless of many cities. It's not much, but it's all we have. To the west is a city called the NCR. They've known about us for quite some time, and never offered us any kind of help or hindrance. Now, they are suddenly claiming this area as their ancestral home, and they want it back. --- They keep sending people here to try and talk us out of our home, but they don't understand that we have nowhere else to go. We don't have the skills necessary to survive on our own if we leave here. Node008a->Node008 Node010 That would be Zeke. He runs everything up here. You can find him in the building over there. ::points north-east:: Node010a->Node010 Node011 I'm sorry, I have no idea. I would ask about it in NCR. They've taken a great interest in vaults lately. Node011a->Node011 Node012 Well... we're not supposed to talk about it, but since I need your help... The vault is being repaired by Darion. He's our benefactor. When it's fully functional, we're all supposed to move in where we'll be safe from raiders, slavers, and such. So far he has the food and water systems up, but that's about it. --- You know, it's kind of funny that they managed to get something that complex fixed, but not the lights. The damn place is lit by torches. Anyway, Darion doesn't want anyone to know what's going on with the vault. He's afraid that someone will take it all away from us if they find out. So, we're told to drive off anyone who shows up here -- especially the NCR. Node012a->Node012 Node013 There's not much to say, really. Darion keeps to himself and never leaves the vault. If he has anything to say, he says it through Zeke. I've only met him once, and he seemed like a nice guy. Node013a->Node013 Node008->Node007 Okay. Node008->Node007 I see. Node009 Well... there is a vault here; I think it's number 15. They want to loot it for any of the old technology that may still be there. Node008->Node009 What here they want? Node008->Node009 What is here that they want so badly? Node009->Node007 Ah. Me understand. Node009->Node007 I knew there had to be something here other than the waste-of-flesh inhabitants. Node009->Node007 Got it. Node009->Node007 That explains a lot. You've been very helpful. I need to ask some more questions, though. Node010->Node007 Thanks. Ask more. Node010->Node007 Thank you. I need to ask you some more questions. Node011->Node007 Okay, me do. Node011->Node007 All right, I will. Node012->Node007 Me see. Need know more. Node012->Node007 I need to know more. Node013->Node007 Okay. Node013->Node007 Nice guys finish last. I wonder what he's up to? Node013->Node007 I see. Node013->Node007 That's okay. You are very helpful. Node015->Node999 Me stop, no get away! Node015->Node999 You no worry, me find girl. Node015->Node999 Ooops. Node015->Node999 I'll try and stop them. Node015->Node999 They won't stop me from finding your daughter. Node015->Node999 Oh well. Shit happens. Node020 My daughter has told me everything. I find it hard to believe that Darion is such a monster after all he's been doing for us. And to think, we've been helping him hide his operations as a raider. I can guarantee you we won't stand for it any longer. I've already talked to Zeke, and he wants to see you. You should go see him now. Node020a->Node020 Node999b You see an older woman. --- You see Rebecca. --- You see an older woman. --- You see Rebecca. Node020->Node999b Thank you. Node999b->Node999 game_time_8_hour game_time_12_hour game_time_24_hour combat_p_proc Node999Acc Node999Acc->Node999