fcoz9 checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node032 Your enburgled aura tells me that you come here meaning me no good. Tell me, child, do you wish to profit from your venture? talk_p_proc->Node032 Node035 Ah, child, how could you stray from the path of truth like this? I see from your aura that you plan to kill me. I am bitterly disappointed. Bitterly. Ah well. Let us proceed. talk_p_proc->Node035 Node010 Have you completed your task? Your future and that of the Wheel on this planet depend on it. --- Remember, you will need to visit AHS-7 when you have completed your task. talk_p_proc->Node010 talk_p_proc->Node010 Node012 I can see by your emanations that you have succeeded in ridding the world of the polluting neurodynes of the Emperor. --- You see a well-dressed man. --- You see AHS-9, the Great and Terrible. talk_p_proc->Node012 Node004 I can't understand a word you're saying. Perhaps you should see Juan or Vikki about an alignment. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node024 Yes, my child? talk_p_proc->Node024 Node002 You are in the presence of AHS-9, the Great and Terrible. What is it you desire of him? talk_p_proc->Node002 doCallGuards talk_p_proc->doCallGuards Node998a Node032->Node998a No. Node032->Node998a No, I just want you to die. Node033 This, then, is my bargain: return to the Shi and eliminate Ken Lee and the Emperor. I will repay you with more money than you have ever dreamed. Node032->Node033 Yes. Node035->Node998a Yes, let's. Die. Node010->Node024 I'm working on it. I have some questions. Node999 Node010->Node999 Not yet. I'll get back to you. Node23a Node010->Node23a Oh, AHS-9, I come bearing a letter from your agent in NCR. I bow to your glory. Node011 Greetings to you as well. Now, please finish your job so that I may aid you. Node010->Node011 Unh-uh [Not yet. I just wanted to say hi.] Node013 If you go to Shi-town's docks, you will find the PMV Valdez. Enter the ship. Head to your right, and up to the captain's station. Hit the Go button, and the tanker will sail you to your destination. --- You see a well-dressed man. --- You see AHS-9, the Great and Terrible. Node012->Node013 Jirsa! [Yes, I have. How is your part of the bargain coming along?] Node019 You have killed the Emperor and destroyed his minions? Node012->Node019 Yes, I have. Now I require your assistance in helping my people. Node004->Node999 Anks! Node024->Node999 Oh, nothing. Forget it. Node031 The ESS Quetzel will launch when the stars are right. Node024->Node031 When does the spaceship take off? Node2526 Node024->Node2526 Do you have any tasks for me? Node030 Child, there are some things you are not meant to know for now. [He smiles benignly.] Node024->Node030 Where does all the money we provide go? Node002->Node999 Nothing, sorry. Node34 Node002->Node34 Agh a nu, AHS! Node21a Node002->Node21a The Enlightened One in NCR wanted me to deliver a letter. She said something about a reward? Node023 Ahh, a letter from my field agent. Pity she calls herself "The Enlightened One" - it shows that she truly is not enlightened. You have my gratitude. Node002->Node023 The Enlightened One in NCR wanted me to deliver a letter. Here you go. Node002->Node23a Oh, AHS-9, I come bearing a letter from your agent in NCR. I bow to your glory. Node014 Flying ships? You must be referring to the Enclave and their vertibirds. Node002->Node014 I'm looking for my people. I heard they came down this way in flying ships. Node022 Address your questions to AHS-7. I am AHS-9, the Great and Terrible, and I have many matters on my mind. Trouble me not, meat. Node002->Node022 I have many questions for you, AHS-9. Node002->Node998a Your death. Good bye, old man. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a well-dressed man. --- You see AHS-9, the Great and Terrible. description_p_proc You see a well-dressed man. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node34->Node004 Node003 Yes, my child? Node34->Node003 Node021 A letter from the Enlightened One? Is that what she calls herself now? Bah. [he takes the letter from you] And she promised a reward? You have a reward - my gratitude. Good day. Node21a->Node021 Node023->Node999 Great. Bye. TakeLetter You see a well-dressed man. --- You see AHS-9, the Great and Terrible. Node023->TakeLetter Node2224 Node023->Node2224 No problem. I have a question or two, though. Node23a->Node023 Node015 Trust me, child, you are referring to the Enclave. Node014->Node015 Yeah, I guess so. Node016 The Enclave are a remnant of the past - a neurodyne that has yet to be aligned. They have hidden bases all over the shards of old California, and their strongest stronghold is off to the west, over