dcMom checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node019 talk_p_proc->Node019 Node001 Hello there, I'm Mom. I haven't seen you around here before. --- Me . talk_p_proc->Node001 Node020 That was good work. You must have worked up quite an appetite. I have a real treat for you as a reward. A combination plate of the best darn food I have here, just for you. talk_p_proc->Node020 Node013 I'm so disappointed in you. Poor Smitty had to come get his own meal. Now what do you want? --- Hello there, my name's Mom and I run this place. Got the best food north of New Reno, too. --- You see a kindly-looking older woman. talk_p_proc->Node013 Node999 Node001->Node999 Mmmm. Ook? Bye bye Mommy. Node020->Node999 Gee, Mom. I don't think I can eat just now, but thanks anyhow. Goodbye. Node987 You see a kindly-looking older woman. Node020->Node987 That sounds great! Let me at it! Node008 Well, I sure need someone to deliver a meal to Smitty. He's just west of here at the junkyard. Will you do it for me? I'll give you a free meal if you do. Node013->Node008 What's there to do here in town? Node009 Node013->Node009 What do you have to eat here? Node014 I know that. But everyone calls me that. Heck, I even treat people like they're my kin - long as you obey my rules that is. Node013->Node014 You're not my mom. Node021 Hmm, don't know much about that. Someone's probably just having a little fun, that's all. Node013->Node021 What do you know about that haunted house? Node016 Well now, there's a Vault City a ways east of here and a little north. And Vic, hmm, lemme think. Node013->Node016 Have you heard of a Vault or anyone named Vic? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a kindly-looking older woman. description_p_proc You see a robust older woman, with a cheerful smile on her face. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node002 You already half-ate me out of house and home. Why dontcha find someplace else to hang out for a while? You've eaten here enough today. --- Well. --- you sure do look as though you're a might confused. I hate to see a critter suffer. Want something to eat? Node002->Node999 Me full. Mom food good. Bye Mom. Node002->Node999 Me go. Bye Mom. Node003 Well, OK. Whatcha got? (Mom reaches for your purse) Node002->Node003 Me pay? Node003->Node999 No! Me go. Bye Mommy. Node990 Node003->Node990 Mom? (you hold out your purse) Node010 Here you go. You look half-starved. (Mom hands you a big steaming plate of delicious smelling food.) Node990->Node010 Node004 No, not really. I'm sorry. We just have rat-pie, rat-loaf, and spaghetti. Node005 You could have the spaghetti. It doesn't have too much rat in it - just the sauce, that's all. Node004->Node005 Uh, could I get something without so much rat in it? Node006 I'll get you a nice helping right away. That'll be $10. Node004->Node006 I guess I'll have the rat-loaf. Node004->Node006 I guess I'll have the rat-pie. Node005->Node006 Well, OK, I guess I'll have the spaghetti with rat-sauce. Node006->Node013 I don't have enough money right now. Let me ask you a question instead. Node006->Node013 I think I've changed my mind. Let me ask you a question instead. Node006->Node999 I think I'll come back later. Goodbye. Node989 Node006->Node989 $10 for rat? You've got to be crazy. Heck, around the village we charge much more for a nice juicy one. That's a deal. Node006->Node989 Well, OK. Here's your money. Node007 You have quite an appetite there. I love to see a healthy eater. Will that do it for you? Node989->Node007 Node011 There you go. I knew you'd enjoy that. Node989->Node011 Node007->Node013 Sure will. Let me ask you something, Mom. Node007->Node999 That's it for now. Goodbye, Mom. Node007->Node004 Not a chance, Mom. I want seconds. Node008->Node013 Let me think about it. In the meantime, let me ask you about something else. Node008->Node999 Uh, sorry, Mom. I can't. Goodbye. Node012 Thanks so much. I'd do it myself but there's nobody to watch the place while I'm gone. Here's Smitty's meal. If I didn't have it brought to him I'm sure he'd forget to eat. --- You see a kindly-looking older woman. Node008->Node012 Sure, I don't mind. Node012->Node999 I'll bring it right over to him. Node009->Node004 Really? Node010->Node989 Tank-u, Mom. Node011->Node999 Mmm, yum yum. Bye, Mom. Node015 That's right. No stealing, no cursing, and no fighting - not in my shop you don't. 'Cause if'n you do, out you'll go. I like things peaceful here. Node014->Node015 Rules? Node021->Node999 I agree. Bye. Node022 Started about 2 years back. I heard about the moaning and the spirits and all. Don't believe it myself. Node021->Node022 Has it always been haunted? Node023 One of the boys used to sleep there a few years back. Maybe he knows something. Node021->Node023 Does anyone use that house? Node016->Node999 Thanks but that's all I need to know. Bye, Mom. Node017 Trader Vic? Now that rings a bell. Yes, I think he's being held by Metzger for some reason. Node016->Node017 I sure hope you know where Vic is. He's a trader. Node015->Node013 I see. Let me ask you something else. Node015->Node999 That makes sense. See you later, Mom. Node017->Node999 That's great, Mom. Thanks. Node018 Metzger's the head of the local Slaver's Guild. He's got all kinds of people locked up in his place. It's right up the street, just north of here. Node017->Node018 Who's Metzger and where do I find him? Node018->Node013 Thanks for the information. Let me ask you something else, Mom. Node018->Node999 I need to go take care of some business. Thanks, Mom. Node987->Node007 Node022->Node999 Me neither. Thanks. Node022->Node023 Two years, huh? Anybody use the place back then? Node023->Node999 Probably not. Bye. Node024 He used to come by and try to pawn stuff. Jewelry mostly. I remember a little gold locket he kept for himself. Node023->Node024 Who? Node024->Node013 Let me ask you something else. Node024->Node999 Thanks, bye. Node025 Not sure. Think it was Joseph, Joel or something like that. He's almost 19 now.... A shame, really. I believe he's joined up with some local thugs. Node024->Node025 Do you remember his name? Node024->Node025 Locket? Strange. Who was it? Node025->Node013 Thanks. I have another question for you. Node025->Node999 Thanks, bye.