ecwash checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc Node001 critter_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node001 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc description_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc Node002 This is for threatening me! --- No one threatens Doombot! --- Only a guanabana could compare with the taste of this victory... --- The village is a happy place, but you made it very, very angry. --- You have embarrassed our country with your actions for the last time! --- I'm gonna put you to sleep for good! --- We're all going to hell, and I'm driving the bus. --- Get some! --- Dante hasn't written about the hell I'm sending you to... --- Guns! Guns! Guns! Where are my guns! combat_p_proc->Node002 timed_event_p_proc doExplosion timed_event_p_proc->doExplosion doDie timed_event_p_proc->doDie Node998 Node999