hcseymor checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc You replanted Seymour by the old-ghouls home. --- You see a spore plant. --- You see Seymour the spore plant. Node018 Oooh... the soil here feels so... different. Cleaner, somehow. Probably because I don't have to share it with those other plants. Ahhh. Oh! Yes! If you ever run across the Professor and his scorpion, remember this chess maneuver: It's called the Flying Liver Attack, and the scorpion cannot stand against it. talk_p_proc->Node018 Node013 Ahh, my friend, you have returned. This is quite a delightful place here. The shade is perfect, and the company is simply dazzling. That Typhon, what a kidder! He really makes my intellectual sap flow! talk_p_proc->Node013 Node015 My friend! Has the sun been shining upon you? How does your day flower? Are you ready for the move? I certainly am! talk_p_proc->Node015 Node001 Hi! Nice weather we've been having, huh? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node020 Have you had time to reconsider? Would you like to help me? talk_p_proc->Node020 Node999 Node018->Node999 Thanks. I'll try that out. Bye! Node019 I would also like to tell you that I happen to know the ghoul Typhon inside this building knows the whereabouts of a treasure trove. Perhaps that might be useful to you someday. Node018->Node019 'Anks! Node013->Node999 Bye. Node014 Well, it was about how to beat the professor's scorpion at chess. My friend, it is simplicity itself. The Flying Liver Attack is like a flytrap to that bug - it walks right into it and then can't extricate itself. I guarantee your success. Node013->Node014 Chess? Node013->Node014 What was that you mentioned about chess? Node015a Node015->Node015a 'Es! Node015->Node015a Let's go. Node017 That's a pity, that's a pity indeed. I do hope you'll change your mind at some point. Perhaps the pollen of your indecision will blow my way again. Good day. Node015->Node017 Nuh uh! No move! Node015->Node017 I've changed my mind. I don't want to help you. Node002 Yes, I do talk. Better than some people, it seems. I'd smile at you right now, but I just don't have a mouth. [it laughs] Say, could you do me a big favor? Node001->Node002 Yoo talk? Node007 Well said, well said! How delightful to see a homo sapiens use its brain to its fullest extent. My dear friend, would you be willing to do me a favor? Node001->Node007 Rrr? Node010 Oh, yes, the Professor. He grew me from a tiny spore and nurtured me... but I realized from an early age that if I were to act as smart as I truly am, he'd cut me into pieces to examine me. So, I played dumb and got planted out here. It's nice... but I'd like to branch out a little. Y'know, maybe get planted someplace else... Node001->Node010 Are you connected with that scientist in any way? Node008 Why, yes! Yes, it is! Very astute, friend, very astute. I can see you didn't germinate yesterday! My fine-stemmed companion, would you be so kind as to do me a favor? Node001->Node008 Excuse me, but is this the plant that's talking? Node006 If you should happen to change your mind, you know where to find me. I've put down roots here. Ha ha ha! Just a little plant humor for you. Oh, don't let me keep you. So long! Node020->Node006 Nuh! Node020->Node006 I think not. Node004 Great! All you have to do is find a shovel, dig me up, and plant me over there. When you do, I'll tell you a secret. Node020->Node004 'Es! Node009 Deee-lightful! I'm very, very pleased. Just find yourself a shovel and come on back. When you're done, maybe I can tell you a secret. My friend, I do hope you continue to flower. Node020->Node009 Sure. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a spore plant. --- You see Seymour the spore plant. description_p_proc You see a spore plant that somehow radiates an aura of intelligence. use_skill_on_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc Whoa, friend. Don't just start digging. We've got to strategize the move first. Let's talk it over. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node998 Node003 I'm looking for a better place to be. Right here is nice and all, but frankly, these plants aren't much for conversation.  I was thinking over there, by the building with all the ghouls in it... Would you replant me? Node002->Node003 'Es. Node002->Node006 Nuh. Node007->Node003 'Es. Node007->Node006 Nuh! Node010->Node999 Uh... huh. I gotta go. Bye. Node010->Node003 Right. What do you want? Node011 So does he still have the scorpion? That thing is a mean chess player... it has a lot of bark and plenty of bite, if you know what I mean... but I know how to beat him. If you do me a favor, I'll tell you how. Node010->Node011 "Branch out." Indeed. Node008->Node003 Sure. Node008->Node006 I don't think so. Node003->Node006 Nuh! Node003->Node006 I think not. Node003->Node004 'Es! Node003->Node009 Sure. Node006->Node999 Bye. Node006->Node999 Bye. Node004->Node006 Nuh uh. Node004a Node004->Node004a Okay! Node016 I'm so excited I could release a spore cloud all over myself! Let's go! Node004->Node016 Haf shuvl! Plant now! Node009->Node006 I changed my mind. Node009->Node016 It just so happens I have a shovel right here. Let's go. Node009a Node009->Node009a Um, right. So long. Node005 All right. Well, um... I'll be waiting here for you. Not like I really have a choice, you know. So long! Node004a->Node005 Node005->Node999 Byeeee! Node009a->Node999 Node011->Node999 That's fascinating. A chess-playing plant. How prosaic. Goodbye. Node012 My fine friend, if you will replant me near the ghouls' home over there, I will be happy to impart my deep-rooted knowledge of chess. Node011->Node012 Really? How? Node012->Node006 No thanks. I'll handle the scorpion on my own. Node012->Node009 It's a deal. Node014->Node999 'Anks! Bye! Node014->Node999 I appreciate the information! Bye! Node015a->Node016 Node021 Alas, you do not appear to have a shovel. Until you can find one, I can't go. I await your return with bated pistil. Node015a->Node021 Node017->Node999 Uh. Node017->Node999 Good day indeed. Node021->Node999 Bye. Node019->Node999 'Anks! Byee!