dcFranki checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node007 What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node014 So, is the still destroyed? Like I said, just use my crowbar on it. That'll really fuck it up fast. --- Hey, I didn't fucking say I'd pay you to kill the bitch. Get the fuck out! talk_p_proc->Node014 talk_p_proc->Node014 Node012 So, how does Becky do it? How does she sell her booze so cheap? --- Hey, I didn't fucking say I'd pay you to kill the bitch. Get the fuck out! talk_p_proc->Node012 talk_p_proc->Node012 Node002 What’s yer pleasure? talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node009 I don’t want people like you in my place. Get out! Node007->Node009 Whiskey. Node007->Node009 Wahdo a peedee! Node008 And stay out! Node007->Node008 Nothing. I’m leaving. Node003 Hey! You better shut your hole! Node014->Node003 Yeah, okay. Whatever. Node999 Node014->Node999 Nope. I’ll let you know when it is. Node014->Node999 [exit] Node015 Then here’s the $500. Thanks. --- You see the owner of The Hole. --- You see Frankie, owner of The Hole. Node014->Node015 Yes, it is. Node017 What do you mean? Node014->Node017 I have a better idea. Node012->Node003 Yeah, okay. Whatever. Node012->Node999 I don’t know yet. I’ll come back. Node012->Node999 [exit] Node013 What? A still! Damn. Hey, here’s the $100, and I’ll pay you $500 to destroy it. You can use my crowbar, in the back room over there. That'll do a number on her stupid little still! --- You know baby, you might be hot and all, but you've got lots and lots to learn. --- You see the owner of The Hole. --- You see Frankie, owner of The Hole. Node012->Node013 She has a still. Node002->Node009 Wee wee. Node004 Whiskey is $ --- a shot. Node002->Node004 Whiskey. Node021 Go talk to Sheila. Hey, Sheila, you got a customer! Node002->Node021 Women. Node986 Node002->Node986 Men. Node020 Information I do not have. Node002->Node020 Info. Node002->Node999 Nothing today. Bye. Node001 I’m Frankie and yer standing in 'The Hole.' Best damn bar for a hundred miles! Everyone crawls into The Hole when it's time to let loose. Now don't you be causing too much trouble, y’hear? Node000->Node001 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see the owner of The Hole. description_p_proc This appears to be the owner of this place. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node024 Wow! Holy fuck. That was amazing. --- Damn, you were pretty good baby. --- Thanks, it was fun. Now get out. --- You were, uhhh... Never mind, get out. --- Well, I've never had worse than that. timed_event_p_proc->Node024 push_p_proc Node001->Node002 I hear ya. Node985 Node001->Node985 Yeah, okay. Whatever. Node001->Node003 I see why you call this place "The Hole." Node001->Node009 Huh? Node985->Node002 Node003->Node998 Or what? Node003->Node004 Just do your job and get me a drink. Node003->Node999 I’ll just leave instead. Node009->Node999 Alright, I’m going. Node009->Node008 Wah. Node004->Node003 No way! That’s too much! Node996 Node004->Node996 Here’s your money. Node010 Those New Reno families charge an arm and a leg for their booze. I don’t know how she does it! Node004->Node010 Why does your whiskey cost so much more than Becky’s? Node005 Anything else? Node004->Node005 No thanks. Node021->Node002 Wait, that’s not what I want! Node021->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node022 Yeah, I bet. You must have the damnedest time getting men. Try your luck somewhere else, sister. I ain't into no charities. Node986->Node022 Node023 You know baby, you might be hot and all, but you've got lots and lots to learn. --- I have a room over there. You and I can use it. --- Baby, I do have work to do you know. I don't just stand around in this spot all day and do nothing. Well, okay, so what if I do? That's what I'm here to do. Node986->Node023 Node020->Node999 Then I’m in the wrong place. Bye. Node020->Node010 Really? How about why Becky’s drinks are so much cheaper than yours? Node020->Node005 I thought bartenders knew everything. Node996->Node005 Node006 You don’t have enough money! This ain’t no charity! Node996->Node006 Node010->Node012 I know how she does it. Node011 If you find out where she gets her booze, I’ll pay you $100. Node010->Node011 Well, you should try to find out. Node010->Node011 I could find out. Node995 Node010->Node995 I’ll just go buy whiskey from her. Node005->Node002 Yes. Node005->Node999 Nope, thanks. Node006->Node999 I’ll come back. Node006->Node005 Oh, sorry. I’m low on funds. Node008->Node999 [exit] Node011->Node005 Nope, not interested. Node994 Node011->Node994 OK, I’ll find out. Node013->Node015 I already did. Node993 Node013->Node993 OK, I’ll destroy it. Node992 Node013->Node992 No way. That’s too much. I got the information. You handle it. Node013->Node017 No, I have a better idea. Node015->Node999 Thanks, bye. Node015->Node005 Nice doing business with you. Node016 Damn! Well, in the mean time she’ll have no booze. Node015->Node016 You know, Frankie, she’s just going to build another one. Node992->Node005 Node991 Node017->Node991 Buy liquor from her. It’s cheaper than New Reno’s, so you’ll make more money, too. Node018 Look, I just want her still destroyed. Will you do it? Node017->Node018 I don’t want to do this. Node990 Node017->Node990 Never mind. Node016->Node017 Why fight her, Frankie? Join her. Node016->Node017 Think. Where else can you get liquor? Node991->Node018 Node019 Maybe you’re right. I’ll talk to her. Thanks. --- You see the owner of The Hole. --- You see Frankie, owner of The Hole. Node991->Node019 Node018->Node993 Alright, I will. Node988 Node018->Node988 No, I won’t. Good bye. Node990->Node018 Node019->Node999 Bye. Node987 Node019->Node987 Hey, what are friends for? Node987->Node005 Node022->Node002 Fine! Something else then. Node022->Node999 Why, you little... Node022->Node999 I don’t need this from you! Node023->Node999 Fine. Node023->Node999 Fine. Node023->Node005 No, I didn’t mean that! Node984 Node023->Node984 OK. Node025 Well, see you later. Node025->Node999 Bye. Node026 No woman stands me up. Get the hell out! Node026->Node003 I decided I didn't want to sleep with your ugly ass after all. Node026->Node999 Fine. Node027 Lucky for you, I'm a nice guy. Just don't pull that crap with me again. --- I've given you all the chances I'm gonna give ya. Now get out. Node026->Node027 I forgot; I had something else I had to attend to right away. Please forgive me, baby. Node027->Node998 No one talks to me like that! Die! Node027->Node999 I won't, baby, I promise. Node027->Node999 Alright, I’m going.