mcRose checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc I’m sorry, we’re closed. There’s been a death in the family. [sniff] Node002 It’s the hero of Modoc! Welcome back. --- Oh my! It’s you. Everyone is talking about how you risked your life for us, and solved the mystery of the Ghost Farm. Know that you are always welcome here, and of course all your meals are on the house. You may also rummage through the lost and found box and take whatever you wish as a special reward. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node000 Welcome to Rose’s Bed and Breakfast. My, aren’t you the strapping young man. What can Rose help you with today? --- Welcome to Rose’s Bed and Breakfast. Oh my, what a pretty young lady you are. What can Rose do for you today? talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001 Glad to see you again! What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node995 Node002->Node995 I’d really love to have one of your delicious omelets right about now. Node010 That’s what I like to hear. A growing young boy needs to eat to keep up his strength, and I can tell you haven’t been eating properly. You just sit right down and look at the menu. --- And so you should be. When was the last time you had a good meal, young lady? Why, you’re as thin as a rail. You just look at the menu and tell Rose what you would like to eat. Node000->Node010 I’m starved! What do you have to eat around here? Node032 Sorry, we’re full up. A large caravan has all the rooms rented. Node000->Node032 I’d like to rent a room for the night. Node023 I’m sorry, sweetie, I’m quite busy serving customers. Maybe if you ordered something I’ll have time to chat with you between orders. Node000->Node023 You must hear things working here. Mind if I ask you a few questions? Node996 Node000->Node996 [You smack your lips with a loud POP] Node001->Node010 I’m starved! What do you have to eat around here? Node001->Node032 I’d like to rent a room for the night. Node001->Node023 You must hear things working here. Mind if I ask you a few questions? Node001->Node996 [You smack your lips with a loud POP] destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc A pleasantly plump woman. description_p_proc Her gray hair is done up in a loose bun, and she walks with a slight waddle. You can’t help but feel relaxed around her. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc Node994 Node010->Node994 Brahmin fries. [$5] Node993 Node010->Node993 Wasteland omelet. [$25] Node033 Really!? You must be really thirsty. I raised the price to discourage customers from ordering it. Drinking water is at a premium out here, with the lack of rain and the well drying up. Do you still want some? Node010->Node033 Water. [$1000] Node991 Node010->Node991 Brahmin dogs. [$5] Node990 Node010->Node990 Canis burgers. [$7] Node989 Node010->Node989 Shepherd’s stew. [$3] Node999 Node010->Node999 No thank you; I’m not hungry right now. Node032->Node010 I’m starved! What do you have to eat around here? Node032->Node023 You must hear things working here. Mind if I ask you a few questions? Node023->Node010 In that case, I’m starving. What do you have to eat? Node031 You poor thing. You look half starved. Come sit down and let Rose get you something to eat. [She leaves and returns with a large omelet.] Now, you don’t move from that spot until you finish every bit of that. Node996->Node031 Node034 I’m sorry, we stopped serving omelets. Some fool broke into our coop and killed our… chicken. Node996->Node034 Node021 Ah, that’s my specialty. I hope you’re hungry; I guarantee you’ve never tasted an omelet like this one anywhere. [She leaves and returns with the biggest damn omelet you’ve ever seen.] Node995->Node021 Node995->Node034 Node011 Oh, I’m sorry, but you don’t seem to have enough money. Why don’t you come back later? Node994->Node011 Node012 Back for some more, I see. You must really like brahmin fries. I’m sorry; since you hold the record, you can’t enter the contest again until somebody else breaks your score. --- Brahmin fries it is, then. We have a contest on who can eat the most Brahmin fries; so far, the record is 36. If you break the record, you don’t have to pay the tab for your meal. You look like you’d be able to beat the record with no problem. Are you interested in trying? Node994->Node012 Node993->Node011 Node993->Node021 Node993->Node034 Node033->Node010 Actually, I’m really hungry. Node987 Node033->Node987 Yes! I need water desperately. Node991->Node011 Node022 [She quickly returns with a glass of some brownish liquid substance. It appears that there is more dirt than water in the glass. However, you are so thirsty that you drink it anyway.] I brought a cookie for you to enjoy with that, sweetie. --- [She quickly disappears behind the counter and returns with your order.] Node991->Node022 Node990->Node011 Node990->Node022 Node989->Node011 Node989->Node022 