dcCaesar checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node001 Guards! Attack! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node037 How dare you return after abandoning your brothers during a Slave Run! Guards! Attack! talk_p_proc->Node037 Node039 Ah, you are back from the Slave run. Let’s see how you did... talk_p_proc->Node039 Node002 Come back in the morning damn it! I do my business during the day. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 What is it now? You're really starting to piss me off. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node006 Hello. It’s good to see you. talk_p_proc->Node006 Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001->Node998 [done] Node037->Node998 [done] Node967 Node039->Node967 [more] Node999 Node002->Node999 [done] Node003->Node001 Whoa, what's your problem? Node003->Node999 Apparently I have. Good bye. Node003->Node999 Wah. Node996 Node003->Node996 I would like to apologize. Node995 Node003->Node995 Sorry, I was chemmed earlier. I didn’t mean anything. Node008 Please leave. Now. Node003->Node008 I wanted to ask you a question. Node006->Node999 You too. Bye. Node006->Node999 Blurp. Node009 What would you like to know? Node006->Node009 Hi Metzger. We need to talk. Node007 I am Metzger, Head of the Slaver’s Guild. Whatcha need? Node000->Node007 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a member of the Slaver's Guild. description_p_proc You see Metzger, head of the Slaver's Guild. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc Node007->Node999 No thanks. I’ll just go now. Node007->Node999 Swavuh??? Node007->Node009 Yes, I have some questions. Node004 Well, it’s too late for that. Get out. Node996->Node004 Node005 Alright, alright. Apology accepted. Node996->Node005 Node995->Node004 Node995->Node005 Node008->Node001 Or what? Node008->Node999 OK. Bye. Node991 Node008->Node991 Alright. But I’ll be back! Node004->Node999 Oh well, I tried. Node994 Node004->Node994 Please, please, please; I’m sorry. Node993 Node004->Node993 Screw you, then! Node994->Node008 Node994->Node994 Node993->Node998 Node005->Node999 I’m glad we straightened that out. See you later. Node005->Node009 Whew. Can I ask you some questions? Node009->Node999 Nothing. I have to go. Node024 What do you want with Vic? He's my property now. He shouldn't have fucked with me. Node009->Node024 About Trader Vic... Node013 We will need to brand a small marking on your forehead to show to all your allegiance with the slavers guild. Are you ready? Node009->Node013 Can I join the Slaver’s Guild? Node018 Hmm, looks like a healthy slave. I’ll give you --- coins. Node009->Node018 I’d like to sell my husband into slavery. Node009->Node018 I’d like to sell my wife. How much? Node021 Which "friend" are you selling? Node009->Node021 I’d like to sell one of my friends here. Node011 Our mission is provide a steady and high-quality labor force to handle the ever-growing demands of the larger cities. Would you like to join? Node009->Node011 Tell me about the guild. Node016 We sell most of our slaves to Vault City and New Reno. New Reno is south east of here and most of the Den trades with it. Node009->Node016 What cities buy your slaves? Node038 Excellent! It may take a few days for you to travel there and back. Are you ready to leave now? Node009->Node038 I'd like to go on a slave run. Node015 Vault 13? No. Wait... I think Vic's from Vault City. Maybe that's it. Node009->Node015 I’m looking for Vault 13. Have you heard of it? Node991->Node999 Node020 Anything else? Node024->Node020 Nothing. Never mind. Node983 Node024->Node983 I’d like to buy him. Node028 Our radio is broken and he's in charge of fixing it. Node024->Node028 Why are you keeping him here? Node013->Node999 I don’t have time right now. I have to go. Node013->Node009 I’ve changed my mind. Can I ask another question? Node014 Welcome to the guild! Node013->Node014 Sounds great! Do it! Node989 Node018->Node989 OK! It’s a deal. Node018->Node020 Uh, never mind. Node988 Node018->Node988 No way! I