gcharold checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node021 I’d rather look like this than look like you and have to be you. You are a bonehead. Get the hell outta here. --- You’re like that bad booger ya can’t shake off your finger. But I’m still shaking.... Oh look, there ya go! --- Well, look what the wind pooped in. My favorite turd. Why don’tcha just squish on outta here? --- Wanna know how to keep an idjit in suspense? --- Hey, I was hoping you’d show up. You won a prize for bein' the biggest jerk. There’s a party in your honor ten miles north of town. Better hurry. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node018 I just let a big fart and it still doesn’t cover your stink. Why don’t you just drift outta here? talk_p_proc->Node018 Node002 Well, golly-be-damned, smoothskin. You did us a great favor helping out our power plant. The name’s Harold. I keep this town running. --- Hello there, smoothskin. The name’s Harold. I help keep this town running. --- Whatcha need, youngster? --- Mighty kind o' ya helping us out with the atomic power plant. We’re in your debt. Now, what can this cranky-old carcass do for ya? --- Whatcha need, youngster? --- You are somethin'. Just like the original. What can old Harold do for ya, Vault Dweller? --- Whatcha need, youngster? --- Whatcha need, youngster? talk_p_proc->Node002 Node999 Node018->Node999 Put a sock in it ya smelly old ghoul. Goodbye. Node019 That’s a start, but you’re gonna have to do better. Node018->Node019 Okay, but first I wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier. Node002->Node999 Hello, Harold. Just passing through. Goodbye. Node014 You cut with the dull edge of the knife, don’t ya?  You don’t look like an orange peel left in the sun all day. Your skin’s still soft and purty. Node002->Node014 Smoothskin? Why did you call me that? Node002->Node014 Smoothskin? Why did you call me that? Node002->Node014 Smoothskin? Why did you call me that? Node002->Node014 Smoothskin? Why did you call me that? Node012 Oh. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you something else. Node002->Node012 Vault Dweller? I’m not a Vault Dweller. Node003 Wha-whatever it takes to keep this place together. Better job on it than me. Node002->Node003 Hello, Harold. What do you do here? Node033 Well, you might try talking to Wooz over in the Harp. You can’t miss it - it’s just across the way. Node002->Node033 Is there someplace I can barter or re-supply here? Node034 Jealous? His name’s Herbert. I talk to him when I get lonely... Heh heh. Just kiddin'... His name’s Bob. Node002->Node034 Is that a tree growing out of your head? Node035 A Garden of Eden Creation Kit? A GECK, right? I seem to remember Vaults had those. Don’t know where you’d find one today. Node002->Node035 You must know if there’s something called a Garden of Eden Creation kit here. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a particularly leathery-looking Ghoul. description_p_proc You see Harold. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node910 Node008 Who’d a thought I’d be making things right? Although if we don’t get a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator pretty damn quick, there is gonna be trouble. Node910->Node008 Node007 Uh, yeah, that would be bad. Now, I got things fixed up in time, but we came close to the end there. They need someone to watch out for ‘em. Node910->Node007 Node008->Node002 Hmm, sounds like a real problem all right. Let me ask you something else. Node005 Well, technically... it’s a thingie. Node008->Node005 What the hell is Hydra-magna-whateveraltor? Node008->Node999 Well, I’ve taken enough of your valuable time. Goodbye. Node048 Without a functional Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator we’re leaking radioactive coolant into the groundwater. Now that means, anyone using that water is not gunna need a night-light to take a midnight piss. Also, we need more fuel because our power plant is not burnin’ it very efficiently. --- We need a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator and it needs to be installed soon or we have got some real problems. Node008->Node048 Trouble? What kind of trouble? Node007->Node008 Good thing you’re here to help them. Node995 