ncActres checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see an attractive woman. She seems to be talking to herself. --- She looks like she is memorizing her lines. Eventually, she gives up, makes an "O" with her mouth, and begins to bob her head. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node010 talk_p_proc->Node010 Node012 talk_p_proc->Node012 Node013 talk_p_proc->Node013 talk_p_proc->Node013 Node014 talk_p_proc->Node014 talk_p_proc->Node014 Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 Node011 talk_p_proc->Node011 floater_rand_with_check_cust(305, 324, message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(305, 324, message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node009->floater_rand_with_check_cust(305, 324, message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(355 - (5 * (global_var(259) > 0)), 366 + (4 * (global_var(230) > 0)), "") floater_rand_with_check_cust(355 - (5 * (global_var(259) > 0)), 366 + (4 * (global_var(230) > 0)), "") Node011->floater_rand_with_check_cust(355 - (5 * (global_var(259) > 0)), 366 + (4 * (global_var(230) > 0)), "") destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a porn actress. description_p_proc You see an attractive woman. She seems to be talking to herself. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node004 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node005 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 floater_rand_with_check_cust(233 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 238 + (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(233 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 238 + (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node004->floater_rand_with_check_cust(233 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 238 + (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(256 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 260, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(256 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 260, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) Node005->floater_rand_with_check_cust(256 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 260, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(271 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 275, message_str(353, 300 + (global_var(230) % 100))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(271 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 275, message_str(353, 300 + (global_var(230) % 100))) Node006->floater_rand_with_check_cust(271 - (6 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 275, message_str(353, 300 + (global_var(230) % 100))) map_update_p_proc Node998 Node999 floater_rand_with_check_cust