dcVic checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node1020 I've had it up to here! talk_p_proc->Node1020 Node110 talk_p_proc->Node110 talk_p_proc->Node110 Node008 Thank you! I'm forever in your debt. What can I do to repay you? talk_p_proc->Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node023 Why'd you kill poor Mom… I guess you had your reasons… I'm sorry, Boss. It's not my place to question you. This is a pretty bad town. I'm sure she did something pretty bad. talk_p_proc->Node023 talk_p_proc->Node023 Node002b talk_p_proc->Node002b Node002 Metzger's still quite upset with me, even though we fixed his darn radio. He's threatening to sell me off! I'll do anything you ask if you can get me out of this mess. talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 You haven't been by my place yet have you? I really need that radio, Metzger's getting angrier with me by the day. --- Oh, hi again. This darn radio isn't going to repair it's self. How does he expect me to fix it? talk_p_proc->Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node001 Would you tell him I can't... wait. Who are you? You're not a slaver. What are you doing here? --- Would you tell him I can't fix this without the parts. I don't know... wait. Who are you? Some new recruit? He didn't send you here to ruff me up again did he? It's not going to make any difference. I can't fix it here. --- My name is --- . I’m here to get you out. --- I'm --- , but why have you been locked in this room? --- I’m --- . I'll be right back. --- Dubba iba --- . talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node016 Sure thing, Chief! Node110->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1021 Node110->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node999 Node008->Node999 It was nothing. Good bye. Node007 Pardon? I'm sorry but I don't understand. Node008->Node007 Candy? Node009 Vault 13? There’s a Vault City east of here. I trade there, sometimes. Node008->Node009 Tell me where Vault 13 is. Node995 Node008->Node995 Come with me, I could use a hand. Node008->Node995 Bee my friend. Node023->Node999 Bye. Node023->Node999 Oooh. Node023->Node999 Beiye Node023->Node009 Can you tell me where Vault 13 is? Node023->Node995 Come with me, I could use a hand. Node006 Thanks. Node002->Node006 OK, I will. Node002->Node999 Sorry, I can't. Bye. Node002->Node999 Whoo. Node003->Node006 I’ll see what I can do. Node004 I know I can do it, I just need the spare parts. There is an old radio in my shack back in Klamath that has exactly what I need. You been to the Dunton's? My shack's... well, it was just east of their place. Node003->Node004 Where can I get the parts? Node003->Node004 Maybe I can repair it. Node005 That's great! I'll have the radio fixed in no time. Node003->Node005 Can you use this radio I found? Node014 Darn it. That's close, but I need the radio from my shack in Klamath. I know that one has the parts I need. Node003->Node014 Can you use this radio I found? Node003->Node007 Spa pa? Node015 Yeah, I can probably help you, but you've got to get me out of here first. Node001->Node015 Can you tell me where Vault 13 is? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a slave. description_p_proc This slave seems to be kept under tight surveillance. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc Node1101 push_p_proc->Node1101 use_obj_on_p_proc Node1110 use_obj_on_p_proc->Node1110 Node1111 use_obj_on_p_proc->Node1111 Node015->Node999 You're on you own then. Node015->Node999 Okay, I'll see what I can do. Node996 Node015->Node996 How do we do that? Node006->Node999 Bye. Node004->Node006 I’ll go look for it. Node004->Node999 Hmmm...  I’ll be back. Node004->Node005 Do you mean this radio? Node004->Node014 Do you mean this radio? Node005->Node999 Okay, I'll talk to Metzger. Node014->Node006 I’ll go look for it. Node014->Node999 Hmmm...  I’ll be back. Node007->Node999 hurm. Node009->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node009->Node995 Want to go there with me? Node011 Oh, yeah. I remember that. I bought that from Ed. He's a brahmin dealer over in Vault City. --- Ed's over at Vault City. He's a Brahmin Dealer. He was just one of my many suppliers. Vault City's not to far from here. --- You learned about Vic being a trader. --- You see a slave. --- You see Vic. Node009->Node011 Vault City? Node009->Node011 Where is your friend Ed, again? Node995->Node002 Node010 Sure, I’ll join up with you! This old fart has one big adventure left in him. I’m sure of it! I'm pretty good at repairing things too, despite what Metzger says. --- I would if I could, but you're just not looking good. I'd only be a burden. Now that Mom's gone, I think I'll just head out. Don't know where… maybe we'll see each other again. Thank you for everything you've done for me. --- I would, honest. I'd do almost anything for you. It's just that you don't look like you're in any shape to lead anyone. I'd only be a burden. I'll just head over to Mom's, in a bit… until you can work things out. I