ectravlr checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Hail! Fellow traveler. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node012 I really should be going now. It was nice talking to you. talk_p_proc->Node012 Node999 Node001->Node999 Ug. Node002 Node001->Node002 I'm in need of directions. Can you help me out? Node010 doesn't really matter. I just decided to travel one day and well, here I am. Node001->Node010 Where are you headed? Node011 I do odd jobs here and there to get me by. But mostly I just travel. Node001->Node011 What do you do? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc A traveler. description_p_proc description_p_proc->Node001 use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc NodeFleeing Ug. combat_p_proc->NodeFleeing NodeFighting A traveler. combat_p_proc->NodeFighting Node998 Node002->Node999 No, I've been there already. Thanks anyway. Node010->Node999 Nice talking to you. Node010->Node002 Maybe you can help me. I need some directions. Node010->Node011 What do you do? Node011->Node999 Nice talking to you. Node011->Node002 Maybe you can help me. I need some directions. Node011->Node010 Where you headed? Node003 New Reno -- now that's a great place to go. Sex, chems and gambling.  What more can one ask for? Here, let me show you where it is. Node003->Node999 Thanks. Node004 Vault City -- now that's a city of morons. Grow an extra finger and they treat you like some kind of freak. Never been inside, but I know where it is. Node004->Node999 Thanks. Node005 Redding...I don't know much about it, other than it's an old mining town. It's located up north, right smack dab in the middle of some of meanest mountains you've ever seen. Node005->Node999 Thanks. Node006 I'd stay away from the Den if I were you. It's a magnet for lowlifes of the area. I'll show you where it is, but I don't recommend you go there. Node006->Node999 Thanks. Node007 San Francisco. Um...all I can say is that the people there are...strange. It's located on the coast. Node007->Node999 Thanks. Node008 The New California there's a nice place. I'd like to settle down and live there some day. Clean, nice people, and very well maintained. It's located right here on your map. Node008->Node999 Thanks. Node009 Yeah, a while back I came across an abandoned mining camp. Thought I'd rest there a day or two, but then wolves started showing up and I thought it best if I left. A shame, too; it looks like the miners left in a hurry. They left a lot of stuff behind. I'm not planning to go back, so I guess it's all right if I show you where it is. Node009->Node999 Thanks. checkChoiceOne checkChoiceOne->Node003 checkChoiceOne->Node004 checkChoiceOne->Node005 checkChoiceOne->Node006 checkChoiceOne->Node007 checkChoiceOne->Node008 checkChoiceOne->Node009 checkChoiceTwo checkChoiceTwo->Node003 checkChoiceTwo->Node004 checkChoiceTwo->Node005 checkChoiceTwo->Node006 checkChoiceTwo->Node007 checkChoiceTwo->Node008 checkChoiceTwo->Node009