gcpacoff checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 ENCLAVE here. Why isn’t your video feed working? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 Who the hell is this? Node001->Node002 Uh, it’s working just fine. I can see you. Node001->Node002 It’s broken. Node003 That didn’t make a damn bit of difference. I’m still not gettin' a damn thing. Who are you? --- Well, your unit still doesn’t appear to be operational, Pal. Who is this? Node001->Node003 We’re working on the visual link right now. I just wanted to test it. Node999 Node001->Node999 (Logoff.) destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc description_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node004 Now, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. How would you like to play dodge-the-plasma with the Assault Squad? Huh? --- Oh? A wise guy, huh? Look, I’m tracing you right now, pal. We’ll see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass. Dickhead! Node002->Node004 Uh, we’re all fine here. How are you? Node005 Try the gain. Node002->Node005 This is caau, rit, sss, pu-, -ear me. Over. Node006 Chosen One, huh? Well, uh, pardon me for not blowing sunshine up your ass, but I’m a little too busy for this bullshit. Node002->Node006 I’m the Chosen One, so you just better watch your language. Node007 Unit Three? I thought you were still at Navarro base? Node002->Node007 This is Unit Three reporting in. Node003->Node999 That’s for me to know and you to find out. Goodbye. Node003->Node005 Please repeat. Over. Node003->Node006 I’m the Chosen One. Node920 Node003->Node920 I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you. Node930 Node003->Node930 Well, that’s not unusual, is it? Nothing works right anymore. Node004->Node999 I’d love to stick around and talk to all of your pals about that bridal shower you’ve been planning but I've got better things to do with my time. Goodbye. Node004->Node999 Well, I, uh, I’ve got to be going. Goodbye. Node014 Ah, a few more moments and I’ll have your sorry ass in a sling. Hey, wait a minute. This can’t be right... I’ve got you somewhere on the mainland. Node004->Node014 Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Node004->Node014 I’ve got your trace for you, and I can show you just where to shove it. Node004->Node014 You’re putting a trace on me? Well, I’m putting a trace on you too, pal. Node005->Node003 There… that should do it. Any better? Node005->Node003 Gain? What am I’m supposed to gain? I keep pretty active, I don’t think I can gain anything. Node005->Node999 I’ll just try back later. Goodbye. Node006->Node999 Well, I think I’ve had just about enough of your insolence. Goodbye, peasant. Node006->Node004 Kneel before me and I may spare your life. Gee, I like the sound of that. Node006->Node004 I no longer insist upon genuflecting. A slight bow to kiss my ring should be sufficient. Node008 Huh, ain’t it the truth. Just don’t let anyone who’s got the President’s ear hear that. You’ll be making cattle-runs to New Reno ‘til the end of time, pal. Node006->Node008 Uh, I meant I was the one *chosen* to fix the comm-unit. Seems like nothing works anymore. Node007->Node999 Your signal’s breaking up. Goodbye. Node007->Node004 Navarro base? Oh yeah, Navarro base. That’s where we are. Sure. I knew that. Node019 You had to get out? Why? You’re on the coast. You got great defenses. I didn’t hear anything about that....Hey, who the hell is this anyway? Node007->Node019 No, we had to get out of there. Node920->Node004 Node920->Node008 Node930->Node004 Node930->Node008 Node015 I’ve got you, at Poseidon Oil, reactor number 5. Ah, well, why don’t you just sit tight and I’ll order up a little celebration for ya. Including fireworks. Node014->Node015 That’s right, sucker. Right where you can’t get me. Node014->Node015 Yeah, I’m at the Poseidon Oil power plant number 12. Come and get me. Node016 Yeah well, whoever you are, I just dispatched a verti-assault team to your location. Have a nice day. Node014->Node016 That can’t be right. I’m at the comm desk right across the hall from you....Made you look. What a rube. Node008->Node999 Well, no rest for the wicked. I better get back to fixing this. Goodbye. Node010 Yeah, you know how unhappy he gets when people complain. He takes it personal, like it’s a loyalty thing. Maybe that just goes with being the President of the United States. Or what’s left of ‘em. Node008->Node010 The President? Node011 Oh, very funny. But you’d have a great place to recover from your run — at least from what I hear. Node008->Node011 Only got two legs. I’d be pretty tired by the time I got there. Node019->Node999 Yeah, well, we took Navarro and I found those nude pictures of your mother. Or was that just your dad cross-dressing again? No wonder you’re so fucking ugly. Goodbye, asshole. Node019->Node004 I am the great and powerful Willie. Kneel before me and entreat my forgiveness and I may yet spare thee. Node019->Node004 Nobody important. Where’s this Navarro again? Node010->Node999 Maybe so. You know, I better get back to work. Goodbye. Node010->Node004 I didn’t vote for him. I thought he was too interested in getting laid. I prefer a candidate that’s too old to get it up anymore—keeps their mind on the job more. Node012 The President of the United-fucking-States-of-America. Who’d you think I was talking about? Who the fu - Who is - What - I should kick your fucking ass, who is this? Node010->Node012 The President of the United States? Node011->Node999 Well, I better get back to work. Gotta get this link fixed. Goodbye. Node013 This is ENCLAVE main comm. ...But you should know that. Who are you? Node011->Node013 So you’re not in New Reno then? Node009 Yeah, that’s a new one. Since my video’s working you can see I’m rolling on the floor here. It does seem like everything’s a damn secret though, huh?. All the special ops on the mainland. I don’t see how anything gets done. Node009->Node013 On the mainland? Why, where are you? Node020 Yeah, you can say that again. And everything’s always tighter out here at ENCLAVE and the fuckin' President's watching us like a hawk. Node009->Node020 Well, it’s like that all over. Node013->Node999 Nobody important. Goodbye. Node013->Node004 Oh, I’m just…hey, you ever notice that cooked gecko tastes kind of like brahmin butt. Node013->Node006 I’m the Chosen One and you’ll learn to remember that. Node020->Node999 Well, that’s how things go. Well, I better get back to work. Goodbye. Node020->Node013 Out here? Where are you exactly? Node020->Node012 The President? Node012->Node999 Uh, I better be going. Lots of work to do here. Goodbye. Node012->Node004 You’re not important enough for that information. Node015->Node999 I’m not anyone important. I’m going to go now. Goodbye. Node015->Node016 Oh, goodie. I just lo-ove fireworks. Send me a lot. Node015->Node016 I’m the Chosen One. You just better make sure you say that with a smile. Node016->Node999 Well, I better get going then. I’d hate for them to show up before I get the red carpet all unrolled. Goodbye. Node017 Usually they just go in shooting. They let someone else sift through the ashes to figure out what was going on. Node016->Node017 And what are they going to do? Node017->Node999 Yeah, sure. I’ve killed better. Goodbye. Node018 Goodbye. Next news on you will be when I read the after-action report. Node017->Node018 Yeah, well, they aren’t going to catch me. Node017->Node018 Oh, now you’ve got me all scared. I need to change my undies. Node017->Node018 Well, I’d hate to think I spent all day yesterday polishing my guns for nothing. Node018->Node999 Yeah, sure whatever. Node018->Node999 Hey, you just went on my list. Node998