haven't had her home cooking on a long time. --- Sorry, Boss. Looks like you're pretty crowded. Now that Mom's gone, I think I'll just head out. Don't know where… maybe we'll see each other again. Thank you for everything you've done for me. --- I would love to, Boss. It's just that you don't look like you have any more room. I'll just head over to Mom's. I haven't been there in a while. Just come get me if you find some room for me. Node995->Node010 Node011->Node999 Great! Thanks. Node011->Node995 Want to join me on my search? Node013 I told you, it's over here. [Vic points to a location on your PIPBoy2000.] --- Vault City is east of here. I’ll point it out on that map of yours. Node011->Node013 Vault City? Node010->Node999 Vic me bess frend. Node010->Node999 Whatever. Node994 Node010->Node994 Great, let’s go. Node010->Node994 Welcome aboard. Node994->Node110 Node013->Node999 Thanks. Node013->Node995 Want to go there with me? Node996->Node002 Node022 I've got to get this radio fixed. If you can help me do that, then maybe we can reason with him. Node996->Node022 Node016->Node999 Uggg! Node017 You got it, Sport! Node016->Node017 I mean it STOP IT! Node016->Node017 I guess that'll have to do. Node017->Node999 Uggg! Node020 Wow! You'd do that for me? I'd do anything if you could get me out this mess. Only problem is that Metzger's got me locked up here until I fix this radio and I don't have the parts I need. Node020->Node015 Can you tell me where Vault 13 is? Node020->Node999 I'll see what I can do. Node020->Node004 Where can I get the parts you need? Node020->Node005 Can you use this radio I found? Node020->Node014 Can you use this radio I found? Node021 It's a long story. I guess you could say that Metzger's keeping me here until I fix this darn radio. The crystal's shot and I don't have any spare parts. How does he expect me to fix it?. Node021->Node015 Can you tell me where Vault 13 is? Node021->Node999 Don't know. See ya. Node021->Node005 Can you use this radio I found? Node021->Node014 Can you use this radio I found? Node021->Node020 Well, I'm here to get you out. Node022->Node999 I doubt it. Good luck. Node022->Node004 Where can I get the parts? Node022->Node005 Can you use this radio I found? Node022->Node014 Can you use this radio I found? Node1001 Fully healed, Boss. Anything else? --- Almost perfect condition, Boss. --- I'm mostly heled up, Boss, but I've been better. --- I tried, Boss, but I'm not doing so hot. I'll do what I can though. Node1001->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1001->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1021->Node110 Never mind. Node1207 He should be around here somewhere. --- From Ed. He's a brahmin dealer over in Vault City. You been there before? Let me show you on that map thing of yours. --- Vault City. Check that fancy map thing of yours. --- You learned about Vic being a trader. --- You see a slave. --- You see Vic. Node1021->Node1207 Where did you get the Vault 13 water flask? Node1021->Node1207 Where is your friend Ed, again? Node1002 Node1002->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1002->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1003 Node1003->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1003->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1004 Node1004->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1004->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1005 Node1005->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1005->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1006 Node1006->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1006->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1007 Node1008 Node1009 Node1009->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1009->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1010 Well, Boss…. I'm pretty good with small arms. I can handle almost any rifle, shotgun, and most small-medium pistols. I 'can' use knives. I've also got a pretty good throwing arm, but my aim's not the best in the world… actually it's pretty horrible. Sorry, Boss. I'm really trying to get better. Node1010->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1010->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1100 I would, honest. I'd do almost anything for you. It's just that you don't look like you're in any shape to lead anyone. I'd only be a burden. I'll just head over to Mom's, in a bit… until you can work things out. I haven't had her home cooking on a long time. --- Uh, Boss? You seem a bit crowded. I'll just keep waiting here for ya. Node1100->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1100->Node1021 I need to ask you something. Node1102 Node1207->Node016 Would you stop calling me Boss? Node1207->Node1021 I need to ask you something. timed_event_p_proc Ah, a site for sore eyes. This is… was my place, but I guess you knew that. Right, Boss? --- Nice pooch. timed_event_p_proc->Node1102 Node004b It's right here. [pointing to a map] Node004b->Node006 I’ll go look for it.