echomest start checkPartyMembersNearDoor critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node003 You just keep your hands where I can see them. We've been plagued by bandits lately, and I think you just might be one of them. What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node003 Node006 I said git! talk_p_proc->Node006 Node999 Node003->Node999 I'm just passing through. I'll be on my way. Node004 Well, I guess there's no harm in that. Here's what I got to trade. Node003->Node004 I just wanted to trade for supplies. Node007 [He relaxes a bit.] You're too stupid to be a bandit. Do you need supplies? Node003->Node007 Ug. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a lean, tan looking man. --- You see a farmer. description_p_proc You notice he has a farmer's tan. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc NodeFleeing combat_p_proc->NodeFleeing NodeFighting combat_p_proc->NodeFighting Node998 Node001 You arrived just in the nick of time. If you hadn't gotten here when you did...Well, let's just be thankful that you came when you did. We don't have much, but I'd like you to accept this as a reward for helping us. [He hands you something.] Node001->Node999 Thank you. Node001->Node999 Ug giveReward Node001->giveReward Node002 Thanks again for helping us. NodeBarter Node004->NodeBarter [Barter] Node007->Node004 Uh huh. Node008 Well then, we got no business. You just keep moving, then. Node007->Node008 Eh eh. Node005 OK, now git! NodeBarter->Node005