mcGrisha checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc What's going on in here? --- How dare you sully the honor of my --- Miria --- . There's only one way to make this right! --- Holy shit! I knew --- Miria --- was different, but there's only one way to make this right! --- Uh, Jo, can we just skip to the vow tying parts? --- Boy... --- Don't make me make --- Miria --- a widow. --- You're not going anywhere, boy! --- What the hell is going on here? --- Uhhh... Sir, I was just... --- You keep your damn hands off of her... Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node041 You mind explaining what yer doing with my daughter? talk_p_proc->Node041 Node040 Boy, don’t even try to explain this. I don’t want to hear it. I’m gonna get the preacher, make this all lawful like, and you will leave and take my son with you when you go. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. talk_p_proc->Node040 Node050 Howdy --- . I hope you're taking good care of my daughter, Miria. She is the light of my life and it would break my heart if anything were to happen to her. Where is she by the way? I was sure hoping to see her again. --- Well, if it isn't --- . How's the married life treating you? I see my son Davin isn't traveling with you. I sure do miss him. Maybe the next time you visit you can bring him along. It sure would make an old man happy if he could see his only son again. talk_p_proc->Node050 Node000 The name’s Grisham. Welcome to my slaughterhouse. You dropping off or picking up? talk_p_proc->Node000 Node003 How dare you show your face around here. I lost ten brahmin due to your cowardice. However, if you wish to make amends, $1500 would do a lot to cover my losses. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node002 I knew you’d be able to handle it. Let’s see now, I owe you $1000 for completing the job. Here you go. --- You have saved Grisham's brahmin. --- A very active old man. --- Grisham. --- I knew you’d be able to handle it. Let’s see now, I owe you $1000 for completing the job. Of course, --- brahmin got killed due to your carelessness. At $100 per brahmin your reward is --- . Don’t even bother to lie about the number of brahmin killed -- I had one of my boys follow you out and watch from a distance. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node001 What can I do for you now? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node042 That’s just great. I’m going to have a smart-ass as son-in-law. Well,, come on… son. Let’s get this over with. --- That’s just great. I’m going to have a smart-ass as a daughter-in-law. Well come on… daughter. Let’s get this over with. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node041->Node042 Let me explain it to you gently, pops. There are these birds and bees, you see… Node043 Let me see - it looked to me that you and my son were doing the horizontal tango between the sheets. --- Let me see. It looked to me that you and my daughter were imitating the brahmin during mating season. Node041->Node043 This isn’t what it appears to be. Node051 Aggg... [A shocked look comes over Grisham's face as he suddenly grasps his chest and collapses to the floor.] --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node050->Node051 Uhhh, she's dead. Node050->Node051 Miria was alive when I left her, but I'm pretty sure she's dead by now. Node050->Node051 Uhhh, he's dead. Node050->Node051 Davin was alive when I left her, but I'm pretty sure she's dead by now. Node052 Well, I have to get back to work now. I'll see you around. Node050->Node052 Miria , uhhh, couldn't make the trip but I'll send her your love when I see her again. Node050->Node052 Davin , uhhh, couldn't make the trip, but I'll let him know you said, "Hi," when I see him again. Node010 Ah! Of course, of course. Let’s see, for traveling, I recommend our world famous dried brahmin strips. Won’t spoil on the road and it’s tasty, too. Only $10 a package. You interested? Node000->Node010 I guess picking up? I’m interested in buying some traveling provisions. Node017 Great jumping horny jacko-snatchers! Is Cornelius still looking for his lost watch? Why can’t he accept that it’s gone? That dang watch never worked anyways, and I’ll be a brahmin’s uncle if it was actually made of gold. Give it up; you’ll never find it. Node000->Node017 You wouldn’t have happened to have seen a gold watch lying around here somewhere? Node004 Why, that's a fine looking animal you have there. Should make some fine jerky. Tell you what, I'll just keep some of the jerky as payment. What do you say? Node000->Node004 [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node999 Node003->Node999 I’ve left my money in my room; let me go get it for you. Node994 Node003->Node994 Those brahmin weren’t worth more than a $1000. Node024 Mark my words, you’ll get yours. If not by me, then by someone else. