fsphysta checkPartyMembersNearDoor start talk_p_proc Node003 Incorrect password. Please speak to the system administrator. Goodbye. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node008 Station deactivated. talk_p_proc->Node008 Node001 Greetings. Please confirm your identity. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node003->Node999 ::leave:: NodeHack Node003->NodeHack ::hack into computer:: Node008->Node999 -leave- Node001->Node999 [Oooh! Look at the flashing lights!] Node001->Node999 Log Out. NodeGuess Node001->NodeGuess ::guess password:: Node002 Physics database: -Exploration- -Theory- Node001->Node002 KSLJKJ:Ken-Lee-97313 Node001->NodeHack ::hack into computer:: destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a computer terminal. --- You see the physics station. description_p_proc You see a functional computer terminal. use_skill_on_p_proc use_p_proc The computer does not respond to any input. use_skill_on_p_proc->use_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc You can't seem to find anywhere to put that. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc NodeGuess->Node003 Node009 Somehow, you randomly type in a sequence of letters and wind up gaining access! How lucky can you get? NodeGuess->Node009 Node002->Node008 Deactivate Station. Node56 Node002->Node56 Exploration... Node007 (After wading through the introduction and the mathematics, you discover that the Shi are learning to develop nuclear power again, rebuilding the space travel theories of the ancients - and they mock the Hubologists while doing so - and harnessing the energy of the sun, wind, and sea. At least, that's what the notes read like.) Node002->Node007 Theory... NodeHack->Node002 NodeHack->Node002 Node004 Intruder alert activated. Shutting down. Have a nice day. NodeHack->Node004 Node005 "With recent acquisition of vertibird plans, the possibility of creating a practical flying machine has taken a quantum leap forward. We expect to have a working prototype by the end of the year, and the ability to mass-produce such vehicles within two years." -Dr. Wong Node56->Node005 Node006 "We are still preparing a working model of an aerial vehicle. None of the designs we have created have proven to be safe or aerodynamic. Perhaps if we had access to the plans of the ancients..."-Dr. Wong Node56->Node006 Node007->Node002 Back. Node004->Node999 -done- Node005->Node002 Back. NodePlans Node005->NodePlans ::copy plans:: Back. Node010 Copying plans..... Copy complete... Returning to... I/O error... GPF... Terminal Deactivating. NodePlans->Node010 Node006->Node002 Back. Node009->Node002 -more- Node010->Node999 -done-