Node996 Node997 Node004 Well, we’re doing better now you’ve fixed our reactor. I’d never thought anybody’d get those idjits in Vault City to help us out. --- You know, it’s not so bad now. You fix the power plant, then you get the info we need to make it good-as-new. Golly-be-damned, ain’t you somethin'?! --- Well, sorta. Our atomic reactor’s a mite...sensitive. The people I got running it mean well, but... well, they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. If you know what I mean. Node997->Node004 Node997->Node005 Node004->Node999 Well, I’d love to stay and chat with you but I’ve got things to do and places to go. Good luck. Node011 Mighty kind a'ya. Not many smoothskins would do that for a town full of ghouls. Kinda reminds me of a smoothie I knew, way back when. --- You know, you’re a lot like the Vault Dweller. Node004->Node011 I didn’t want to see Vault City destroy your town. Node026 Their best interest? What do you mean? Node004->Node026 Well, I didn’t want to see Vault City destroy your town. Besides it was in their best interest to fix your power plant as well. Node004->Node026 Well, since it’s in Vault City’s best interest to fix up your reactor, it wasn’t too hard to get the Optimization info from them. Node009 Heck, if it weren’t for you, them damn idjits in Vault City woulda laid us out for the big dirt nap. Node004->Node009 I don’t like to complete any job only half-way. Node006 Need a little time on the whetstone yourself, huh? I mean they are not too bright. Here’s an example. The other day I get a report. On it, it says the main coolant valve should be shut down. That woulda caused a meltdown that would make the Grand Canyon look like a pig wallow. Node004->Node006 What do you mean? Node005->Node048 Okay, what does it do? Node014->Node002 Got me there. I’ll try to make my next question a little more worthwhile. Node014->Node002 Oh. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you something else. Node014->Node999 Uh, well, I better be going. Goodbye. Node015 Funny ideas? Well, you mean like skinning you alive with a rusty, dull, old knife and then grafting your still-warm, wet, glistening, oh-so-soft, skin over my crusty-rotten gook? Node014->Node015 You just better not be getting any funny ideas about my soft skin. Node012->Node002 Uh, well, I better be going. Goodbye. Node013 Funny ideas? Well, you mean like skinning you alive with a rusty, dull, old knife and then grafting your still-warm, wet, glistening, oh-so-soft, skin over my crusty-rotten gook? Node012->Node013 You just better not be getting any funny ideas about my soft skin. Node003->Node004 This place is coming apart? Node03a Yep, but I’m doing great for being dead! I never get tired of the looks when I tell that one. Node003->Node03a You don’t sound so good. Node033->Node002 Thanks. Let me ask you something else. Node033->Node999 Thanks, that’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node034->Node002 Right...Well, maybe you or Bob will know the answer to this. Node034->Node999 Thanks, that’s way more than I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node035->Node002 Thanks. Let me ask you something else. Node035->Node999 Thanks, that’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node03a->Node002 Dead, you say? Well, in that case you’re doing great. So good you can answer my next question. Node03a->Node004 Ahh, right....So you say the place is falling apart? Node011->Node002 Happy to help. Let me ask you about something else though. Node011->Node002 Thanks. I’m hoping to live up to my ancestor. Let me ask you something else while I'm here that might help. Node011->Node999 Got me there. I’ll try to make my next question a little more worthwhile. Node037 Another smoothskin. Had a lot of respect for that one. Node011->Node037 Another smoothie? What do you mean? Node026->Node999 Wow, it’s much later than I thought it was. I better be going. Goodbye. Node027 Economic data? You didn’t give them that information th-that Gordon keeps flapping his yap about, did you? Node026->Node027 Well, according to some economic data I got hold of Vault City is much better off if they help you to repair your power plant. Node028 Yeah, well, I’m sure some bonehead, very much like