dcFred checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node007b Thanks again. talk_p_proc->Node007b Node007 HEY! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Check out these threads! talk_p_proc->Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 talk_p_proc->Node005 Node037 Uh. Hi again. So, uh, I suppose you want the money. Do you think you could cover me for half? talk_p_proc->Node037 talk_p_proc->Node037 Node006 Huh? Do I know you? What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node008 Thank you. Thank you very much! Thanks to you, I have four sets just like these! Node007->Node008 Looking very nice. Node009 You don't like my threads? You know, I think your right. I don't like them either. Time for some new ones - I can afford it! Node007->Node009 You look like crap! Node007->Node009 Yuk! Node007->Node009 Ug. Node999 Node037->Node999 No, sorry. Node987 Node037->Node987 If she lent you $200, you'll pay it. Node026 What? Really? Wow! Thanks a lot, man! Here's a $100. I'll get the other $100 to you as soon as possible! Node037->Node026 Okay fine. Node006->Node999 Never mind. Node006->Node999 Bye. Node018 What are you talking about? I don't owe anyone anything. Who the hell are you talking about? Node006->Node018 I'm here to collect some money you owe someone. Node017 What? You doing some strange chem? You don't look like a jethead. Get away from me you freak. Node006->Node017 Uk! destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a citizen of the Den. description_p_proc He seems to be busy thinking about something. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node020 Yeah, right. I've never seen that much money before in my life. Node018->Node020 Becky says you owe her $500 Node033 Yeah, sure she did. Everyone knows she hates that name. You're not fooling me! Node018->Node033 Becky sent me. Node019 Oh yeah, right. Rebecca lent me $200… Oh, wait. Maybe- ummm… Node018->Node019 Rebecca says she lent you $200. Node017->Node999 Ug. Node990 Node008->Node990 So you won it big after all? Node010 I was getting there! Won't even let me bask in my glory? I worked hard for this you know. Node008->Node010 So, where's my money? Node009->Node990 So, you won it big after all? Node009->Node990 Hmph. Node009->Node010 Where's my money? Node012 Thanks a lot for covering for me. It really meant a lot to me, to be trusted by a complete stranger. Let me give you this. Node990->Node012 Node013 I owe you a lot. You trusted me when I was down on my luck. As a small gesture of gratitude I have something for you. Node990->Node013 Node010->Node990 I know, I'm sorry. Node011 Fine. Here. [Fred gives you $500] There's a little extra for trusting me. Well, see you later. Thanks again. Node010->Node011 Screw that. Where's the money I covered you for? Node010->Node011 I don't give a crap. Where's my money? Node011->Node990 Thanks! Node011->Node990 What ever. Node014 Here. [Fred give you $1000.] I hope this helps. I'm sure you'll find someplace to spend it. Node012->Node014 Okay. Node012->Node014 You shouldn't have. Node012->Node014 Uh. Node016 What? Well, okay, if you insist. Thank you so very much. Take good care of yourself. Node014->Node016 Sorry, I can't accept this. Node989 Node014->Node989 Thanks. Node014->Node989 Not really, but I'll take it. Node014->Node989 Yum. Node015 Here. [Fred gives you $2000, 5 Fusion Cells, 5 Energy Cells, and a Plasma Grenade.] I hope this helps, at least a little. Node013->Node015 Okay. Node013->Node015 You shouldn't have. Node013->Node015 Uh. Node015->Node016 Sorry, I can't accept this. Node988 Node015->Node988 Thank you very much. Node015->Node988 Not really, but I'll take it. Node015->Node988 Yum. Node016->Node999 Bye. Node020->Node999 Hmmm. Node020->Node999 Oh. Node034 I am not! I… wait. There was that one time. Didn't I pay her back? I thought I did… Node033->Node034 She said you were forgetful. Node035 I don't remember… but Becky sure has helped me and my friends out in the past. Node033->Node035 Look, I don't have time for this. Pay up damn it! Node985 Node033->Node985 Rebecca said she lent it to you a while ago. Node021 Right! That'll be the day. Becky wouldn't hurt a fly. She sure is pretty though. Node019->Node021 She's told me to break your neck if you don't pay. Node022 Damn. I think your right, but - I'm almost broke. I can't afford that kind of money! I've got to eat you know. Node019->Node022 Hand it over. Node021->Node999 Well, you're wrong, asshole. Node021->Node999 Maybe it was someone else. Node023 Oh, damn it. I can barely afford $100. Could you spot me half? I promise I'll pay you back! Node022->Node023 Sorry. Node022->Node023 Tough luck. Node023->Node999 No sorry. Node023->Node987 Come on. Pay up the full amount! Node023->Node026 Okay, fine. Node024 Damn it. You're going to ruin me! Well, okay, here. Now I'm completely broke. Node987->Node024 Node025 I told you! I can't! I'll starve if I do. Oh, come on, can't you help me out? Node987->Node025 Node028 Say, you know what? That hundred's really going to uh… delay things. Do you think I could borrow a little bit back? Node026->Node028 No problem. Node027 Oh, don't worry. I will! You have my word and I won't forget about it this time! Node026->Node027 You better pay me back. Node024->Node026 Oh, fine. I'll cover you. Node986 Node024->Node986 Thanks. Manage your money better next time. Node024->Node986 Thank you for your business. Node025->Node999 I'll be back. Node025->Node026 All right. I'll cover half of it. Node029 Wait! I know. Tell you what, I'll give you $100 and you spot me for the other $100 I owe Becky. I'll pay you back real soon. Node025->Node029 No sorry. I don't have the cash either. Node029->Node999 No deal. Node029->Node026 Okay fine. Node028->Node999 No way. Node030 Just $50. Please! It's all part of the master plan! Node028->Node030 How much? Node027->Node028 Okay. Node030->Node999 No. Node031 Wha- uh… Damn! You won't regret this! I'm good for it! Node030->Node031 All right. Node032 Uh, yeah. I see your math skills- I mean, please! It's not much to you I'm sure, but it's a hell of a lot for me. Node030->Node032 But that'll only leave me with $50 to pay your $200 loan. Node031->Node999 No problem. Node032->Node999 No. Node032->Node031 Okay. Node034->Node022 No, you didn't. That's why she sent me. Node034->Node022 Just pay up so I can get out of here. Node035->Node022 Hand over the $200. Node035->Node022 Just give me the money. Node985->Node022 Node036 Leave me alone. Node985->Node036 Node036->Node999 Whatever. Node036->Node999 Okay.