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node003->Node024 I don’t have that kind of money, and if I did, I wouldn’t give it to a little trickster like you. Node018 I didn’t? Are you sure? I could have sworn I told ya... maybe next time you won’t go accepting jobs until you know all the details. Now if you don’t mind, I have other work to attend to. Node002->Node018 You never said anything about charging me if any brahmin died! Node019 Hehehe. Now that all depends. Are you planning to stay in town much longer? Bwahahahaha! Node002->Node019 Why, you conniving, dried up old coot. Arg! Mark my words - this is the last time you get the best of me! Node002->Node999 Thanks, pops; pleasure doing business with ya. Node001->Node010 I would like to buy some of your famous jerky. Node001->Node017 You wouldn’t have happened to have seen a gold watch lying around here somewhere? Node001->Node004 I'd like you to make some jerky for me. Node027 Not much to tell. I run the slaughterhouse in Modoc; you want something slaughtered, you bring it to me. I’ll kill it for ya and make it into some of the best jerky you’ve ever tasted. Node001->Node027 Can you tell me a little bit about the slaughterhouse? Node028 Actually, it has kind of helped my business. Nobody has been able to grow sufficient food for their brahmin, so they are severely culling their herds. But that’s just a temporary thing; you have to look at the big picture. With the decline in the brahmin population, my business can only suffer. Node001->Node028 I see the drought hasn’t affected your business yet. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc Grisham. --- A very active old man. description_p_proc You can’t quite place him, but he looks familiar. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc combat_p_proc timed_event_p_proc push_p_proc Node010->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node992 Node010->Node992 Sounds good; give me one package. Node017->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node996 Node017->Node996 Thanks all the same, but I’ll keep looking. Node036 You’ve got to be kidding. Everyone knows Farrel took the watch. Why would he ask you to search for it… unless Farrel didn’t steal the watch after all! Or maybe this is a trick to convince everyone he didn’t take it. I need to think this out. Node017->Node036 Actually, Farrel asked me to look for it. Node005 Oh… you're one of those. Wouldn't want to take your 'friend' away from you. Nights out in the desert would probably be awfully lonely without her. I don't have time for this; I have work to do. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node004->Node005 No way! I love Bess. Nobody is going make jerky out of her. Node006 Great! Come back in about a week. You can pick up your jerky in the smokehouse located just outside of the slaughterhouse. I'll leave it in a sack for you. Good doing business with you. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node004->Node006 Sounds good to me. When can I come back to pick up my jerky? Node004->Node996 Forget it, gramps. I'm outta here. Node027->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node035 You are quick, aren’t you? Well, if you ask you can retrieve any part of the animal you want. Balthus will usually buy the hides, and Rose will buy whatever scraps you don’t want. She uses it to make soup and feed her dogs. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node027->Node035 What about the hides and other parts of the animal? Node028->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node016 Great! Head out to the pastures at night and kill the pack of wild dogs that are attacking my brahmin. Come back here when you finish the job. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node994->Node016 Node020 I see you’re no fool. OK - $1000 then, and we call it even. Shake on it. Node994->Node020 Node996->Node999 Node012 Are you sure you’re not interested in making some money? I’m quite sure you’d be able to solve my problem quite easily. --- Wait! You look to be a capable traveler. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in making some money? --- FINE! GIVE ME THE MONEY AND GET OUT! Node996->Node012 Node011 A pleasure doing business with you. Is there anything else I can do for you? Node992->Node011 Node031 You seem to be a little short of money. I don’t take credit and I certainly don’t believe in giving something for nothing. