fcchip checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node027 Thanks for all your help, buddy. talk_p_proc->Node027 Node021 I can't tell you how much better I feel. Now, what was it you wanted from me? talk_p_proc->Node021 Node004 ::he gasps for air:: Fuck you. --- ::he gasps for air:: Piss off. talk_p_proc->Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node016 Did you talk to Fung? --- Dude, I heard you found my spleen. Did you know to talk to Dr. Fung about putting it back in me? talk_p_proc->Node016 Node010 Have you found my spleen yet? --- Any more luck with my spleen? talk_p_proc->Node010 Node002 Oooh, my guts. I'm in pain. Please leave me alone. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node001 Ooh, my guts... ow, ow, ow. talk_p_proc->Node001 GoGetSpleen talk_p_proc->GoGetSpleen Node998 Node026->Node998 Node999 Node027->Node999 Node021->Node999 Nothing right now, thanks. Bye. Node022 Check with the Captain. He lives in the captain's office upstairs. Node021->Node022 How do I run this boat? Node023 Word has it they got taken west, across the water. Your best bet in getting there is getting this tub running. Node021->Node023 Where are my people? Do you know? Node2524 Node021->Node2524 I need some computer work done. Node004->Node999 Yeah, whatever. Node007a Node004->Node007a Hey, I changed my mind. I want to help. Node012 I really appreciate what you're doing for me. I won't forget it. Node004->Node012 All right. I will talk to Fung. Node019 I really appreciate this. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you. Node016->Node019 Yeah, and he wanted $1000 - but I paid for it. Node017 Wow. You have some serious connections. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you. Node016->Node017 Yeah, and he says he'll stick it in you for free. Node018 Can you cover me? Node016->Node018 Yeah, and he's charging me $1,000. Node004a Node010->Node004a No. Actually, I'm not looking. Node010->Node012 No, not yet. But I will. Node011 All right. ::pant:: Before I do, maybe we ought to set up a way to get it back in me. Talk to Dr. Fung about that, right? Thanks. Node010->Node011 Yes. Dr. Wong Yi Tze has it, and he'll give it back to you. Go talk to him about it. Node011a You see a bald punk. --- You see Chip. He looks better. Node010->Node011a Yes. Go check out Dr. Wong's corpse. Node014 If you could do something about it... kill him, or talk some sense into him, or something... I'll die without it. Node010->Node014 Kind of. Dr. Wong Yi Tze has it. He doesn't want to give it to me. Node015 With no spleen, I'm going to die. Thanks for your help anyway. Node010->Node015 I found out where it is, but I think Dr. Wong has eaten it. Node002->Node999 Okey-dokey. Node001->Node002 Duts? Node001->Node002 Owie? Node003 What's the matter with me? I'll tell you: It's that I got drunk last week, started gambling with Lao Chou, and lost. I was so blind drunk that I bet my spleen.  Now he has it, and I need it back. Node001->Node003 What's the matter with you? Node008 I'm Chip. And I'm in a lot of pain. Node001->Node008 Who are you? Node009 Information? I'm in pain and you want information? Node001->Node009 Do you have any information for me about my people? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a bald punk. --- You see Chip. He appears to be in a lot of pain. --- You see a bald punk. --- You see Chip. He looks better. description_p_proc You see a bald punk. He is holding his side and gasping in pain. --- You see a bald punk. He seems much recovered. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc CheckLoad You see a bald punk. --- You see Chip. He looks better. map_enter_p_proc->CheckLoad timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->CheckLoad Node005 Yeah, I sold it. I was drunk! Plus, I think Lao Chou slipped some Jet in my drink. I need my spleen back because I'm getting infections now. Node003->Node005 You SOLD your spleen? Node006 Yes, it is. I need my spleen back because I'm getting infections now. Node003->Node006 That's too bad. Node004b Node003->Node004b What a dummy you must be. Node003->Node004a Yeah, well, I need some information instead of your bellyaching. Node008->Node003 What's the matter with you? Node999a Node008->Node999a That's too bad. So long. Node009->Node003 What's the matter with you? Node009->Node999a Forget it. Node005->Node007a Well, hell, I'll take a look for it. Node004c Node005->Node004c Hey, you lost it. It's your problem. You deal with it. Node006->Node007a Well, hell, I'll take a look for it. Node006->Node004c Hey, you lost it. It's your problem. You deal with it. Node004b->Node004 Node004a->Node004 Node007 I really appreciate this. Go talk to Lao Chou, the merchant, and tell him I need my spleen back. Node007a->Node007 Node012->Node999 No prob. Node004c->Node004 Node007->Node999 I'll be back. Node999a->Node999 Node011->Node012 All right. Node013 Dude, I can't really get places without a lot of effort.  If you can't help me, I'm screwed. Node011->Node013 No. Node011a->Node011 Node014->Node012 I'll see what I can do. Node014->Node015 Sorry, man... I think you're screwed. I can't help. Node015->Node999 No prob. Good luck. Node015->Node011 I found it. Go over to Dr. Wong's place. Node015->Node019 Oh, I'll cover you. Get over to Fung's. Node013->Node012 Fine. I'll go talk to Fung. Node004z Node013->Node004z Fine. I don't give a crap about you anyway. Node004z->Node004 Node019->Node999 You better. NodeWalk Node017->NodeWalk You got it. Node018->Node012 Yeah, I suppose. NodeWalk->Node009 Node020 I can't afford to do this on my own. I guess I'm going to die. Node020->Node019 Oh, fine, I'll cover you. Node015a Node020->Node015a Tough. I'm broke. Node015a->Node015 Node022->Node021 Thanks. More questions... Node022->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node023->Node021 Thanks. More questions... Node023->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node024 Computer work? If you can't get it from the Shi or the Hubologists, you'll want to talk to Badger. He's a whiz. Node2524->Node024 Node025 Shit. Talk to the Hubologists or the Shi. With Badger dead, I have no idea. Node2524->Node025 Node024->Node021 Thanks. More questions... Node024->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node025->Node021 Thanks. More questions... Node025->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node019a Node019a->Node019