dcSheila checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node995 talk_p_proc->Node995 talk_p_proc->Node995 Node001 Hey, I don’t do chicks! Node995->Node001 Node002 Hey, it’ll cost more if you've got an audience with ya. Node995->Node002 Node006 It will cost $ --- for a session. Pay first. Node995->Node006 Node003 Oh, baby. Where you been all my life? Node995->Node003 Node004 I like ‘em big and dumb. Node995->Node004 Node005 What a big boy you are! Node995->Node005 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a prostitute. description_p_proc This is your usual, run of the mill, prostitute. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc use_p_proc Getting excited or something? push_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node009 You were incredible! timed_event_p_proc->Node009 Node010 You were great! timed_event_p_proc->Node010 Node011 OK, we’re done. Bye. timed_event_p_proc->Node011 Node012 I don't get paid enough for this. --- Uhhh...? Was this your first time? timed_event_p_proc->Node012 Node013 Come back anytime. Node009->Node013 Always, baby. Node009->Node013 Whatever. Node009->Node013 You were, too. Node009->Node013 Me edible! Node010->Node013 Thanks. You too. Node010->Node013 Hmm. Node010->Node013 Great! Node014 See ya. Node010->Node014 Yeah. Node999 Node011->Node999 OK. Bye Node011->Node999 Bye bye. Node007 You’ll be back. Node011->Node007 That’s it? Node011->Node013 It was good. Node012->Node999 Bye. Node012->Node999 Lost? Node012->Node007 It's not like you were worth the money anyhow. Node012->Node007 You’ll miss me. Node001->Node999 Whatever. Node001->Node999 Sorry. Node001->Node999 Mom? Node002->Node999 I’ll be back. Node002->Node006 Hey, they go where I go. Node002->Node006 I want them with me. Node002->Node006 Mom? Node006->Node007 No. Bye. Node996 Node006->Node996 OK! Node003->Node006 Right here, baby. Node003->Node006 How much, sister? Node003->Node007 Um, I need to go. Bye. Node003->Node004 Whee! Node007->Node999 We’ll see. Node007->Node999 Um, no. Node007->Node999 [drool] Node004->Node999 Oh. No. Bye. Node004->Node006 That’s me! Node004->Node006 Yay! Node005->Node006 The way you like it. Node005->Node006 Yes, ma'am. Node005->Node007 I have to go. Node008 You don’t have enough bucks. Get lost, honey. Node996->Node008 Node008->Node999 I’ll come back. Node008->Node999 Wah! Node008->Node007 You’re not worth it, toots. Node013->Node999 OK. Bye. Node013->Node999 Whoo! Node013->Node007 Yeah, right. Node014->Node999 Bye. Node014->Node999 Bye bye.