Node011->Node010 But I’m starving! Maybe I can order something cheaper. Node011->Node023 Wait! Can I ask you a few questions? Node012->Node022 That’s okay, I’m willing to pay to eat your delicious fried brahmin scrotum. Node012->Node022 No thanks; just one order, please. Node013 Oh, that’s just grand. Each order consists of 10 pieces. I’ll have to ask you for the money up front. I’ll refund it as soon as you break the record. That’ll be $20, please. Node012->Node013 I’m so hungry I can probably double that score. Bring it on. Node024 Sure, but make it quick, dear. I don’t want to keep the other customers waiting. Node022->Node024 Can I ask you a few questions? Node013->Node022 I don’t have that much. Why don’t I try for the record later? I’ll just get one order. Thanks. Node988 Node013->Node988 Sure, I’ll get it back when I break the record. Node988->Node011 Node014 [Rose takes the money and comes back with a heaping platter of brahmin fries. They are not quite what you expected. They appear to be about the size of golf balls, covered in batter and fried in oil to a deep, golden brown. You take a tentative bite of one of the fries. These are delicious! You start into the meal with zeal.] Node988->Node014 Node015 [At around the 34th fry, you start to feel the effects of overeating. A crowd has gathered to witness the historic event of the old record being broken. In an attempt to regain your composure, you strike up a conversation with Rose.] Node016 [You pop a fry into your mouth.] ‘Mmff… splt… mnch…’ Don’t talk with your mouth full, dear. [You swallow.] Node017 Oh, it’s no secret. You just dip them in batter, add some salt and fry in grease. [You pop another one in your mouth.] Node016->Node017 How do you prepare these? If it’s not a secret or anything, I know some people back home who would love these. Node018 That’s 37! You just broke the record! [The crowd cheers!] Node017->Node018 How do you prepare the brahmin meat? It has such a unique texture. [You pop yet another one in your mouth. These are good!] Node019 [The crowd yells, "38!"] Well, what makes ours taste so special is that you have to harvest it while the brahmin is still alive. You just grab the brahmin by the scrotum and ‘snip’ four with one cut. You’ve got be careful; the brahmin usually gets riled up at that point. Node018->Node019 [You feel like you’ve gotten you’re second wind and pop another fry into your mouth.] Node020 We can’t count that last one, but you broke the record at 37! Here’s your money back. Congratulations! Node019->Node020 [The 38th brahmin tidbit must have been going at the speed of light as it is suddenly and forcefully propelled from your mouth.] Node020->Node999 [You feel sick.] Node021->Node999 [You feel revitalized after such a big meal.] Node025 Oh dear! Have you been talking to my husband Cornelius? This whole business with the watch is just terrible. Cornelius has got the whole town believing that his best friend, Farrel, took his watch. If you’ve talked to him, I’m sure you’ve noticed his mind isn’t quite functioning properly. I’m pretty sure the poor dear just left the watch somewhere and forgot where. Node024->Node025 What can you tell me about Cornelius’s missing watch? Node027 Did you say GECK? No, I can’t say that I have. I have heard of good soup recipe that requires three geckos. But no, I haven’t heard of anything about a GECK. Node024->Node027 Have you ever heard of a GECK? Node028 [She shivers involuntarily.] Stay away from there! I’ve heard tales from travelers about rotting bodies tied to stakes, and glowing shapes moving through the fields at night. I don’t know how much of this is true, but I do know a while back Karl moved out there and hasn’t been seen since. Node024->Node028 What do you know about the Ghost Farm? Node029 Ah, you’ve had the desert omelet. Delicious, wasn’t it? Some people say it has healing properties. [She looks around nervously.] Oh! Some customers just came in. I’ll be right back. [Hmm… She never answered your question.] Node024->Node029 I’ve never seen an omelet the size of the one you served me. What kind of animal lays such a large egg? Node030 Our burgers are made of nothing but the choicest, select, grade-A dog. The meat is ground up and made into half-pound patties. And to give it that unique smoky flavor, they are slow grilled over dried brahmin dung. Node024->Node030 What’s a canis burger made of? Node026 Now, if you don’t need anything else, I have other customers to serve. Node026->Node010 One moment, I’m still hungry. Node026->Node023 Can I ask you a few more questions? Node987->Node011 Node987->Node022 Node034->Node010 I’m really hungry, so let’s see what else you have. Node034->Node999 I was really looking forward to your world-famous omelet. I guess I’ll go hungry. Node034->Node999 Ahh! Oogie! timed_event_p_proc Hey! I’m the only one allowed to go through the lost and found box. timed_event_p_proc->Node998