yourself, said the same thing about the Master. Node026->Node028 I mean, it’s always better to try to get along with others. Node029 Nothing, huh? I’m not buyin' it. You just put us in a bind. Why don’t you skidaddle while I thinka what to do. Node026->Node029 Uh, nothing. Node009->Node002 Happy to help out, Harold. Let me ask you about something else, though. Node009->Node011 I couldn’t let Vault City kill all of you. Node006->Node007 That sounds bad. Node048->Node002 Sorry to hear it. Let me ask you about something else. Node048->Node999 I think I’m going to have to leave you to your troubles for right now. Goodbye. Node049 Well, I’m certain those ornery bastards in Vault City have one. Not that they’d share. Hell, even if we had one of those thingies, I’m not so certain Festus could install the dang thing. Node048->Node049 Sounds bad. Where would you get a Hydro magnetosomething-or-other? Node050 If we don’t get it, you can bet those boneheads from Vault City will shut down our power plant, permanently. Node048->Node050 What happens if you don’t get the part? Node051 We get our fuel from the Broken Hills. That’s a mining community some ways south. Node048->Node051 Who do you buy your fuel from? Node038 Well, I could probably remember if I wasn’t dead. I never get tired of that joke. Node037->Node038 Who was that? Node013->Node002 Hey! You just keep the hell away from me. I’m getting out of here while I still have my skin! Node013->Node999 Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. Good call. Node017 More skin! ... Need more skin! (chuckles) What happ'n? Drop your sense of humor in the dust on the way into town? Node015->Node017 Hey! You just keep the hell away from me. I’m getting out of here while I still have my skin! Node016 Well, you don’t have anything to worry about....can’t find my knife. Node015->Node016 Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. Good call. Node017->Node002 I’ve got a lot on my mind, all right? I need some more information. Node017->Node999 I think I’ll go look for it. Goodbye. Node016->Node002 How ‘bout I change the subject with another question? Node016->Node999 Well, you just better keep your grubby mitts off my skin. Goodbye. Node019->Node999 Okay, how ‘bout this? If I had jerky that looked half as bad as you do I’d burn it just to keep from poisoning any scavengers that might happen upon it. Bye. Node020 Well, alright. But you’d better stop being a bonehead. --- Well, I tell ya youngster. Nice try but yer still an idjit. Maybe this’ll be the lesson you need. You are outta here. Node019->Node020 I don’t know what else to say. I guess I just don’t deal well with things that are new to me. I am sorry, though. Node020->Node002 I’m sorry. Now that we’ve got that settled. Let me ask you something. Node020->Node999 Okay, goodbye. Node027->Node999 Uh, no, of course not. Node030 Why?! Now Vault City knows just how much we need uranium ore from Broken Hills. They could cut off them shipments and we’d be finished. Node027->Node030 Uh, yes I did. Why? Node028->Node999 Sounds like a great story. Wish I had time to hear it but I gotta go. Node028->Node999 The Master? My ancestor killed him! Node029->Node999 Uh, sorry. Node029->Node999 Yeah, sure. Why don’t you just do that. Geez, try to help some people.... Node030->Node999 I didn’t know that was what they’d use the information for. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Node032 Reasonable? Reasonable! Well, I’m sure people said the Master was reasonable, too. What a bonehead. Get the hell out. Now! Node030->Node032 Oh, it can’t be as bad as all that. They seemed like reasonable people to me. Node032->Node999 Maybe they have the right idea. Maybe it’s time to put an end to freaks like you. Goodbye. Node032->Node999 Uh, well, I uh, that is. Goodbye. Node031 Well, I sure hope not. Those idjits in Vault City hate ghouls. They’d cut off our ore shipments from Broken Hills in a white-hot minute. Then they’d set the terms. Wouldn’t be long until Gecko’d be a slave camp. Node031->Node002 Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t tell them anything like that then. Heh, heh. Hey, let me ask you something else. Node031->Node999 Well, shit happens. Sometimes it happens to