mcBess checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Moooooo! --- [This poor brahmin is injured.] Node002 Mooooooooo. --- [Bess lets out a low, mournful moo.] talk_p_proc->Node002 Node999 Node002->Node999 Yup! You're going to make some mighty tasty jerky. See ya. Node003 Mooooooo. --- [That sounded like a much happier moo.] Node002->Node003 Poor girl - maybe I shouldn't have sold you for jerky. Would you like to get out of here? look_at_p_proc According to the tag on its collar, its name is Bess. description_p_proc It looks like its been attacked by some wild animal. It's hurt pretty bad. use_skill_on_p_proc You see Bess. --- First aid skills won't help heal this poor brahmin's broken leg. --- You successfuly heal the brahmin's broken leg. --- According to the tag on its collar, its name is Bess. --- You see Bess. --- You fail to heal the brahmin's broken leg. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc use_p_proc push_p_proc Node990 Node003->Node999 Just kidding. I need the jerky more than I need you. Node003->Node990 OK, then let's get out of here. use_obj_on_p_proc