fcdaveh checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Why do you want to hurt us? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node015 There you go. Anything else? --- I'm going to move on Vikki... umm... soon. What can I help you with? talk_p_proc->Node015 Node002 Greetings, enlightened one. --- How can I help you? --- What do you want? --- I'm going to move on Vikki... umm... soon. --- How can I help you? talk_p_proc->Node002 Node999 Node015->Node999 Nope. So long! Node003 Ummm... oookay. Whatever. Say, what's that over there? [as you turn to look, he whips back to what he was doing and ignores you] Node015->Node003 Da... oooh... Node015a Node015->Node015a I need the vertibird plans from your computer. Node016 Format the hard drive? Are you kidding? No way! I can't do that! Node015->Node016 I need you to format the Hubologist hard drive. Node015b You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. Node015->Node015b I want you to hack into the Shi databases and get some fuel channeled to the Poseidon tanker. Node015c You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. Node015->Node015c I want you to reroute the fuel from the spaceship into the Poseidon tanker. Node002->Node999 In no way. Thanks. Node002->Node003 Da... oooh... Node004 I'm Dave Handy. I'm down from Canada. Node002->Node004 Who are you? Node005 I show these guys how to move their data and I answer stupid questions all day long. Node002->Node005 What do you do here? Node009a Node002->Node009a I talked to Vikki. She and Juan made fun of you and said you're not a real man. Node014a Node002->Node014a I talked to Vikki. She said you're hot and she wants you sometime. Node019 No, no... I'd be too embarrassed. Node002->Node019 You want me to talk Vikki up for you? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. description_p_proc You see a sandy-haired man with a hopeful glint to his eye. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node003->Node999 -done- Node004->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node004->Node005 So, what do you do here? Node006 Promise not to laugh. Node004->Node006 What brought you down? Node005->Node002 Well, I have other questions for you. Node005->Node999 Sounds great. Bye. Node020 I should be able to. But only if you have a specific task in mind. Node005->Node020 Would you be able to hack into the Shi database? Node021 Oh, like: --- Like that. Node005->Node021 What sort of stupid questions? Node009 ::he sits in stunned silence for a moment:: ::pain crosses his face:: Oh well. ::he turns his head away:: Node009a->Node009 Node014 She did? Really? Wow. ::a beatific smile slowly crosses his face:: Thanks! What can I do for you? Node014a->Node014 Node019->Node002 Fine, fine. I have more questions. Node019->Node999 Fine, fine. Node006->Node999 No, forget it. Node007 The Hub recruiter, Vikki Goldman. I saw one of her movies up in Canada, and I just knew that she'd fall in love with me. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm working on it. Node006->Node007 Okay. Node020->Node999 Can't think of anything specific right now. I'll let you know. Node022 I could do that. But I'd need a good reason to do it, and I just don't have that. Sorry. Anything else? Node020->Node022 Divert fuel into the Poseidon tanker. Node021->Node999 I see. Well, so long. Node002a Node021->Node002a I see. Those people sound like they're lots of fun. I have more questions. Node007->Node002 I'll keep it under my hat. I have some more questions. Node008a Node007->Node008a Ha ha! What a schlepp you are! She's a porn star, buddy. She doesn't want you. Node008 Well, yeah... but it's worth it in case something happens! Node007->Node008 You realize that she'll just act interested in you to make sure you stay a good Hubologist, right? Node008a->Node008 Node008->Node002 If you say so... if you say so. I have more questions. Node008->Node999 Whatever. See you. Node009->Node002 Sorry. I have more questions. Node009->Node999 Having delivered that news... so long! Node010 You bet I do. What do you need? Node009->Node010 I'll bet you want to get back at her. Node010->Node999 Nothing. So long. Node011a Node010->Node011a I need the vertibird plans from your computer. Node012a Node010->Node012a I need you to format the Hubologist hard drive. Node011b You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. --- You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. Node010->Node011b I want you to hack into the Shi databases and get some fuel channeled to the Poseidon tanker. Node011c You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. --- You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. Node010->Node011c I want you to reroute the fuel from the spaceship into the Poseidon tanker. Node011 There you go. Now get out of here. I'm going to format the computer and leave. Node011a->Node011 Node012 There. Teach these bastards to use and reject me. Goodbye. Node012a->Node012 Node011b->Node011 Node011c->Node011 Node011->Node999 Good luck. See ya! Node011->Node011a I need the vertibird plans from your computer. Node011->Node011b I want you to hack into the Shi databases and get some fuel channeled to the Poseidon tanker. Node011->Node011c I want you to reroute the fuel from the spaceship into the Poseidon tanker. Node013a Node011->Node013a Well, I was really just kidding. She didn't actually say that. Node013 So, I've done all this harm for nothing. I'm going to kill you now. --- She didn't say that. Oh good. --- So, I've done all this harm for nothing. I'm going to kill you now. Node013a->Node013 Node012->Node999 Goodbye. Node012->Node013a Well, I was really just kidding. She didn't actually say that. Node013->Node998 Try it. Node014->Node999 Ahh, nothing. Go on and have some fun. Node014->Node015a I need the vertibird plans from your computer. Node014->Node016 I need you to format the Hubologist hard drive. Node014->Node015b I want you to hack into the Shi databases and get some fuel channeled to the Poseidon tanker. Node014->Node015c I want you to reroute the fuel from the spaceship into the Poseidon tanker. Node015a->Node015 Node016->Node002 Oh, all right. I have more questions. Node016->Node999 Oh, all right. Bye. Node1718 Node016->Node1718 It's just a routine cleaning. I've backed up everything else already. Node015b->Node015 Node023 Sorry, their system hasn't been responding for a while. There's no way for me to get into it. Node015b->Node023 Node015c->Node015 Node017 Oh. Well, if you've backed everything up, I'll do it. ::he taps at the keyboard:: There you go. --- You see a sandy-haired man. --- You see Dave H. Node1718->Node017 Node018 I'll check that myself. I don't think it's safe to format the mainframe just yet. Node1718->Node018 Node017->Node999 Thanks! So long! Node013b Node017->Node013b I just played you like a sucker. So long! Node013b->Node013 Node018->Node002 All right. I have more questions. Node018->Node999 All right. Bye. Node022->Node002 Yes, I have more questions. Node022->Node999 No, I guess not. Node002a->Node002 Node023->Node999 Ahh, nothing. Go on and have some fun. Node023->Node015a I need the vertibird plans from your computer. Node023->Node016 I need you to format the Hubologist hard drive. Node023->Node015b I want you to hack into the Shi databases and get some fuel channeled to the Poseidon tanker. Node023->Node015c I want you to reroute the fuel from the spaceship into the Poseidon tanker.