dcSlvGrt checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc Node019 critter_p_proc->Node019 pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node001 Ah, fresh meat.... Welcome ta the slaver's guild. The name's Aidan. Ya here on business? Ya better be. talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node004 Ya gotta be shittin' me! We capture and sell slaves. That's what yer here for, right? Ya looking for some action? --- So, ya joined up. This should be interesting. If you like action, yer in the right line of work. If ya don't, ya won't last long. --- What do ya want? Ya lost or somethin'? --- What? talk_p_proc->Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node001->Node004 What exactly does your guild do? Node001->Node004 Slaver's guild? Node001->Node004 Save guld? Node007 Ya don't say. Beat it! Node001->Node007 Aruk kun sung? Node999 Node004->Node999 Bye. Node004->Node007 Ug. Node990 Node004->Node990 I'm looking to join. Node004->Node990 Work. Node011 I ain't talkin' about that. Metzger'll string me up. Plus, we wouldn't want any outside competition. Node004->Node011 Where do you get your slaves? Node005 Ah, a bloodthirsty one. Well... Talk to the boss. We might have a place for ya. Go through the back door. Node004->Node005 Kill. Node006 Talk ta Metzger about that. He doesn't normally sell to the public. Has his hands full with... bigger customers. Node004->Node006 I'd like to buy some slaves. Node018 How many times you gonna ask me that? Metzger's got'm. --- Merchant? Oh, you must mean Vic, that guy that sells the old Vault stuff. He's fucked. Metzger pretty pissed with'm. Node004->Node018 Do you know a man named Vic? Node004->Node018 I'm looking for a Merchant. Node017 Nope, but I'd check with the boss. He's probably been all over the fuckin' place. Node004->Node017 You ever heard of Vault 13? Node015 What? Oh, you must be looking for Mom's. You're one building off.  She's in the building directly south. S-o-u-t-h. That way. [Aidan points out the door.] Node004->Node015 Food. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a slaver. description_p_proc He looks like he could easily take care of himself in a fight. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node007->Node999 Oook? Node007->Node999 Hmph. Node002 [Aidan looks you up and down.] Well, ya look like you'd fit right in, buddy, but you'll have ta talk ta Metzger, of course. Right though that back door. --- I said ta talk ta Metzger. You fucking deaf and dumb or just dumb? Node002->Node004 Another question for you then. Node002->Node999 Thanks, I will. Node002->Node999 Medger Node002->Node999 Uh… kay. Node010 Damn, you don't know Metzger? What're ya doin' in this town, if not ta see him? He's the head of the Slaver's Guild. Node002->Node010 Who's Metzger? Node010->Node004 Can I ask you something else? Node010->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node003 Now you die. Node990->Node002 Node016 Ya look like ya might fit in, but Metzger's never hired a woman. Not sure why, but I doubt he's gonna start now. --- I said ta talk ta Metzger. Node990->Node016 Node011->Node004 I understand. Another question? Node011->Node999 Okay, bye. Node012 Now, young jet eye, you will die. --- Listen here, ya li'le shit head, don't you dare threaten me or any one else in our guild, or you're dead. Get that? Dead. Node011->Node012 Tell me before I blow a hole through your head. Node005->Node999 Okke. Node005->Node999 Uh. Node005->Node999 Krook Node006->Node004 Can I ask something else then? Node006->Node999 Okay, bye. Node006->Node010 Who's Metzger? Node008 Not likely. That dumbass Vic pissed Metzger off about some radio or something. I doubt that he'd sell'm. You'll have to talk ta him yourself. Node006->Node008 What about Vic? Node018->Node004 Can I ask another question? Node018->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node018->Node010 Who's Metzger? Node018->Node008 Is he for sale? Node017->Node004 Another question. Node017->Node999 Okay, thanks. Bye. Node015->Node999 Huh? Uh… Oh. Node008->Node999 Okay, thanks. Bye. Node008->Node010 Who's Metzger? Node009 He's in the back room right through the door over there. Node008->Node009 Where's Metzger at? Node009->Node999 Okay. Node009->Node999 Thanks. Node012->Node998 Screw you. Node012->Node998 Sorry, please don't hurt me. Node012->Node012 Screw you. Node014 Run along, before I change m'mind. Node012->Node014 Sorry, please don't hurt me. Node013 Oh, really? Maybe I should just blow a whole through your head right here 'n now. What do you think, hot shot? Node012->Node013 Yeah, whatever. I'll let you live this time. Node014->Node999 Okay. Node013->Node012 Take your best shot. Node013->Node012 Don't make me laugh. Node013->Node014 I was just joking, man. Node013->Node014 I'm sorry. I was just trying to impress you. Node016->Node004 Another question. Node016->Node999 Thanks, I will. Node016->Node999 Medger Node016->Node999 Uh… kay. Node016->Node010 Who's Metzger?