fsfobter checkPartyMembersNearDoor start use_p_proc That doesn't work. look_at_p_proc You see a keyless entry system. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" description_p_proc This console has a black plate attached to it with a red light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" --- This console has a black plate attached to it with a green light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" use_skill_on_p_proc It is a remote keyless door system. This usually requires a magnetic key of some sort. --- This console has a black plate attached to it with a red light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" --- This console has a black plate attached to it with a green light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" use_obj_on_p_proc You see a keyless entry system. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" --- You see a keyless entry system. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here" damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc [click] The light on the black panel turns green. --- Nothing happens. --- [click] The light on the black panel turns red.