bczeke checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Now that Darion's gone we don't have any way to get food. We will surely perish! Thanks a lot. Node017 Just go away. I have nothing to say to you. talk_p_proc->Node017 Node014 Hi. I'm still waiting for a final resolution to our troubles. In other words, kick Darion's ass! talk_p_proc->Node014 Node015 You've done it, friend! We're no longer under Darion's yoke. Thank you! I'm ready to accept your deal with NCR now. Just have them send one of their reps by and I'll seal the deal. --- You've done it, friend! We're no longer under Darion's yoke. Thank you! talk_p_proc->Node015 Node016 Thanks for the chance of a new life. We all owe you. talk_p_proc->Node016 Node004 Rebecca has told me what you did for her. I want to apologize for the treatment you received here. You certainly didn't deserve it. What can I help you with? --- What can I help you with? talk_p_proc->Node004 Node001 My name's Zeke, stranger. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk to you -- and I don't think there's anything in this town for you, anyway. You should move on. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node003 Hello, again. I still don't have any answers for you, stranger. Why don't you take a hint and get the duck out of fodge? talk_p_proc->Node003 Node999 Node014->Node999 Done. Node015->Node999 Done. Node004->Node999 Nothing. Wavy. Node004->Node999 Nothing for now, thanks. Node005 What do you want to know? Node004->Node005 Me got questions. Node004->Node005 I've got some questions for you. Node001->Node999 Uh, okay. Node001->Node999 All right, I'll leave. Node002 Well, I think you'll find that we're all out of answers here. Why don't you come back when we get a shipment in? Node001->Node002 Me got questions. Node001->Node002 I just wanted to ask a couple of questions. Node003->Node999 Done. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an older squatter. --- You see Zeke, a squatter. description_p_proc You see an older man with thinning, white hair. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node998 Node002->Node999 Done. Node006a Node005->Node006a You work for Darion? Node005->Node006a Do you work for Darion? Node007a Node005->Node007a What you do about raiders? Node005->Node007a What do you intend to do about the raiders? Node008a Node005->Node008a Where vault door? Node005->Node008a Where is the vault entrance? Node009a Node005->Node009a Anything else go on here? Node005->Node009a Is there anything else going on around here? Node999Card Node005->Node999Card Me leave now. Node005->Node999Card I guess that's it. I'll be going now. Node006 Yes, I do. I act as the middle man between him and the people up here. I'm not very happy about the fact, now that I know what he's up to. Node006a->Node006 Node007 Nothing. They have the guns, they control the water, and they control the food. That means they are in charge. Period. We have no skills and no means of support without the backing of Darion. How can we turn against him? We're at his mercy. Node007a->Node007 Node008 It's behind that door over there, but it's locked from the other side and trapped, too. I don't have any means of opening it... Wait a minute. I found this key card some time ago, and I have no idea what it is for. Rebecca says that you found some sort of door where they were holding Chrissy. Maybe this card will open it. Here, take it. Node008a->Node008 Node009 Just the problems with the NCR, but I think the deal you offered will solve that. --- There's a city west of here called NCR. They claim Vault 15 is their ancestral home and they want it back. They've been sending people here trying to talk us into leaving but we aren't going for it. This is the only home we know. Node009a->Node009 Node999Card->Node999 Node018 Wait, before you go... I found this key card some time ago, and I have no idea what it’s for. Rebecca says that you found some sort of entrance where they were holding Chrissy. Maybe this card will open it. Here, take it. Node999Card->Node018 Node006->Node005 Okay. Node006->Node005 I see. Node007->Node005 Hmm. Me think me understand. Node007->Node005 Hmm. I see. Node010 That all depends. What did you have in mind? Node007->Node010 You maybe make deal NCR? Node007->Node010 Would you consider making a deal with NCR? Node011 Not bad... I like it. You've got yourself a deal if you can get NCR to agree to it as well. But... Look, someone has to take care of Darion and his cronies. It should be done now before they realize what has happened and have time to prepare for an attack. Why not get this over with and take Darion out now? You'll have the element of surprise on your side. Node010->Node011 Join NCR tribe. Learn from elders. Give NCR you permission enter vault. Both happy. Node010->Node011 Join NCR, let them annex your territory, and give them access to the vault. In return, they can teach you all the skills you need to survive on your own and offer you their protection. Node008->Node005 Me thank you. Node008->Node005 Thanks. I'll give it a try. giveCard Node008->giveCard Node009->Node005 Okay. Node009->Node010 You maybe make deal NCR? Node009->Node010 Would you consider making a deal with NCR? Node012 Excellent. Good luck to you, and thank you. Node011->Node012 You right, me take care of. Node011->Node012 Yeah, I guess it has to be done. Node013 Well, take the time to think about it, but know this -- until Darion is out of the picture, I have no choice but to maintain things around here as they are. It's for the safety of everyone concerned. That means no deal and you are still persona non grata. Understand? Node011->Node013 Me not sure. Node011->Node013 I don't know. Node012->Node005 Okay. Node013->Node005 Okay. Node018->Node999 Thanks. combat_p_proc