fcronmey checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc critter_p_proc->talk_p_proc Node014 You made a bad mistake messin' with the Captain and his friends... talk_p_proc->Node014 Node001 What the hell do you want? I don't speak to anyone unless they're friends or good people. Do something for one of my buddies and then come talk to me. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 I heard what you did for my men. Thanks. What can I help you with? --- Good to see you again. What do you need? talk_p_proc->Node002 Node998 Node014->Node998 Node999 Oh, yeah. You gotta get the navigation computer working as well.  I bet you'd find parts for it in one of those old vaults. Node002->Node999 Nothing. Node003 I'm the Captain. I run the ship. Any more questions, go talk to one of the Shi or Badger or someone. I don't have time for you. Node002->Node003 You who? Node004 This ship's a Poseidon tanker. It's equipped with tech that lasted through the war. It's got a FOB that allows access to the navigation computer room, and it's got an IFF transponder that protects it from Poseidon guns. Node002->Node004 I hear you're the one who knows all about this ship. Node005 I used to serve with the Enclave. Then I realized it wasn't the USA I was fighting for; it was for the rich old bastards who didn't want to give up their power. I deserted and now I live here with more honest people. Node002->Node005 Why do they call you the Captain? Node006 How do you pilot this rig? Well, I see you already gassed her up. When you've taken care of everthing else, just press the button. The computer will take care of the rest, if it's still working. It'll sail right out to the oil rig, and they won't fire at you because you've got the IFF transponder. Just make sure you've got what you need to access everything: FOB, working computer, and fuel. Easy enough, huh? --- How do you pilot this rig? Fill 'er up with some gas - try the Hubologists or the Shi after you've taken care of everything else - and press the button. The computer will take care of the rest, if it's still working. It'll sail right out to the oil rig, and they won't fire at you because you've got the IFF transponder. Just make sure you've got what you need to access everything: FOB, working computer, and fuel. Easy enough, huh? Node002->Node006 How do you get this thing to go? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see someone wearing a captain's hat. --- You see Captain A. Ron Meyers description_p_proc You see a punk in tattered clothes wearing a captain's hat. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node999->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node003->Node999 -done- Node004->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node004->Node005 How do you know all this? Node004->Node006 How do you get it to go? Node007 IFF: Identify Friend or Foe. It means that this ship is identified as a friend, so other Poseidon things - like, say, an oil rig - won't fire at you when you come into range.  Oh, and a FOB is some sort of Enclave technology that let's you enter a door electronically.  You'd probably find one of them at one of their bases or some such place. Node004->Node007 What's an IFF transponder? Node005->Node999 Bye. Node005->Node006 How do you get this thing to go? Node008 Yes. With these people, you know exactly where you stand. They don't play games. The Enclave was like a pack of hyenas - they'd turn on you in a second. Node005->Node008 More honest people? These guys? Node009 The Enclave is remnants of old times. If you take this thing across the water to the rig, you'll find out for yourself. Node005->Node009 What exactly is the Enclave? Node006->Node999 Yes. Bye. Node006->Node005 Sure. How do you know all this? Node006->Node007 What's an IFF transponder and a FOB? Node011 There's a big Poseidon oil rig left out on the water. That's the final base of the Enclave, and unless I miss my bet, that's where your friends are, too. Node006->Node011 What oil rig? Node007->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node007->Node005 How do you know all this? Node007->Node011 What oil rig? Node008->Node009 What exactly is the Enclave? Node010 Easy enough. I just left the Navarro base one day and headed down here. I figured it was the last place anyone would look. Besides, I'm not important enough for the Enclave to look for me - I'm just a loose end. Node008->Node010 How did you hook up with them? Node009->Node006 How do I pilot it? Node009->Node011 What rig? Node011->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node012 Word gets around. Node011->Node012 How do you know all this? Node013 Beats me. I was a Navarro tech, not a rig operator. We talked to them over the comm lines, and that was about the extent of it. Node011->Node013 What else is going on out there on the rig? Node010->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node010->Node009 What exactly is the Enclave? Node012->Node999 I see. Bye. Node012->Node013 I see. What else is going on out there on the rig? Node013->Node999 Thanks. Bye. Node013->Node006 I see. How do I pilot this again?