dcLara checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node034 Bastard! talk_p_proc->Node034 talk_p_proc->Node034 Node033 talk_p_proc->Node033 Node039 Alright! Let's go! Everyone follow me! talk_p_proc->Node039 Node032 talk_p_proc->Node032 Node035 Thanks. Here's your money and $100 extra. talk_p_proc->Node035 talk_p_proc->Node035 Node031 talk_p_proc->Node031 Node030 You don't have to fight. Easy money. talk_p_proc->Node030 talk_p_proc->Node030 Node038 talk_p_proc->Node038 Node036 We don't have any work. Someone killed off Metzger's guards and now he won't talk to us. He thinks we did it. Oh well. --- Did you kill Tyler and his guards? How are we supposed to prove ourselves to Metzger? He'll never hire us now. That was our only chance. talk_p_proc->Node036 talk_p_proc->Node036 Node028 I don't think so. You'll have to come with us if you want your money. You won't have to fight but just to be sure it's not a trap. We'll give you $300 total. talk_p_proc->Node028 talk_p_proc->Node028 Node026 Did you find anything? talk_p_proc->Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node019 So did you talk to him yet? What did he say? talk_p_proc->Node019 talk_p_proc->Node019 Node018 So did you find out what's in there? talk_p_proc->Node018 talk_p_proc->Node018 Node001 The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 We don't have any doctors in town and I can't help you. Node030->Node002 Uk Node990 You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node030->Node990 Let's go. I'm ready. Node029 Okay, but we've got to act soon so don't take to long or we'll ruin our chance. Node030->Node029 Okay, I'll be right back. Node989 You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node030->Node989 No. Node036->Node998 That was me, and you're next. Node999 Node036->Node999 Oh. Okay, bye. Node036->Node999 Ug. Node037 I told you we would go together. Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell. --- I told you to find a weakness, not kill them! Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell. --- Damn it! I told you to ask Metzger not to kill them! Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell. --- Damn it! I told you not to attack them! Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell. Node036->Node037 Sorry. Node036->Node037 Too bad. Node036->Node037 Uhr? Node028->Node030 No way. Keep your money! Node028->Node990 Okay, let's do it. Node028->Node029 Give me a bit to get ready. Node026->Node999 Not yet. I'll let you know. Node026->Node999 Na. Node026->Node002 Gra. Node027 Excellent! They're sure to leave a skeleton crew. Those should be good odds. We'll take out those at the party after we hit the church. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node026->Node027 Yes. They're having a party tonight. Node019->Node999 Na. Node020 Great. I was hoping as much. I hear he's been complaining about them lately. Here's your money. Node019->Node020 He said yes. If you win, you can have their job, like before. Node018->Node999 Not yet. Node006 Well it depends on what you're good at. There is something I'm curious about. If you can find out, I'll pay you a bit. Node001->Node006 Got any work? Node004 If you didn't come to the Den for a specific reason you should probably leave. It's not very safe around here. Node001->Node004 Just looking around. Node003 The name doesn't ring a bell, but then again I don't keep track of who comes in and out of town. Check with Becky. Everyone ends up going through there. She might know. Node001->Node003 I'm looking for a merchant named Vic. Node001->Node002 Aruh. Node001->Node002 Rara. destroy_p_proc You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. look_at_p_proc You see Lara. description_p_proc She's the leader of this gang. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc map_update_p_proc combat_p_proc push_p_proc Node008 Well, there's a church east of here. Metzger has some people guarding whatever is inside. Find out what and I'll pay you $200. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node006->Node008 Sure what's that? Node007 Let me know if you change your mind. Node006->Node007 Maybe later. Node004->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node004->Node006 Got any work? Node005 No doubt. Otherwise you probably wouldn't have made it here alive. Node004->Node005 I can handle myself. Node003->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node003->Node006 Got any work? Node002->Node999 Ack. Node005->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node005->Node006 Got any work? Node010 What's that? Node008->Node010 That was easy. I already know. Node009 Thanks. Don't get in a fight… yet. I have a plan. Node008->Node009 Sure. Node008->Node009 I'll see what I can do. Node007->Node999 All right. Node010->Node999 Let me check again. Node009->Node999 No problem. Node009->Node999 I'll be right back. Node011 That makes sense actually. Thanks. Here's your money. Node012 I've seen caravan's from Vault City come in and then some of it gets picked up by caravans from New Reno. Node011->Node012 Why is that? Node015 You looking for some more quick and easy cash? $50. Easy money. Node011->Node015 No problem. Bye. Node012->Node015 Oh. Node013 New Reno is the chem capital around here. They have to get the raw materials to make there chems from somewhere, right? It seems like they're getting some, or all of it, from Vault City. Node012->Node013 So? Why does that make sense? Node016 I need you to check with Metzger to see if he'd be okay if Tyler and I settled some old maters. He'll understand what I mean. --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node015->Node016 Sure. Node015->Node016 Make it quick. Node013->Node015 Okay, thanks. Node014 Not sure exactly. Some where to the south I think. I've never been there, I just see their caravans stop buy once in a while - once in a long while. Node013->Node014 Where's New Reno? Node014->Node015 Oh, okay. Thanks. Node016->Node999 If I get a chance Node016->Node999 Okay. Node017 Because I don't want Tyler to see any of my people going into or out of Metzger's place. I don't want to tip our hand. Node016->Node017 Why do you want me to ask? Node017->Node999 We'll see. Node017->Node999 Okay. Node023 We can't take them at their present strength. They have extra funding and slightly out number us. If you can find some kind of weakness we could use to balance out the odds or something we can exploit... --- You see Lara. --- You see Lara. --- The name's Lara; I run this gang. You better not be here to cause trouble or you're in for a world of hurt. --- You see Lara. --- What's that? --- You see Lara. Node020->Node023 I assume there's something else now? Node021 I have one more job for you. I'm not sure how you'll do it, but since you were able to get inside maybe they trust you. Node020->Node021 Thanks. Bye. Node023->Node999 Consider it done. Node025 I don't know. That's why I'm asking you to help. Node023->Node025 Huh? Find a weakness? How am I supposed to do that? Node024 We'll give you $150. There's no way we can get close enough to find out by ourselves. Node023->Node024 How much? Node021->Node023 What is it? Node022 I'm sure you can figure something out. Node021->Node022 I snuck inside. Node022->Node023 Okay, what is it? Node025->Node999 I'll try. Node025->Node999 This is pointless. Node024->Node999 If I get around to it. Node024->Node999 Okay. Node027->Node028 And my money? Node029->Node999 Okay. Node037->Node998 You're next, bitch. Node037->Node998 You next. Node037->Node999 Oh, well, I've got to go. Node037->Node999 That's a shame. Node037->Node999 Hmph!