bspower checkPartyMembersNearDoor getTimeBit start use_p_proc look_at_p_proc description_p_proc The generator is functioning normally. Power output is optimal. --- The generator seems to be in an emergency stand-by mode. The power output is minimal. use_skill_on_p_proc There must have been a short in the system at some time. The emergency circuit breakers kicked in, but fused in the open position. You may be able to free them up and restore power. --- You can't seem to find anything wrong. It just doesn't work. --- The generator is functioning normally. Power output is optimal. --- The generator seems to be in an emergency stand-by mode. The power output is minimal. --- You manage to break the contacts loose and restore power! --- Damn. This is tougher than it looks. --- You can't seem to find anything wrong. It just doesn't work. use_obj_on_p_proc The generator is functioning normally. Power output is optimal. --- The generator seems to be in an emergency stand-by mode. The power output is minimal. --- You manage to break the contacts loose and restore power! --- Damn. This is tougher than it looks. --- You can't seem to find anything wrong. It just doesn't work. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc