fcbadger checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc What the hell do you want? startDeath I think I will go get some candy from Lao Chou in town. critter_p_proc->startDeath pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node028 You just made a big mistake, pal. I just turned the Shi and the Hubologists against you through their computers. You're finished in San Francisco. talk_p_proc->Node028 Node031 Good to see ya. talk_p_proc->Node031 Node030 I am going to have to vacate this place. talk_p_proc->Node030 Node025 Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't thank you enough for saving her. What do you want? --- You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. talk_p_proc->Node025 Node024 All right. I'm better now. talk_p_proc->Node024 Node029 Give me a few hours to get myself together. talk_p_proc->Node029 Node023 She's dead? She's DEAD? How did she die? No, wait... don't tell me. Give me a few hours to get myself together. talk_p_proc->Node023 Node022 Hey, find my girlfriend and then we'll talk. talk_p_proc->Node022 Node026 Okay, I got into the Shi computers. I don't know if I made it out undetected. I guess now the best thing is to hide. You want anything else? talk_p_proc->Node026 Node027 Got the Hubologists. No problem. Need anything else? talk_p_proc->Node027 Node008 Don't pester me. ::He farts:: I'm working on it, all right? talk_p_proc->Node008 Node001 :::He belches loudly:: Whaddya want? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node998 Node028->Node998 I guess I'd better kill you then. Node025->Node001 I have some questions. Node999a Node025->Node999a Your gratitude is enough for me. So long. Node024->Node001 Good. I need to ask you something. Node999 Node024->Node999 Good for you. I didn't want to talk to you. Node029->Node999 Sure, sure. Node010a Node029->Node010a Snap out of it, Sparky. We got shit to do. Node023->Node999 Sure, sure. Node023->Node010a Snap out of it, Sparky. We got shit to do. Node022->Node999 All right, all right. Node035 Yeah, I got the fuel. --- Yeah, I got the verti plans. --- Yeah, I got the fuel and the plans. --- Yeah, I got the fuel. --- Yeah, I got the verti plans. --- Yeah, I got the fuel and the plans. --- You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. --- You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. --- You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. --- You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. Node026->Node035 Did you get what I needed? Node027->Node035 Did you get what I needed? Node001->Node008 How's the hacking coming? Node001->Node999 Nothing. Nice belch. Node002 ::He summons another throaty burp:: Node001->Node002 ::belch::: Node004 I'm Badger. I used to have a band. ::sigh:: Called ourselves There We Smolder. Now I'm the resident computer tech in San Fran. Node001->Node004 You who? Node001->Node004 Who are you? Node006 You oughta talk to Marc or the Captain about that. Node001->Node006 Can you tell me about this tanker? Node007 I'm the resident computer genius. Node001->Node007 What do you do here? Node171819 Node001->Node171819 I'd like you to hack into a computer for me. Node032 I've heard the Hubologists have some fuel, and I could take a looksee in their computer for you. --- The Shi have all the fuel around here.  I could take a gander at their mainframe for you. Node001->Node032 I'm looking for some fuel. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a punk wearing a half-smile. --- You see Badger. description_p_proc You see a punk with a half-sneer across his face. