dcRebecc checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node015 talk_p_proc->Node015 Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node027 Why did you destroy my still? What did I ever do to you? talk_p_proc->Node027 talk_p_proc->Node027 Node016 Buffy! It's you! How are you? It's been a long time! talk_p_proc->Node016 talk_p_proc->Node016 Node022 Didn't you hear! He's dead! Oh, I know I shouldn't be happy, but he was a very evil man. --- kill! talk_p_proc->Node022 talk_p_proc->Node022 Node001 Hi there, I'm Rebecca. Can I get you something to drink? I'm sure you're thirsty after your trip through the wastes. talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node027->Node999 Whatever. Node027->Node999 Ooba gooba. Node028 Oh really? That sleaze Frankie put you up to it, I'm sure of it. I'll just make another one, you know. Node027->Node028 I was paid to do it. Node029 So, you're a coward too? Figures. Node027->Node029 I don't have to answer to anyone. Node027->Node029 I don't know what you're talking about. Node016->Node999 Huh? Node017 Dave sends his best and wishes he could be here to say hi, but he had to run off. Node016->Node017 Huh? Node022->Node999 Yes, hHe was. Goodbye. Node002 Node022->Node002 I have a question. Node023 What? You? I… don't know what to say. He was such an evil man… Node022->Node023 He sure put up a good fight. Node003 Node001->Node003 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a very attractive young lady. description_p_proc You see Rebecca, the owner of Becky's Casino Bar. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node003->Node999 Nothing. Bye. Node004 You okay? You want whiskey? Only $5. --- Whiskey is my specialty. It's almost a tradition in the Dyer family. I charge the low, low price of only $5. Node003->Node004 I need a drink. Node003->Node004 Wekee. Node008 Sorry. I don't think so. --- Fred owes me $200. If you can collect it somehow, we'll work something out. --- Derek borrowed a book of mine a while back. I'll pay $80 if you can get it back for me. Node003->Node008 Do you have any work? Node003->Node008 Any more work for me? Node010 You didn't really get it did you? I'd be amazed. --- Oh, did you find my book? Derek better not have messed it up. Node003->Node010 About that job... Node002->Node003 Node004->Node999 Bye. Node004->Node999 Urka. Node004->Node002 Can I ask a question? Node990 Node004->Node990 I'll take a drink. Node004->Node990 Wekee Node006 Well, since you're such a good customer, I'll let you in on a little secret. It's simple really - I have a still. A friend from a nearby town taught me how to make one. So, would you like another one? --- Sorry, it's a trade secret. Plus, I don't really know you that well. I wouldn't want Frankie finding out. He's enough trouble as it is.  Did you still want one? They really hit the spot. Node004->Node006 Why are your drinks so cheap? Node005 Oh, that's the family name. The name Dyer has been in the bar business for a long time - prewar times, of course. Node004->Node005 Dyer? Node008->Node999 Bye. Node008->Node002 Can I ask you a question? Node009 Catch? Oh, well, if you knew Fred you'd understand. He's owed me the money for quite a long time. I'd written it off as a loss, but if you can get it back, I'd be amazed… and grateful. He's somewhere in town, I'm sure. --- The book was The Lavender Flower. Derek should be over around Mom's on the east side. Node008->Node009 What's the catch? Node008->Node009 Tell me more. Node010->Node999 No, sorry. Node011 I can't believe it. How did you do it? Oh, never mind. I'm just stunned, that's all. To show my appreciation, I'll split it with you, right down the middle. Thank you again, that was very honest of you. --- Oh, I'm so glad you were able to find it… Thank you very much. Here's your money. --- You see a very attractive young lady. --- You see Rebecca. --- You see a very attractive young lady. --- You see Rebecca. Node010->Node011 Yes, I did. Node010->Node011 Yes. Here it is. Node987 Node010->Node987 I'm sorry. He's dead. Node007 There you are. Thank you very much. Node990->Node007 Node006->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node006->Node002 Can I ask another question? Node006->Node990 Sure. I'll have one. Node005->Node999 Bye. Node005->Node002 Can I ask another question? Node005->Node990 I'll take a drink. Node007->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node007->Node999 Nopey nopey. Node007->Node002 Thanks. Can I ask you a question? Node007->Node002 Thankey youey. Node009->Node999 I'll have to get back to you. Node989 Node009->Node989 I'll see what I can do. Node988 Node009->Node988 Sure sounds easy. Node009->Node011 I already found it. Node011->Node999 You're welcome. Node987->Node989 Node012 I can't believe they are both dead. I'm sorry. Thank you for finding out for me. If you'll excuse me… Node987->Node012 Node012->Node999 Sure. Node013 Yeah, I know who that is. That's Vic - the guy Metzger has locked up. Node013->Node999 Great! Bye. Node013->Node002 I have another question. Node014 You came to the Den and you don't know who Metzger is? He's the slave master. He's on the east side of town. Hard to miss. Node013->Node014 Who's Metzger? Node014->Node999 Thanks. Node014->Node002 I have another question. Node018 Something about a commando… or that he was going after a commando. Not sure exactly. Something like that. Node017->Node018 Where to? Node019 Oh, he said to give you this. It's a present from the Hendee family. It should help you out some. Node018->Node019 Oh. Node020 Oh, just a few trinkets. Here you go. [Becky hands you $1000, 5 Stimpaks, Metal Armor, an Uzi, 5 clips of ammo, a Plasma Grenade, and flower] Node019->Node020 What is it? Node021 No problem. I was just holding them for you. Well, I better get back to work. Node020->Node021 Thanks! Node021->Node999 Thanks, bye. Node024 Oh, a thank you would be enough. I know this isn't right but… here, take this money. [Becky gives you 1000 dollars] Node023->Node024 A thank you would be enough. Node023->Node024 Humph. Node025 You are wonderful man. Even though I don't condone your actions. You did the world a great service. Node024->Node025 Keep your money, Rebecca. Node985 Node024->Node985 Thank you very much. Node025->Node999 Thanks. Node028->Node999 Doesn't matter. I got paid. Node028->Node999 So. Node028->Node999 I wouldn't be surprised. Node029->Node999 Node986 Node986->Node988 Node986->Node012