ecprospe checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc destroy_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc description_p_proc look_at_p_proc Prospector timed_event_p_proc combat_p_proc NodeFleeing combat_p_proc->NodeFleeing NodeFighting combat_p_proc->NodeFighting talk_p_proc Node001 Hold it right there, stranger! I'm not used to ambushing strangers, but I need supplies and I can't leave my claim. Want to do a quick trade? NodeBarter Node001->NodeBarter Sure. Node999 Node001->Node999 I've got nothing to trade. Sorry. Node002 What a stroke of luck. You can't talk can you? Can't talk, can't tell anyone where my claim is. Let's trade. Node001->Node002 Booga. Node003 OK, beat it! And you better not tell anyone where my claim is. NodeBarter->Node003 Node002->NodeBarter [Barter] Node003->Node999 [End] Node004