ecnomsha start checkPartyMembersNearDoor critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Hello, stranger. I am the tribe shaman. I am skilled in the art of healing. --- Hello again. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 Be still and I will examine you. Node001->Node002 I am in need of healing. Node008 Ahh...You are familiar with the healing properties of these two plants. It will only cost you --- and I will combine the two for you. Node001->Node008 Can you combine the xander root and the broc flower? Node003 I have found these afflictions. --- [Crippled] --- [Injured] --- [Radiated] --- [Poisoned] Node001->Node003 Bye. Node011 I do not have time for such nonsense. Leave! Node001->Node011 Ooga. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc A nomad. --- Nomad shaman. description_p_proc The strong smell of herbs cling to this one's clothing. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc NodeFleeing combat_p_proc->NodeFleeing NodeFighting combat_p_proc->NodeFighting Node998 Node999 Node002->Node003 [Continue] Node008->Node999 Maybe later, bye. NodeCombine Node008->NodeCombine Please combine the two plants for me. Node004 I can perform the following for a price: --- Fix crippled limbs, --- Healing $ --- Cure poison, Node003->Node004 Can you help me? Node011->Node999 [END] Node004->Node999 Bye. NodeCurePoison Node004->NodeCurePoison Please extract the poison from my body. NodeCureHits Node004->NodeCureHits Please heal me. NodeCureCripple Node004->NodeCureCripple See what you can do for my broken limb. Node005 Your have been healed. NodeCurePoison->Node005 Node010 You seem to be short on cash. Return later when your purse is fatter. NodeCurePoison->Node010 NodeCureHits->Node005 NodeCureHits->Node010 NodeCureCripple->Node005 NodeCureCripple->Node010 Node005->Node999 Thank you; I feel much better. Bye. Node005->Node004 I am in need of more of your skills. Node006 My skills are limited, and I cannot help you any further in this area. Node006->Node004 [Continue] Node007 You do not require this type of healing. Node007->Node004 [Continue] Node009 [You watch as he carefully crushes and combines the two plants, and then hands you precisely measured doses of the powder.] NodeCombine->Node009 Node009->Node999 Bye. Node010->Node999 [END]