dcMetzge checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node998 Node030 Well, nice to see you could make it back. talk_p_proc->Node030 talk_p_proc->Node030 Node001 You'll pay for that. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node043 YOU STUPID FUCK! How dare you abandon your fellow slavers out there. [Spits in your face] KILL HIM! talk_p_proc->Node043 talk_p_proc->Node043 Node028 What the hell was your problem? You don't earn shit this time. We're in this to make money, not dick around. --- Really? I'm so glad you agree. Now what would you do if someone betrayed this trust? --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. --- Here's $ --- . Pretty fucking good job . --- . --- Here's your money . --- , $. --- . --- Here's $ --- . Pretty fucking good job . --- Here's $ --- . Pretty fucking good job . --- Here's $ --- . Pretty fucking good job . talk_p_proc->Node028 talk_p_proc->Node028 Node002 What the fuck do you want? This is the Slaver's Guild not some safe house for you fucking jet heads. talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node034 Oh, I'm sure. This line of work isn't to be take lightly. It takes trust and loyalty. We watch each other's backs. Good policy don't you think? Node030->Node034 Yeah, it was a tough run. Node030->Node034 Thanks. Things got a little harry out there. Node031 Oh, you want money? You want to be paid? Node030->Node031 Agra Moo ne! Node043->Node998 But I... Node043->Node998 Alright, let's do this. Node999 Node028->Node999 I'll do better next time. Node028->Node999 Thanks for nothing. Node028->Node999 Thanks Node028->Node999 Ug. Node005 want to ill. Node002->Node005 destroy_p_proc You've killed the leader of the Slave Guild. --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. look_at_p_proc You see a mean looking man. description_p_proc Metzger's the head of the Slaver's Guild. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node001 map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node029 Damn! You were the best piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had a lot. --- Damn! That was... very well spent money. --- Very nice, maybe we can do it again sometime. --- Pretty good, I guess. --- Damn girl, was that your first time? --- Damn bitch, was that your first time? There's no way that was not your first time. timed_event_p_proc->Node029 Node005->Node999 Never mind. Bye. Node005->Node999 Na. Node003 Oh, and 'who' would that be? I hope you don't plan on seeing this person again... --- You don't have anyone that I'm interested in. I'm only interested in people - normal ones, that is. Node005->Node003 I have something I'd like to sell. Node016 What the hell crawled up her ass all of a sudden? I gave that bitch a chance a while back. Didn't think she had the balls to try this. Node005->Node016 Lara wanted me to ask you for permission to fight Tyler. Node006 You think you can cut it? I don't take in just anyone... What the hell. If you fuck up, I'll sell you off. You'll have to get a tattoo on your forehead identifying you as a slaver to everyone. It's permanent, so no second thoughts. --- Yeah, you might do... You don't need much in the way of brains to go on a run. If you fuck up, I'll just sell you off. If you think you can cut it you'll have to get a tattoo on your forehead identifying you to everyone as slaver. Node005->Node006 Can I join the guild? Node007 What do you fucking think? This is a slaving guild. I buy and sell slaves. Node005->Node007 What can you tell me about your guild? Node010 Two of my men will get you fairly close to your targets. Your pay will be based on the number of the slaves you return, but watch each other's backs. If anyone gets killed, your pay will be severely cut. --- Damn, we're all farmed out. Have to wait for some primitives to move back into the area. Maybe we should start breeding them. --- Sorry, you're just not working out. Too many losses and this is a business. I need to make money, not lose it. Node005->Node010 I'd like to go on a slave run. Node003->Node999 I changed my mind. Bye. set_sell_davin Node003->set_sell_davin Davin set_sell_miria Node003->set_sell_miria Miria set_sell_vic Node003->set_sell_vic Vic