dcJoey checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc forced_node forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node Node001 I’m gonna cut you up, fucker! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 What do you want? Why shouldn’t I just kill you rather than listen to your bullshit after what you've done? talk_p_proc->Node002 Node009 Hey. How's it goin'? talk_p_proc->Node009 Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001->Node998 Yeah? Come on and try. Node996 Node001->Node996 Hey, wait just one minute! Node995 Node001->Node995 I’d think twice if I were you. Node002->Node998 Never mind. I'll just kick your ass instead. Node003 What the hell are you talking about? Node002->Node003 I want to talk to you about a ghost that comes around here at night. Node999 Node002->Node999 Nothing. Just passing through. Node009->Node003 Did you take a locket from that haunted house? Node988 Node009->Node988 OK, and you? Node012 Hey, I got some jet. It’s great stuff and brand new from Reno. Want some? Node009->Node012 Not so good. Node994 Node000->Node994 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a thug. description_p_proc This guy doesn't look too friendly. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node010 Hey, man, I’m Joey. What're you doin' on my turf? Node994->Node010 Node011 Hey, baby cakes. You looking for Joey? Here I am. Node994->Node011 Node996->Node998 Node996->Node002 Node995->Node998 Node995->Node002 Node003->Node998 Forget it. I’ll kill you now and sort out the pieces later. Node003->Node999 Nothing. Never mind. Node004 I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. Node003->Node004 Did you steal a locket from that haunted house? Node004->Node998 Then I’ll take it by force. Node004->Node999 Probably not. Bye. Node005 T-That's f-fucking crazy! Y-you must h-have been r-really fucked up on some of Tubby's shit. I-I n-never s-saw no g-ghost w-when I stayed t-there- just a bad trip, wasn't f-fucking real. Node004->Node005 Oh, I think you do! You stole a dead girl’s locket, and now her spirit can't rest. Node006 Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah. T-That's for damn sure. You're gonna have to fork over some bucks for sure. You ain't gettin' this for free! $50 or beat it! Node005->Node006 Look, I’ll buy it from you. Node993 Node005->Node993 Give it to me or you can join her. Node992 Node005->Node992 If you don’t return it now, she’ll come after you. And she can’t be stopped. Node006->Node999 Nah, I changed my mind. See ya. Node006->Node993 Give it to me or I kill you for it. Node991 Node006->Node991 Okay, here’s the money. Node990 Node006->Node990 Take $20 and be happy I don’t just take it from you. Node993->Node998 Node007 Here. Now just leave me alone. Node993->Node007 Node992->Node006 Node992->Node007 Node991->Node007 Node008 H-Hey! You don’t have the money! Get the hell out of here! Node991->Node008 Node990->Node998 Node990->Node007 Node990->Node008 Node989 Node007->Node989 Gladly. Node007->Node989 Don’t let me catch you doing this again! Node008->Node999 Oops. I’ll come back. Node008->Node993 Then I guess I have to kill you. Node988->Node012 Node013 How about you and I get it on? Node988->Node013 Node012->Node999 I have to go. Bye. Node016 What do you want? Node012->Node016 No, I want information. Node014 You’ll be coming back. Node012->Node014 No way! Node022 For you, I will sell jet for $500. Node012->Node022 How much? Node010->Node999 Just leaving. Bye. Node010->Node012 Maybe I’m looking for you. Node015 Nobody talks to me like that! Node010->Node015 Your turf? I don’t think so. Node010->Node016 Looking for some information. Node015->Node012 My apologies. I’m actually looking around and don’t know the area. Node982 Node015->Node982 I just did. You do anything more than talk? Node981 Node015->Node981 Whatever. Are you selling anything or just making small talk? Node016->Node003 I want to talk to you about a ghost that comes around here at night. Node016->Node999 Um, never mind. See you around. Node016->Node015 Nothing you can provide. Node017 Oh, you mean Tyler and his gang? They guard some shit that comes in from Vault City. Big fucking crates. Once in a while you see them get picked up by caravans heading to New Reno. Node016->Node017 What’s the deal with the old church and those guards? Node025 Vault... Vault... Vault 13? Nope, never heard of it. Don't tell me they've come up with another new chem! Nothing can beat jet! Node016->Node025 Have you heard of Vault 13? Node011->Node016 I want some information. Node986 Node011->Node986 No. Go away. Node985 Node011->Node985 Maybe. What are you offering me? Node011->Node014 No, sorry. I have to go now. Node986->Node015 Node986->Node014 Node985->Node012 Node985->Node013 Node014->Node999 Maybe. Node014->Node999 Don’t count on it. Node014->Node016 Wait! Can I ask you something? Node022->Node016 No, thanks, but I would like to ask you something. Node022->Node014 No, thanks. Bye. Node980 Node022->Node980 That’s too much! Node979 Node022->Node979 OK, I’ll buy it. Node013->Node016 Er, no... I don’t think so. I need something else. Node984 Node013->Node984 Okay. Node983 Node013->Node983 Not if you were the last nonmutated man on the planet. Node983->Node998 Node983->Node014 Node982->Node998 Node981->Node998 Node981->Node012 Node017->Node999 OK, thanks. Bye. Node017->Node016 Can I ask you something else? Node018 You been sleeping? Turns out that Lara's a mean little bitch after all. She gunned Tyler down. I hear Metzger was in on it. Well, I better get back to… work. --- What else you wanna know? Node017->Node018 Can I ask you more about them? Node025->Node999 No, bye. Node025->Node012 Yes, a wonderful chem. Node025->Node015 No, you moron. Node025->Node016 No, it’s a place. Can I ask something else? Node018->Node999 That’s it. Bye. Node018->Node016 I want to ask you about something else. Node019 Tyler's just some weasel who screwed all the rest of us out of a sweet deal with Metzger, but fuck that shit! I don't fucking care anymore. I could kick his fucking ass though. Lara and him still have some really bad blood. Something about Tyler and her brother. Node018->Node019 Who’s Tyler? Node020 New Reno is down to the south a long ways, then east some. There's a lot of action to be made there, but it's pretty fucking dangerous too. I might head back some day. Here, I can show you where it's at on that fancy screen thing of yours. Node018->Node020 Where’s New Reno? Node021 Hell if I know. Node018->Node021 So, what are they guarding? Node019->Node999 OK, thanks. Bye. Node019->Node016 Can I ask you something else? Node019->Node018 That could be useful. Can I ask you more about them? Node020->Node999 OK, thanks. Bye. Node020->Node016 Can I ask you something else? Node020->Node018 I think I can find it now. Can I ask you more about them? Node021->Node999 OK, thanks. Bye. Node021->Node016 Can I ask you something else? Node021->Node018 Interesting. Can I ask you more about them? Node023 If you don’t have the money, come back when you can afford it. Don't let me see you buying from anyone else or I'll kick your fucking ass. I'm the only one with the pure uncut shit, shipped directly from New Reno. Node980->Node023 Node024 OK, I’ll drop the price to $350, but no less! That’s my final offer. You got to pay top dollar for the good shit. Don't buy from Tubby or any of those losers. They cut their shit. I'm the only one for miles that can get a hold of the best stuff. Node980->Node024 Node979->Node014 Node979->Node023 Node023->Node999 Bye. Node023->Node016 Well, can I ask you something? Node978 Node023->Node978 Wait, I’ll buy it. Node978->Node014 Node024->Node999 Never mind. Bye. Node024->Node016 Forget it. Can I ask you something? Node977 Node024->Node977 OK, I’ll buy it. Node977->Node014 Node977->Node023 Node987 Node987->Node004