dcChcGrd checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc I've had enough of you. --- Only one of you are allowed in at a time. Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Sorry; I can let you in, but your friends are gonna have to wait outside. --- Just finish up your business, thank you. --- Good evening. --- Good afternoon. --- Good morning. Node001 How dare you show your face again! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001->Node998 Node009 Hello again. You can go on in. Node000->Node009 Node006 What do you people want? Node000->Node006 Node002 Ho! No one enters the Family Wright warehouse at night! Node000->Node002 Node008 What is your business here? Node000->Node008 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a guard. description_p_proc The guard is guarding the old church. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc Node994 Node009->Node994 Thanks. Node004 You cannot get in without papers. Node006->Node004 We need to go inside. Node007 I would have heard if a group was sent here. Be off! Node006->Node007 We were sent here by the boss. Node996 Node002->Node996 Well, Mr. Wright himself sent me on an errand. If you don’t know about it, too bad. Node999 Node002->Node999 I’ll come back tomorrow. Node002->Node004 I need to get in there now. Node008->Node998 Removing your head from your shoulders. Node008->Node999 Sorry, wrong place. Node008->Node004 I need to go inside. Node003 [Looking nervous] Sorry...I didn’t know. Do you have any papers? Node008->Node003 I’ve been sent on official business by the boss. Stand aside! Node996->Node004 Node996->Node003 Node004->Node998 Here’s my authorization! Attack! Node004->Node999 I’ll come back. Node003->Node999 I left them back with my guard. I’ll go fetch them. Node003->Node004 No, he didn’t give me any. Node995 Node003->Node995 Please! Can you even read? Node995->Node004 Node005 [Embarrassed] No...um...alright, just go on in... Node995->Node005 Node005->Node994 Thank you. Node005->Node994 That’s more like it. Node007->Node998 Off with your head! Node007->Node999 OK, OK; we’re going. Node010 You know, pal, I've had enough of your shit! Node010->Node998 [END]