mcFarrel checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc Hey, get away from there! Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node000 I didn’t steal the watch, so stop coming over here and harassing poor old Farrel! --- Bye bye! --- Grrr... talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001 Now what!? --- Bye bye! --- Grrr... talk_p_proc->Node001 Node010 Not again! How many people is Cornelius going to send over to look for his watch? I didn’t do it! In fact, I was probably the victim of the same thief. Around the same time his watch disappeared, some of my tools were stolen. I’m sure you don’t believe me, so you might as well have a look around, otherwise you’ll never go away. Well, go on! Node000->Node010 Cornelius says you stole his gold watch. Node011 Did Miria tell you that? I’ll have to spank her bottom for spreading rumors again! Look, I may be poor, but I have my pride. I helped one of the traders fix his wagon, and in return he gave me some tools. --- Bye bye! Node000->Node011 Where’d you get the money for the new tools? Node017 Modoc is a small community of farmers and ranchers. We supply most of the food for the surrounding towns and cities by trading our crops for various essentials. It’s actually a very nice arrangement. However, this could all change with the drought. We can barely keep ourselves fed, let alone have surplus to trade. --- Bye bye! Node000->Node017 What can you tell me about Modoc? Node018 Well, mostly I putter around in the garden, trying to make those damn plants grow without water. I can’t do that now because something big has moved in and I can’t seem to get rid of it. And to top it all off, nobody will help me because they think I stole Cornelius’s gold watch. --- Well, mostly I putter around in the garden, trying to make those damn plants grow without water. But I can’t do that now because something big has moved in and I can’t seem to get rid of it. Without food from my garden, I’ll surly starve. --- Bye bye! Node000->Node018 What do you do around here? Node023 Everybody is accusing me of stealing my best friend Cornelius’s gold pocket watch. Me and Cornelius have been friends as long as I can remember; I would never take his watch. I’ve searched everywhere hoping to find it so we can be friends again, but I’ve had no such luck. --- Bye bye! Node000->Node023 Watch? What are you talking about? Node001->Node010 Cornelius says you stole his gold watch. Node001->Node011 Where’d you get the money for the new tools? Node001->Node017 What can you tell me about Modoc? Node001->Node018 What do you do around here? Node001->Node023 You mentioned something about a watch earlier. Node016 How did you find it? I hid that safe so nobody would be able to find it. You must be a professional thief. Hmm… where were you when the gold watch disappeared? I think you’d better leave, and nothing better be missing from the safe or I’ll have Sheriff Jo on ya. Now get out! Node001->Node016 What are you hiding in the wall safe? Node021 Thank you! You are truly a hero amongst heroes. Not many people would risk their lives for a total stranger. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you… [You get this warm fuzzy feeling all the way down to your toes.] --- Bye bye! Node001->Node021 I cleared out all the vermin from your garden. Node029 Fantastic! And here is your reward. [He digs in his pants and produces a half eaten cookie.] Now be a good little caveman and take your cookie outside and play. Node001->Node029 All furries dead! Node994 Node001->Node994 Can you take me to your garden? Node001->Node994 Gar – din? Node025 Let me see that! Yes, this is it! You said a rat living down the sewage hole stole it? And you climbed down there and retrieved it? EWWW! I’m going to give this to Cornelius right now! Now we can be friends again. Thank you. --- You have peacefully solved the feud between Farrel and Cornelius. --- An old man. He makes a prune look fresh. --- Farrel. Node001->Node025 Is this the watch you were looking for? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc Farrel. --- An old man. He makes a prune look fresh. description_p_proc You hear the sound of dry twigs cracking every time he moves. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc combat_p_proc Node999 Node010->Node999 I think I will have a look around. Node015 HA! If you think I’m so guilty, why don’t you just shoot me and get it over with. You little punk, come and get me! Node011->Node015 Admit it - you’re guilty! Node012 My honor alone is proof enough that my words are true. I can offer nothing more. --- Bye bye! Node011->Node012 What proof do you have that what you say is true? Node014 No, but since I know I didn’t do it, that’s the only theory I could come up with. --- Bye bye! Node011->Node014 Do you expect me to believe that? Node017->Node001 Can I ask you some more questions? Node018->Node001 Can I ask you some more questions? Node022 I’d rather starve than tarnish my good name! Go to hell! Node018->Node022 Admit you stole the watch and I’ll help. Node019 Look around! I’m just a poor old man. I can barely afford to keep myself fed, let alone reward you. Node018->Node019 I can help you, for a price. Node020 That would be wonderful. I can’t thank you enough. My garden is little ways east of here. Come with me, I’ll show you. Node018->Node020 I’ll be happy to help. Node023->Node001 That’s really too bad. Can I ask you some more questions? Node993 Node023->Node993 I’ll be around for awhile. If I come across it, I’ll let you know. Node021->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node996 Node994->Node996 Node013 I suspect a thief passing through town took the watch, and has since moved on. Although I can’t for the life of me think of a reason he would want my old tools... --- Bye bye! Node012->Node013 If you didn’t take it, then who do you think took it? Node014->Node001 Can I ask you some more questions? Node013->Node014 Do you expect me to believe that? Node019->Node999 Sorry, I can’t help you then. Node019->Node020 I’ll be glad to help you anyway. Node024 Would you really? Nobody will help me because they think I stole the watch. It would be nice to have somebody on my side, for once. I’ve already questioned everyone about it, but it won’t hurt to ask everybody again. Maybe they’ll tell you something they wouldn’t tell me. It also won’t hurt to poke yer nose around Rose’s Bed and Breakfast; Cornelius is notorious for putting stuff down and forgetting where he put it a minute later. --- Bye bye! Node993->Node024 Node024->Node001 Can I ask you some more questions? Node026 Ooga right back at ya. How would you like to do old Farrel a favor, my slope-foreheaded little friend? I have this little vermin problem in my garden. Make the little pests go away and I’ll give you a reward. Node026->Node994 Yep. I do. Node026->Node999 Bye bye! Node027 Then get out, you dimwitted cave dweller! Node026->Node027 No, no, no… me no do. Node028 So good of you, my dear fellow. [He takes your hand and walks you to the garden.] Wouldn’t want you to get lost. Come back and see me when you finish killing the pests. Node995 Node995->Node999 Node995->Node026