you. Goodbye. Node031->Node032 Oh, I’m sure they wouldn’t do that. They seem pretty reasonable. Node036 Just talk to my assistant, Lenny. He’ll be able to fix ya right up. Node036->Node002 Thanks. Let me ask you something else. Node036->Node999 Thanks, that’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node38a Well, to be honest, can’t remember the name. But they wore a funny suit. Kinda like the one you’re wearing. Node038->Node38a Maybe you don’t... Node039 That so? Well, well, well. That explains a thing or two. I wondered why you looked familiar. I’m not losing the last coupla marbles I got left. Node38a->Node039 I’m wearing the Vault Suit that my ancestor wore. It’s a totem of my holy quest. Node040 Yea, it looked just like that. Come to think of it, it had a 13 on it too. Node38a->Node040 Oh, this old thing? Node041 There is a resemblance. Near as I can remember, anyways. You know, your ancestor saved the whole darn lot of us. Node039->Node041 We really look alike? Node039->Node041 Tell me what the Vault Dweller was like. Node040->Node039 Actually, this is the suit of my ancestor, the Vault Dweller. Node38b No lie? Node38b->Node039 I’m wearing the Vault Suit that my ancestor wore. It’s a totem of my holy quest. Node38b->Node039 No lie? Node041->Node999 Thanks. It’s nice to know. Look, I have to run off for a bit. I’ll see you later. Node042 Jumpin’ to conclusions, youngster. That’s gonna get your ass shot off someday. All of us. Saved every two-legged-shuffler on the dang planet. Node041->Node042 The Vault Dweller saved all of the ghouls? Node042->Node999 I think I’ve heard enough for now. Goodbye. Node043 Well. Now ya do. And what happened next? For a thank you, the damn high-and-mighty Vaulties booted the Vault Dweller out. I always wondered what happened after that. Node042->Node043 I didn’t realize that. Node043->Node002 Enough reminiscing let me ask you something else. Node044 Well, I’d sure like to hear that. Node043->Node044 I can tell you what happened. Node045 Thanks for telling. I sure was curious all these years. You sure got your work cut out for ya. Huh, ya know.... Node044->Node045 The legend of the Vault Dweller starts with the Vault casting him out into the dry Wastes.... [You tell Harold the story of your ancestor]…and so that’s why I’m looking for Vault 13 now. Node045->Node999 I’ve taken enough of your time already. I better be going. Goodbye. Node046 Well, I been saving these for a rainy day, but it sounds like you're gonna need'em more than I ever will. Here, take these. --- I was gonna give you some healing supplies but damn me if I didn’t do that already. I tell you, gettin’ old’s hell on the memory. Node045->Node046 Know what? Node046->Node002 Thanks. Let me ask you about something though. Node046->Node999 Thanks for everything. I better be going though. Goodbye. Node049->Node999 Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your mind. Goodbye. Node053 Well, they’d only help us if they thought it was in their own best interest to do so. Huh. Not much chance of that happening. Node049->Node053 Vault City wouldn’t give you the part? Even if it means that the groundwater won’t be polluted anymore? Node052 Take dirt naps. Vault City doesn’t play nice. They’ll just come up here and kill all of us if we don’t get that part. Well, at least I’ll have a tree for a monument. Node050->Node052 What will you do then? Node051->Node999 Hmm, I think I should let you figure this out on your own. Goodbye. Node051->Node049 Interesting. Where would you get one of those Hydro magnetosomething-or-others? Node051->Node050 What happens if you don’t get that Hydro-part? Node054 They shoot ghouls on sight. Makes conversation a bit tricky. Node053->Node054 Hmm, you may be right. Still if someone could convince them that they should help you…. Node052->Node002 Sounds like you need that Hydro-thingy pretty badly. Let me ask you something else right now, though. Node052->Node999 Sounds like trouble. I need to run off and see what I can do. Bye. Node052->Node048 What was the name of that part again? Node054->Node002 Yes, it would. Right now I’ve got another question. Node054->Node999 Hey, you never know. I’ll see you later. Node054->Node048 I wonder if someone else could tell them. Node920