want double! Node021->Node020 Um, never mind. Node011->Node008 No way. Node011->Node013 Sure. Sounds great. Node012 Sorry, that's private guild information. Node011->Node012 I’ll get back to you on that. What cities buy your slaves? Node016->Node999 Thanks, gotta go. Node016->Node009 I have more questions. Node017 Vault City is east of here, and a little south. Vic's from there. Node016->Node017 Where is Vault City? Node038->Node020 No. I’ll come back. Node968 Node038->Node968 Yes, I’m ready. Let’s go. Node015->Node999 No, never mind. Node015->Node009 No. I have another question though. Node990 Node015->Node990 Yes, where is it? Node010 Node010->Node999 Fascinating. Gotta go. Node010->Node008 That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Node010->Node009 I see. I still have a question, though. Node012->Node999 Hmm, I’ll come back later. Node012->Node008 No! You guys are sick people! Node012->Node009 I’ll consider that. I have more questions. Node012->Node013 OK. Sign me up! Node014->Node999 OK, thanks. I’ll be back. Node014->Node009 Great, I have questions! Node990->Node012 Node990->Node017 Node017->Node999 Thanks; gotta go. Node017->Node009 I have more questions. Node989->Node020 Node020->Node999 Nope. Bye. Node020->Node009 Yes, I have a question. Node988->Node008 Node019 You drive a hard bargain. Here is your money! Node988->Node019 Node019->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node019->Node009 Thanks. I have some more questions. Node022 Interesting. I’ll give you --- coins. Node022->Node020 No, thanks. Node987 Node022->Node987 Sold! Node986 Node022->Node986 I want more money than that! Node987->Node020 Node986->Node008 Node023 Alright, I’ll give you --- but no more! Node986->Node023 Node969 Node023->Node969 Sold! Node985 Node023->Node985 Not good enough. Node984 Node023->Node984 That’s way too little. I’m leaving. Node969->Node020 Node985->Node020 Node984->Node001 Node984->Node999 Node025 He is not for sale, yet. Node983->Node025 Node026 He will cost $2000. Node983->Node026 Node027 The cost is $1000. Node983->Node027 Node028->Node020 I see. Node025->Node020 Oh, okay. Node025->Node028 Why not? Node026->Node020 That's a lot. Maybe later. Node982 Node026->Node982 Here is your money. Node982->Node020 Node029 You haven’t got the money! Node982->Node029 Node027->Node020 Don't have that much yet. Bye. Node027->Node982 Here is your money. Node029->Node999 Sorry, I’ll come back. Node029->Node009 Too bad for me. Can I ask you a question? Node040 Damn it! I hate losing any guildmember on a Run. Try to watch each others back! Node967->Node040 Node966 Node967->Node966 Node040->Node966 [more] Node041 You killed potential slaves! A dead man brings us no income! Only kill the ones that are a threat, the others are of no threat. Node966->Node041 Node965 Node966->Node965 Node041->Node965 [more] Node042 You returned no slaves at all! What the hell is wrong with you? We're trying to make money here, not lose it. Node965->Node042 Node964 Node965->Node964 Node042->Node964 [more] Node043 Overall, you did well this Run. Keep up the good work and I might keep you around a while. --- Overall, you did well this Run. Here is $ --- as an incentive for you to keep up the good work. Node964->Node043 Node044 You need to improve your enslavement technique. Node964->Node044 Node045 Damn it! You did terribly in this Run. Are you trying to ruin me? Be more careful next time. You don't need to kill them all! Just kill off the hostile ones. Leave the unarmed ones for collection. Node964->Node045 Node043->Node020 Thank you. I will. Node963 Node043->Node963 I don’t know if I like this too much. Node962 Node963->Node962 Node044->Node963 I think I’m good enough. Node044->Node962 I will try. Node961 Node044->Node961 I apologize for my poor performance. Node962->Node999 Node962->Node020 Node961->Node004 Node961->Node020 Node045->Node963 I’d like to see you do better. Node045->Node962 Hey, it’s tough work to be a Slaver! Node045->Node961 I’m sorry, Metzger. Node972 Node971 Node970 Generate_Slave