the waters. Node014->Node016 Enclave? Enclave who? Node022->Node999 Whatever. Node022->Node998a If you won't answer my questions, you'll answer my weapons. Node998a->Node998 Node003->Node999 Poopy pants! [Well, thanks for your time. I have to be running along now. A pleasure talking to you.] Node005 Of course, child. The alignment has cleared your basic neurodynes and aligned them with mine and the spokes of the Great Wheel. What do you need? Node003->Node005 Hinchoaf? [You can understand me?] Node006 If you'll agree to do me a favor, I can help you, child. Node003->Node006 Aagga diggle doodle doo! [Oh, thank goodness. I'm looking for my people. I need to get over the big water.] Node005->Node999 B-b-b-enny [Nothing, thanks. It's just nice being able to talk to you. Bye!] Node005->Node006 Aagga diggle doodle doo! [Oh, thank goodness. I'm looking for my people. I need to get over the big water.] Node007 My counterpart, The Emperor of Shi-town, has been making my life miserable. I'd like you to end his. In return, I'll make sure you can get where you need to be. Node006->Node007 Oik? [What is it? I'd be happy to be of assistance.] Node008 If you change your mind, let me know. Remember, I may be the only way you have of reaching your family. Node006->Node008 No! Node007->Node008 No! Node009a Node007->Node009a Ays! [I'll do it.] Node008->Node999 Didgeroo! [Thanks, I'd rather not owe anyone. So long!] Node008->Node007 Ok. [What is this favor?] Node009 Good. Let me know when you're done, and I'll begin making inquiries into ways we can achieve your goal at the same time. Farewell, child. Node009a->Node009 Node009->Node999 D'bye! [So long, AHS-9. You're a great man.] Node011->Node999 Ng! Ng! [Yes, sir!] Node013->Node999 Anks! [It has been a pleasure, AHS-9. I wish you all the best. Good bye.] Node020 Then there is no one who can stand in my way! But I see no need to be beholden to a mere tool. Farewell - and good riddance! Node019->Node020 Yes, I have. Node015->Node016 Yeah, okay. How do I find them? Node017 That, my child, you will have to discover on your own. Ask around and you shall find the truth. Node016->Node017 How do I get there? Node018 Child, I am AHS-9.  I see many things that transpire in the fleshy world. Do you have more questions, or may I return to my meditations? Node016->Node018 How do you know all this? Node017->Node002 Very helpful. I have more questions. Node017->Node999 Whatever. Bye. Node017->Node018 How do you know all this? Node018->Node002 More questions. Node018->Node999 Return to your meditations. I'm done. Node020->Node999 Oh. Well, if that's the way it's got to be. So long. Node020->Node998a Why, you scumbag. I'm going to kill you now. Node021->Node999 Gee, great. Bye. Node021->Node998a That's it? Old man, you're dead. Node021->TakeLetter Node021->Node2224 Err, I had some questions. Node2224->Node024 Node2224->Node022 Node031->Node024 Right-o. I have more questions. Node031->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node025 My counterpart, The Emperor of Shi-town, has been making my life miserable. I'd like you to end his. In return, I'll make sure you can get where you need to be. Node2526->Node025 Node026 Seek out Badger, whose caustic presence holds those  pathetic tanker vagrants together. Rid our fair city of him. When you have done so, visit AHS-7. Node2526->Node026 Node036 All our needs have been met. Now it is time for me to meditate. Node2526->Node036 Node030->Node024 All right. I have more questions. Node030->Node999 Hm. Bye. NodeRecruit Node025->NodeRecruit Sure thing, boss. See ya. Node027a I was not aware I had made it a request, child. Kill him! Node025->Node027a I'd rather not. NodeRecruit->Node999 Node027a->NodeRecruit Oh, all right. I'll do it. Node028 You disobey the commands of AHS-9, the Great and Terrible? Then you shall die. Node027a->Node028 No. NodeBadger Node026->NodeBadger Sure thing, boss. See ya. Node027b I was not aware I had made it a request, child. Kill him! Node026->Node027b I'd rather not. NodeBadger->Node999 Node027b->NodeBadger Oh, all right. I'll do it. Node027b->Node028 No. Node028->Node998a Bring it on. Node029 Too late, meat. You have shown you cannot be trusted. Die! Node028->Node029 Wait, I changed my mind. Node029->Node998a -done- Node033->Node998a No, I don't think so. Node034a Node033->Node034a You've got a deal, fat man. Node034 Then go and smite those troublesome souls. I await word of your success. [He smiles beatifically.] Node034a->Node034 Node034->Node999 So long. Node034->Node998a No, wait, I changed my mind. I want you dead. Node036->Node024 All right. I have more questions. Node036->Node036 Return to your meditations. I'm done.