mcLaddie checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node002 Woof! Woof! Woof! talk_p_proc->Node002 Node001 Woof! Woof! Woof! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node000 Woof! Woof! Woof! talk_p_proc->Node000 Node012 Woof? [You can almost hear the dog laughing at you.] Node002->Node012 Woof! Node013 Woof! Node002->Node013 Did Jonny fall down the well, Laddie? Node014 Node002->Node014 What’s the matter boy, are you trying to tell me something? Node999 Node001->Node999 Let’s go find Jonny. Node001->Node012 Woof! Node001->Node013 Do you know where Jonny is, boy? Node994 Node001->Node994 Stay here, Laddie Node000->Node999 [This dog seems highly agitated.] Node996 Node000->Node996 Nice doggie. Node000->Node012 Woof! destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc Looks to be a border collie. description_p_proc This dog seems to be really alert and intelligent. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc push_p_proc Node010 Grrrr! [Laddie takes a vicious bite at you.] Node996->Node010 Node011 Woof! Woof! Woof! [Laddie jumps on you and starts to lick your face.] Node996->Node011 Node012->Node999 [Nobody likes a smart ass.] Node014->Node999 I don’t have time to play, Laddie; we need to find Jonny. Let’s go. Node995 Node014->Node995 Is Jonny someplace close by in Modoc? Node017 Woof! Woof! Node014->Node017 Did Jonny leave Modoc? Node018 Woof? Node014->Node018 Was Jonny abducted by aliens? Node010->Node999 [Hmm… For some reason he doesn’t like you.] Node011->Node999 [What a nice doggy.] Node015 Node995->Node015 Node017->Node999 Let’s go find Jonny. Node017->Node014 Maybe someplace else, then? Node986 Node017->Node986 Did he go north? Node987 Node017->Node987 Did he go south? Node988 Node017->Node988 Did he go east? Node989 Node017->Node989 Did he go west? Node018->Node999 Let’s go find Jonny. Node018->Node014 Okay, Okay… Maybe someplace else, then? Node015->Node999 Let’s go find Jonny. Node015->Node014 Maybe someplace else, then? Node981 Node015->Node981 Near the slaughterhouse? Node982 Node015->Node982 Near the tannery? Node983 Node015->Node983 Near the trading post? Node984 Node015->Node984 Near the well? Node016 Woof! Node015->Node016 Did Jonny fall down the well, Laddie? Node985 Node015->Node985 Near Rose’s Bed and Breakfast? Node981->Node015 Node982->Node015 Node983->Node015 Node984->Node015 Node985->Node015 Node986->Node015 Node987->Node015 Node988->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node998 timed_event_p_proc