gcpercy checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node004 Thankee-kindly for findin' my pal Woody. Now what kin ol' Percy do fer ya? --- Hello there, Percy Crump here, Master Merchant in this locality. But you kin call me just plain ole Percy. Yes, you can. Heck, everybody does. Now, what can I do ya' for? --- What can ole Percy do fer ya? talk_p_proc->Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node001 By gosh and by golly. I just shore cain't thank you enough fer gettin' my friend back. Gee-whillikers. I've got to give ya sumpin' fer yer troubles. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 You shore you don't want to help ole Percy out with his problem? I shore could use the help. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 You find Woody yet? I'm a-gettin' real worried-like. He ain't never been gone so long afore. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node999 Node004->Node999 Uh, nothing really, I was just looking around. Goodbye. Node004->Node999 Goo? Me go bye-bye. Node006 Why I shore do, heck, got all kinds of stuff here fer the right price I do. --- Get everything you need or do you want some more? Node004->Node006 I was wondering if you had anything I could buy or trade for? Node004->Node006 Trade? Node005 Jist wanna congra-chew-late you fer makin' our atomic reactor run so purdy. She's a purrin' like a kitten now. Anyhow's, t'other than that, my friend Woody's done gone missin'. --- I gotta be thankee-kindly for fixin' up our Atomic Reactor. That dang fool Festus tweren't never no darn good. Anyhow's, t'other than that, my friend Woody's done gone missin'. --- Not a whole lot new here in town. I hear Wooz rooked some newbie out of a Black Orchid the other day.  Heh, heh, hee. Anyhow's, t'other than that, my friend Woody's done gone missin'. Node004->Node005 I was just wondering what's going on here in town. Node007 This big ole chest of antee-radee-ation medicine shore ain't doin' me no good. Jist about a hunnert-sumpin' years too late fer me ta use it. Heh, heh, heee. Here ya go, I'm findin' that friends is worth more'n more every year. Thanks...friend. Node001->Node007 I was glad to help you out. Node001->Node007 What do I get? Node001->Node007 Well, it better be worth it. That sure was a lot of work, and a lot of travelling too. Hazardous, that's what it was. I coulda been hurt. Node002->Node999 I didn't know you were going to pester me about that everytime I came in. Sheesh. Goodbye. Node002->Node006 Uh, let me think about it a bit longer. In the meantime, got anything to trade? Node008 Well you see, I had a friend, name o' Woody. That Woody, he can sleep like nobody I ever did see. What's worse, he likes to travel. Really likes to kick up the dust that one does. Node002->Node008 Well, why don't you tell me about it again. Node003->Node999 No, I sure haven't. I better get back out there and keep looking. Node003->Node006 Uh, not yet, but I'm still looking. Hey, do you have anything I could barter for? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a short ghoul. --- You see Percy Crump, the successful ghoul merchant. description_p_proc You see a shorter and rather stout ghoul. He's nattily attired-uh, for a ghoul, that is. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node007->Node999 I was glad to help you and Woody. Thanks for the meds. Node007->Node999 Cool, easy job for lotsa loot. I like it. Node006->Node999 That's it for me. Thanks, Percy. Goodbye. Node006->Node999 Oog. Me go bye-bye. Node006a Node006->Node006a Hmm, let's see what you've got. Node006->Node006a Let me take another look at your wares. Node006->Node006a Me want stuff? Node009 Well, that ain't so much of a problem, 'round here that is. But, last I heard Woody was goin' to take a stroll over to the Den. You know where the Den is? Node008->Node009 Okay. Node005->Node999 Oh, that's too bad. Well, I hate sad tales. I'll leave you alone with your grief. Goodbye. Node005->Node008 Well, tell me more about that. Node006a->Node006 Node011 Well, anyhows, like I been sayin' that ain't so much of a problem 'round Gecko. But, ya see, people in other parts ain't so usta the way we look. Node009->Node011 Yes, I know where the Den is. Go on. Node010 Oh, it's real easy to get to. Here: I'll mark it in for ya on your little mappy-thing-doohickie. Node009->Node010 Actually, I don't know where the Den is. Node012 Cain't ya put two an' two ta-gether? I'm worried that Woody might have takin' himself a nap in the Den - it's a long trip after all - and then they woulda buried the poor cuss alive! I need someone to go look fer 'im there. Node011->Node012 So? Node010->Node011 Hey, be careful with that! Okay, go on now. Node013 Well, I miss 'im. That's why. (Percy blinks, moistly, at you) Oh, I see, you wanna know what's in it for you? Node012->Node013 And...? Node014 Well, I know where I kin get ahold of a heck of a lot of pre-war stock of, jan-u-wine, Rad-X and RadAway. Don't do me no good no how, but I figure that outgha be worth sumpin to a smoothy like you. You gonna take the job fer me or not? I'll only pay ya off if'n I know Woody's safe. Node013->Node014 This is usually the part where I get more interested. Tell on. Node014->Node999 Let me think about it. Goodbye. Node015 It's a darn sight more'n you'll ever need, that's how much it is. You gonna do it? Node014->Node015 Just how much is a heck-of-a-lot? Node014a Node014->Node014a Yes, I'll do it. I'll get back to you soon. Node014b Node014->Node014b No, I don't think I want to help you out right now. Node015->Node999 Let me think about it. Goodbye. Node015->Node014a Yes, I'll do it. I'll get back to you soon. Node015->Node014b No, I don't think I want to help you out right now.