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node992->Node031 Node011->Node001 No thanks, maybe later. I would like to ask you some questions, though. Node011->Node017 You wouldn’t have happened to have seen a gold watch lying around here somewhere? Node013 Smart as whip! You remind me of myself when I was young. Simple... some wild dogs have been coming down out of the hills lately looking for food. I think they find brahmin easy prey and have been attacking my herds nightly. Wipe out their pack, and I’ll give you $1000. --- FINE! GIVE ME THE MONEY AND GET OUT! Node012->Node013 That depends. How much, what do I have to do, and most importantly, HOW MUCH? Node014 Perceptive as well as smart. I knew I wouldn’t be able to pull anything on you. The catch is that for every brahmin you let get killed, I charge you $100. I pay well for success and I also charge for failure. That’s the risk you take working for me. --- FINE! GIVE ME THE MONEY AND GET OUT! Node013->Node014 You’re holding something back, you old coot. What’s the catch? Node036->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node036->Node999 Thanks all the same, but I’ll keep looking. Node020->Node024 I changed my mind, I don’t want to pay you. Node991 Node020->Node991 [SHAKE HANDS WITH GRISHAM] Node990 Node020->Node990 Now hold on a minute. Now that I think of it, those brahmin looked a bit thin. How about $750, instead? Node021 [Gives you a big toothy smile] Good to see you’re a person of character. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node991->Node021 Node022 [Grisham turns beet red and talks to you with teeth clenched.] OK, $750 then. Give me the money! Node990->Node022 Node026 [Grisham smiles at you in such a way that you involuntarily take a step back.] Why don’t you just keep your money? I have feeling you might have need of it later. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node990->Node026 Node022->Node024 I changed my mind, I don’t want to pay you. Node988 Node022->Node988 You know, $750 still seems kind of expensive. Those brahmin would have died anyway if the dogs didn’t get them first. But I’m not totally selfish; I’ll give you $50. Node023 FINE! GIVE ME THE MONEY AND GET OUT! Node988->Node023 Node988->Node026 Node023->Node024 [LEAVE WITHOUT PAYING] Node035->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node029 [Grisham walks around you, pokes you a couple of times and then opens you mouth and checks your teeth.] Ah! A fine, healthy specimen. You’ll do fine. Ahem… Bad doggies, killing good brahmin. Go kill the bad doggies for your friend Grisham. Grisham will give big reward. OK? Node029->Node999 No, me like doggies. Only bad man no like doggies. Me go away from bad man. Node030 Good! Remember, bad things go ‘Woof! Woof!’ Good things go ‘Moo.’ Try not to kill the good things. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node029->Node030 I do it. Go there now! Node031->Node001 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node033 You're not going anywhere, missy! --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node034 Uh… snarf ick unga bunga. Now take your money and be a good little Neanderthal and leave. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node044 I understand perfectly. Hormones, and it being that special time of the year. Node043->Node044 OK, maybe it is what it appears to be. But it’s only sex, it’s not like there’s love involved or anything. Node045 I understand. I hope you understand that you both are gonna hafta get hitched. Can’t have rumors flying about town, you know. Come along and let’s go get the preacher. Don’t make me fill ya full of buckshot. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node044->Node045 I’m glad you understand. Node046 Really? Then why were you both naked? Node985 Node046->Node985 Germs? I mean GERMS! Very important to be clean when doing these examinations. Node047 Well as long as yer a doctor, I guess it’s OK. You best get dressed; rumors tend to start because of misunderstandings like this. While you’re here, I’ve been having these pains down in my anus and was wondering if you could take a look at it. Node985->Node047 Node048 Yeah. Why don’t you just come with me to get the preacher? Don’t try anything funny, or you will need a doctor. --- [Looking at Bessy] Dropping off. Node985->Node048 Node047->Node999 Err… I’ll take a look at that later. I have another patient waiting for me. Bye. Node995 Node995->Node999 Node995->Node029 Node993 Node993->Node021 Node989 Node989->Node024 Node987 Node987->Node024 Node983