fclaocho checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node020 You are an enemy of my people. Die! talk_p_proc->Node020 Node021 You have performed well for my people in slaying AHS-9. I hope that I can be of assistance to you in some way. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node001 Greetings! Welcome to my shop, Flying Dragon 8. --- What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node998 Node020->Node998 Node999 Node021->Node999 Bye. Node005 I'm Lao Chou. I run this establishment, Flying Dragon 8, a general store. I have been known to trade in... information. Node021->Node005 Who are you? NodeBarter Node021->NodeBarter I'm looking for some equipment. Node006 Little happens in this town that I do not know about. Of course, you must know the right question to ask, yes? What do you need to know? Node021->Node006 I'm looking for some information. Node001->Node999 Bye. Node002 You want to buy something? Node001->Node002 Da aggle oo! Node001->Node002 Stuff! Node001->Node005 Who are you? Node001->NodeBarter I'm looking for some equipment. Node001->Node006 I'm looking for some information. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a man who looks much like a shopkeeper. --- You see Lao Chou, the shopkeeper. description_p_proc You see a man in functional, comfortable clothing. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node003 This is what we have, then. Node002->Node003 ::nod head:: Node004 Well, I'm afraid that's all I can do for you. Good day. Node002->Node004 ::shake head:: Node005->NodeBarter I see. I'd like some equipment. Node005->Node006 What sort of information? NodeBarter->Node001 Node006->Node999 Nothing. Bye. Node007 Talk to Crocket, over in the Hubologist camp. He is their head scientist. Node006->Node007 I'm looking for some upgrades to my equipment. Node822 Node006->Node822 Where can I find vertibird plans? Node01819 Node006->Node01819 I need to find fuel for the PMV Valdez. Node008 Look to the north, in Navarro. There is a hidden base near the gas station. Node006->Node008 I understand I need a FOB to access the Valdez' computer. Node009 Have you tried looking in the old Vaults? I hear that they are a wealth of information and technology of the ancients. Node006->Node009 I need some computer parts for the PMV Valdez. Node010 A spleen? Ha ha! Yes, Chip from the Valdez lost his spleen in a card game the other day. I sold it to Dr. Wong.  He was fascinated by it. Node006->Node010 I'm looking for a spleen. Node015 They did not. They came from the north and flew over us, heading out over the sea. Node006->Node015 I hear some flying machines brought a load of villagers down this way. Node003->NodeBarter - end - Node004->Node999 -done- Node007->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node007->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node822->Node008 Node022 You have already given them to the Hubologists. No? Node822->Node022 Node018 Word has it that the Hubologists have come into a large quantity of fuel recently. Bargain with them. Node01819->Node018 Node019 You might try some of the Shi scientists in the Steel Palace. Perhaps they can help you with your fuel needs. Node01819->Node019 Node008->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node008->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node009->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node009->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node010->Node001 Thanks. I have more questions. Node010->Node999 Ah, so. Bye. Node011 Dr. Wong is the head scientist in the Steel Palace. Seek him there. Node010->Node011 Dr. Wong? Where can I find him? Node012 He was drunk. Very, very drunk. He was obsessed with his spleen all night long. And then he bet it. Node010->Node012 How do you lose a spleen? Node014a Node015->Node014a Yeah, right they did. Tell me where they are before I open you like a can of sardines. Node016 Well... none of our boats are capable of that kind of distance.  Unless... Node015->Node016 Over the horizon? How the hell do I get there? Node011->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node011->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node011->Node012 How do you lose a spleen, incidentally? Node013 Yes. It was a debt. He is an honorable man. Node012->Node013 So you took his SPLEEN? Node014 You are a dishonorable person. I will not have you in my shop. Come back some other time. Node012->Node014 I see. Well, I have more questions. Node013->Node999 Right. Bye. Node013->Node006 I see. I need more information. Node013->Node014a You're a sick, rude bastard, aren't you? Node014->Node999 Whatever. Node014a->Node014 Node016->Node999 Thanks for your "help". I'm going to get me some real advice. Node017 ... unless you can get the old tanker on the docks working. It's an old ship, but probably still functional, if some work is put into it. Ask the punks for more information. Node016->Node017 Unless...? Node017->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node017->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node018->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node018->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node019->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node019->Node006 Thanks. I want more information. Node022->Node999 Oh yeah...Bye. Node022->Node006 Oh yeah...ah...Can I ask something else?