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc continueDeath Badger of the punks, I presume? --- You have disgraced our Emperor for the last time! --- Dude, lighten up. I just wanted some candy. --- So much for a fair trial. Hmmm... timed_event_p_proc->continueDeath doDeathWalk timed_event_p_proc->doDeathWalk Node002->Node999 Gross. Node003 ::He spits forth a horrific belch that defies the very heavens in its volume and depth:: Node002->Node003 ::Belch louder:: Node004->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node005 Uhh... okay. Node004->Node005 Oh! Tanks! Node009 Well, let's just say I'm an information retrieval specialist. Node004->Node009 What sort of computer stuff do you do? Node004->Node010a I'll bet your band sucked. Node011 I'll say! We kicked ass! Our singer was... umm... a bit of a ponce, and Aaron was always sweating, and everything else was Todd's fault. But we were good. Node004->Node011 Was the band any good? Node012 You can usually find Marc down in the bar. Node006->Node012 Where can I find Marc? Node013 The Captain's usually in the bridge. Just go up the stairs in the bar. Node006->Node013 Where can I find the Captain? Node007->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node007->Node009 What sort of computer stuff do you do? Node017 I think I like you enough that I can do it for you now. Who you want me to visit? Node171819->Node017 Node018 I suppose I can do it for free, since you checked for my girlfriend. It'll take a while, though. Who do you want me to hit? Node171819->Node018 Node019 You gotta do me a favor, first. My girlfriend got herself lost in the tanker. Find her for me and I'll do it. Node171819->Node019 Node032->Node999 No. See ya. Node014 Yeah, but it'll cost you. Node032->Node014 Can you? Node003->Node999 ::Applaud:: Node005->Node999 Bye! Node009->Node171819 Can you retrieve some stuff for me? Node015 It means that I can find data you need. Node009->Node015 What does that mean? Node010 Yeah, well, fuck you. Node010a->Node010 Node011->Node001 Umm. Sure. I have more questions. Node011->Node010a I'll bet you sucked. Node016a Node011->Node016a Too bad you're not back together. I'd like to have heard you. Node012->Node001 Thanks. I have more questions. Node012->Node999 Thanks. That's all. Node013->Node001 Thanks. I have more questions. Node013->Node999 Thanks. That's all. Node015->Node001 I see. Cool. I have more questions. Node015->Node999 I see. Thanks. Node015->Node014 Can you do something for me? Node010->Node998 Fuck you, too. Node010->Node999 Hey! Node016 Yeah, you would have. Anyway, I have to get back to this. Node016a->Node016 Node014->Node999 Yeah, whatever. I gotta go. Node014->Node171819 What's your price? Node016->Node001 Wait. I have more questions. Node016->Node999 Thanks. See ya. Node017->Node999 Neither. Just checking. Node020 You want me to hack a formatted computer? The information's gone. It ain't gonna happen. --- Like stealing candy from a baby. They'll never find me. What do you want from them? Node017->Node020 The Hubologists. Node021 You want me to hack a formatted computer? The information's gone. It ain't gonna happen. --- I can get them. They're pretty protective of their info, and they've got some serious ice protecting their machines.  Are you sure you want me to go after them? Node017->Node021 The Shi. Node020->Node001 I see. Cool. I have more questions. Node020->Node999 Thanks. See ya. Node020->Node999 Never mind. Node034d Node020->Node034d Can you transfer the fuel from their spaceship to the tanker? Node034e Node020->Node034e Can you get me a copy of their vertibird plan? Node034f Node020->Node034f Can you transfer the fuel and get me the plans? Node021->Node001 I see. Cool. I have more questions. Node021->Node999 Thanks. See ya. Node021->Node999 Nah, I'll figure out another way. Node033 All right, but shit might hit the fan. Node021->Node033 Yes, I need what they have. Node018->Node999 Neither. Just checking. Node018->Node020 The Hubologists. Node018->Node021 The Shi. Node019->Node999 Forget it. See ya. Node999b Node019->Node999b You got it. See ya. Node999b->Node999 Node034 Alright.  Check back with me in a day or so and I'll let you know. Node034d->Node034 Node034e->Node034 Node034f->Node034 Node033->Node999 Never mind, I'll do it another way. Node033->Node999 Never mind. Node034a Node033->Node034a Can you transfer the fuel from their reserves to the tanker? Node034b Node033->Node034b Can you get me a copy of their vertibird plan? Node034c Node033->Node034c Can you transfer the fuel and get me the plans? Node999a->Node999 Node035->Node999 Thanks a lot. See ya. Node034a->Node034 Node034b->Node034 Node034c->Node034 Node034->Node999 Thanks. Bye.