set_sell_myron Node003->set_sell_myron Myron set_sell_macrae Node003->set_sell_macrae MacRae set_sell_sulik Node003->set_sell_sulik Sulik Node004 Node003->Node004 Can I ask you another question instead? Node013 You fucking idiot. What the hell makes you think I want that moron back? It took him forever to fix a damn radio! A radio! You're stuck with him. I don't want him breaking anything else around here. --- He's okay. I could probably take him off your hands for, oh, say $ --- ? --- Ah, yeah. She's pretty nice. I'll give you $ --- for her. How about it? --- I don't know this one's pretty skinny... but a smart one? That might be worth something. I'll give you $ --- . --- This one looks like he could really put up a fight. Hmm… $ --- . --- Another primitive. This one's a freak show. Still, he looks strong and that look might fetch something extra. $ --- ? set_sell_davin->Node013 set_sell_miria->Node013 set_sell_vic->Node013 set_sell_myron->Node013 set_sell_macrae->Node013 set_sell_sulik->Node013 Node004->Node005 Node017 Oh, don't play coy with me. I know exactly what she's planning to do. I gave her a chance a while back and she couldn't cut it, but if she thinks she's up to it... Node016->Node017 What are you talking about? Node018 Well, I did say the offer would remain open. If she finally thinks she can kick his ass and is better able to guard my shit... Node016->Node018 So it's okay? Node006->Node999 I have to think about it. I'll get back to you. Node006->Node999 Maybe not. Bye. Node006->Node999 No no no no no! Node009 What do you know, you didn't even cry. I'm so proud of you... actually, that tat looks pretty good on you. Just give a holler when you're ready for your first slave run. Node006->Node009 Let's do it. Node006->Node009 Uya! [nod] Node007->Node999 Oh, okay. Bye. Node007->Node004 Another question please. Node007->Node006 I'd like to join. Node008 Oh, here and there. We mainly collect primitives and nomads when we run across them. Node007->Node008 Where do you get the slaves? Node010->Node999 Okay. Node010->Node999 Uh. Node010->Node999 Okay. Node010->Node999 Uh. Node010->Node004 Can I ask you another question instead? Node010->Node004 Can I ask you another question instead? Node011 Just kill all the hostile ones. If they attack you, kill them. I don't want to deal with them anymore, too big of a fucking hassle. Once you're done, the other slavers will round up and tag the rest. Node010->Node011 Okay. Node010->Node011 Uh. Node989 Node010->Node989 Okay. Node010->Node989 Uh. Node009->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node009->Node999 Okey-Dokey Node009->Node010 I'm ready right now. Node009->Node010 Me Kill NOW! Node008->Node999 Oh, okay. Bye. Node008->Node004 I have another question. Node008->Node006 Sounds like fun. How can I get in on that? Node012 Once they start tagging the slaves, you can head back if you like. It takes special training, so don't try to subdue the others yourself. You can do whatever you want just as long as you don't damage the goods. Node011->Node012 Okay. Node011->Node012 Oh. Node012->Node010 All right. Node012->Node010 Uh huh. Node013->Node999 Okay. Node013->Node999 Fine. Node013->Node003 How about someone else? Node013->Node004 Well, let me ask you another question then Node988 Node013->Node988 Okay. Node015 Well don't waste my fucking time then. If you ever get something you're looking to part with, come see me. Node013->Node015 Not worth it. Node013->Node015 No. Node015->Node999 Okay. Bye. Node015->Node004 I've got another question for you. Node017->Node018 So, it's okay? Node019 Look, I don't give a shit which of them guards it. Just as long as none of my goods are damaged, I don't care. --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. --- You'll pay for that. --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. --- Oh, here and there. We mainly collect primitives and nomads when we run across them. --- You see a mean looking man. --- You see Metzger, the slaver master. Node018->Node019 Well? Node018->Node019 So, that's a yes? Node019->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node019->Node004 Another question, please. Node020 He's the one that 'specializes' in