dcVicGrd checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node021 Get him, guys. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node004 Hey, you joined up, huh? Cool. Hope we go on some runs together. --- Hey, how's it going? talk_p_proc->Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node021->Node998 Node999 Node004->Node999 Got to go. Node004->Node999 Good, thanks. Node020 Talk to Metzger. --- Yeah, talk to Metzger. I'm sure he has some work available. I think he said he needed another man. Node004->Node020 Wuk? Node005 Yeah? --- His name's Vic - some merchant that broke something of my boss's, or something like that. Not too sure. --- Oh, him? Yeah, some merchant. I think he broke something, but I'm not sure. Why? You know him? Node004->Node005 About Vic… Node004->Node005 So, who's in there? Node015 Sorry, Vic doesn't get visitors. Node004->Node015 Meko veek? Node014 Sorry, I don't understand. Node004->Node014 Ugruk. Node004->Node014 Ruru! destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a slaver. description_p_proc He seems to be paying close attention to the door next to him. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node001 That's it! --- Hey! Hands off. timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 There you go. timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node001->Node998 Node020->Node999 Uh? Node020->Node999 Oh. Node020->Node014 Ruru? Node005->Node999 Thanks. Node010 Huh? You just in the habit of walking around into places you don't know? This is the Slaver's Guild. Node005->Node010 Why are you guarding him? Node005->Node010 Who's your boss? Node990 Node005->Node990 Can I see him? Node009 Of course. I didn't know you wanted to talk to him right now, sorry. I just thought you were curious or something. Node005->Node009 The door's locked. Could you open it? Node017 Oh really? I'm sure the boss would appreciate it. Just as long as he stays put. We don't want him running off again. Node005->Node017 Well, I'm fairly skilled in repairing things. Maybe I could help? Node005->Node017 Well, I'm fairly skilled in the sciences, maybe I could help? Node015->Node999 Gaw. Node015->Node014 Surek? Node016 Sure, you can see him. Node015->Node016 Seve? Node014->Node999 Hmph. Node010->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node012 Damn, man. Metzger's the slaver master. He runs things around here. Node010->Node012 Oh, so that would make your boss's name… Node011 Where? No, never heard of it. This is the Den. Not sure about that place, but I don't get out much. Sorry. Node010->Node011 Oh, that's where I am? I though I was in Kansas. Node990->Node009 Node008 Oh, sure. I didn't mean you could see him, now that you're a slaver and all. Node990->Node008 Node018 Well, you got my money? --- Sorry, can't do that. Direct orders from the boss. --- No, sorry. He's busy working on something for the boss. Node990->Node018 Node019 Stop bothering me. Go talk to Metzger. He's the boss. --- Okay, fine! You can talk to him, but that's it! He's not stepping a foot outside that room. Got it? Now beat it! Node990->Node019 Node009->Node999 Thanks. Node017->Node999 Thanks. Node006 Thanks for cash. I'm just letting you talk to him. No funny stuff. He can't leave that room without Metzger's okay. --- Now, I'm just letting you talk to him, okay? No funny stuff. He can't leave that room without Metzger's okay. Node006->Node999 Okay. Node007 To be sure no one bugs him while he works on something for the boss, but mainly to be sure he doesn't run off. Node007->Node999 Okay thanks. Node007->Node010 Who's your boss? Node007->Node990 Can I see him? Node008->Node999 Okay, thanks. Node008->Node009 Well, could you open the door then? Node012->Node999 Okay, bye. Node013 Right through the back door there. Node012->Node013 Oh, where's his office? Node011->Node999 Moron. Node011->Node999 Uh, okay. Thanks. Node013->Node999 Thanks. Node016->Node999 Tank. Node018->Node999 No. I'll come back. Node018->Node999 Nevermind. Bye. Node018->Node010 Who's your boss? Node018->Node006 Yes. Here. Node022 He's busy. Node018->Node022 Oh, come on. Just let me talk to him real quick. Node018->Node022 I just need to ask him a few questions. Node022->Node999 Okay, bye. Node989 Node022->Node989 Please, he won't leave the room. I promise. Node988 Node022->Node988 Can't we work something out - financially maybe? Node019->Node999 Okay. Node019->Node999 Thanks! Node989->Node006 Node025 I said no. Now beat it. You've got to talk to Metzger --- No, sorry. Node989->Node025 Node023 Well, uh… I don't know. I guess it wouldn't hurt just for you to talk to him. $300 and I'll let you in. Node988->Node023 Node988->Node025 Node023->Node999 Sorry, can't afford that. Node023->Node006 Sure. Node024 Fine, see if I care. Node023->Node024 You're nuts. That's too much! Node987 Node023->Node987 Screw you, buddy! Node024->Node999 Okay. Node024->Node999 Fine. Node987->Node024 Node025->Node999 Okay.