vault technology, or so he says. He's my property now. He's not going anywhere. --- What the fuck are you asking me for? Do I look like some kind of fucking… oh, wait. You're probably looking for Vic? Node020->Node999 Okay, thanks. Bye. Node020->Node020 Yeah, that's him. Node022 What for? Ah, fuck, never mind. Just don't keep him from fixing that damn radio - and he better fix it soon. I'm sick of feeding his lazy ass. Node020->Node022 Can I see him? Node021 That little fuck - he sold me a radio that he said would be able to pick up some transmissions. It didn't. I caught his ass trying to sneak out of town before I found out. Bad mistake. No one fucks with me. He's lucky to be alive. --- Well he's finally gotten that damn radio to work, but it doesn't mean I'm going to let him off that easy. Node020->Node021 Why are you keeping him here? Node022->Node999 Thanks. Node022->Node021 Why are you keeping him here? Node021->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node021->Node022 Can I see him? Node024 Sure, but it'll cost you $ --- . Node021->Node024 Maybe some money might help clear things up? Node023 The Enclave and New… hey. What the hell you care for? It's business. I need to be sure no one's trying to fuck me over. That's all you need to know. Node021->Node023 What kind transmissions were you talking about before? Node024->Node999 Sorry, can't afford that yet. Node024->Node004 Can I ask you some more questions first. Node026 Oh, yes. We can work everything out nice and smooth... I'll give you half off if you make it worth my while... Node024->Node026 Can't we work something out? Node025 Okay, he's yours, but get his ass out of here before I change my mind and put a bullet in that stupid fucking head of his. Node024->Node025 Okay. Here. Node023->Node999 Okay. Node023->Node024 Maybe some money might help clear things up? Node026->Node999 Maybe later. Node027 Oh, you better believe it. Node026->Node027 Only if you're good to me. Node987 Node026->Node987 Sure, why not. Node025->Node999 Thank you. Node025->Node004 Can I ask you some more questions first? Node027->Node987 Good. Node035 You guess? I didn't think you were that smart. You really are a stupid fuck. [Metzger glares at you then looks to his guards and motions in your direction.] Node034->Node035 I guess. Node036 Oh, so you aren't as dumb as you act. Well, that's a shame. You see, I'm having a bit of a dilemma. Someone had the nerve to attack my men. Node034->Node036 Uh, what's going on? Node037 Really? I'm so glad you agree. Now what would you do if someone betrayed this trust? Node034->Node037 Definitely. Node032 Of course I'd LOVE to help you out but… there's this slight problem I have… something about attacking one of my men. Node031->Node032 Yah. Node031->Node032 Ugh. Node033 Oh, don't worry. I'm sure I can find it in my heart to pay- I mean repay you. Men, it's payday. Node032->Node033 Sorry! I didn't mean to- I mean… Ug? Node032->Node033 Uh, oh. Node033->Node998 Oops. Node033->Node998 Garaka! Node033->Node998 Uh… Tank? Node035->Node998 Actions? Node035->Node998 What? Node040 Yes. It's a shame really. This person just doesn't seem to get it, but I think they are about to. [You see Metzger making a small hand gesture to his men.] Play time. Node036->Node040 Really? Node041 Yes, I'm afraid accidents happen around here quite often. In fact, I'm afraid we're about to have another one. [Metzger smiles pleasantly and then nods towards his men.] Node036->Node041 It was an accident! Node037->Node998 Here. Let me show you. [attack] Node038 You think so? Honestly? I don't know. I was thinking of something a little more… permanent. [With an evil grin, Metzger looks to his guards and nods.] Node037->Node038 Uh, give them a warning? Node039 I'm glad we're in agreement. [Metzger looks to his guards.] Men, it's payday. Node037->Node039 Make them pay. Node040->Node998 Oh really? Node040->Node998 Uh oh. Node041->Node998 Bring it on! Node042 Oh, but this will be fun. Trust me. Node041->Node042 I'm not getting out of this am I? Node038->Node998 What? Node038->Node998 Oh boy… Node039->Node998 Uh… Node042->Node998 Fuck you. Node042->Node998 Uh, okay. Node990 Node990->Node006 Node990->Node010