ncBigJes checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a fat man with beady black eyes. He is covered in sweat and breathing heavily. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. He is covered in sweat and is breathing heavily. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node006 You. (Mordino glares at Myron as he enters, black lightning flashing in his eyes.) You have… left your post. Your USE to me is at an… end. (He makes a motion, and his guards reach for their weapons.) --- (The man's gaze darkens. He makes a motion, and his guards reach for their weapons.) --- You want some of THIS, *Fatman?!* You WANT SOME of --- ?!! Then COME GET SOME, YOU FAT SON OF A B-- talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node021 Have… you done as I asked? talk_p_proc->Node021 talk_p_proc->Node021 Node028 I said you could... HURT the Corsican Brothers. I did not give you permission to... KILL them. talk_p_proc->Node028 talk_p_proc->Node028 Node029 Have… you done as I asked? talk_p_proc->Node029 talk_p_proc->Node029 Node039 (A bead of sweat trickles down the side of Mordino's face.) You have done as I asked? Louis Salvatore is dead? --- Louis Salvatore lives. Why have you returned? talk_p_proc->Node039 talk_p_proc->Node039 Node007 (The man speaks in a rasping voice.) I… am Jesus Mordino. You…will address me as SENOR Mordino. (A bead of sweat trickles down his forehead.) What… is your business with me? talk_p_proc->Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node005 (The man turns to face you. He looks sick with fever: Sweat trickles down his face and stains his clothes. --- He's ignoring you and staring at Myron; it looks like he's waiting for Myron to speak.) talk_p_proc->Node005 talk_p_proc->Node005 Node006->Node998 Aieeeeeeee! Node006->Node998 Play along! Node006->Node998 Run! Node006->Node998 Whoa! Whoa…! Node006->Node998 Hey! Hold on a second...! Node023 (Nods.) Very well. Here is... your payment. A hundred... chips. For a... simple delivery... it is more than enough. Node021->Node023 Yes, I delivered it to Ramirez as you asked. Node024 (Squints angrily. A bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face.) They are… cattle. No more. Node021->Node024 Yes, I've been to the Stables and dropped off your package… do you know what they DO there? They're torturing slaves with chems. Node051 Not everyone at the Stables... KNOWS they are test subjects. Node021->Node051 Yes, I gave your package to that guard, Ramirez… you know that guy's a Jet head? He was REEKING of Jet fumes. Node022 Then... why are you here? (Big Jesus wipes his forehead, then takes a deep breath.) WHY did you not deliver the package? Node021->Node022 No, I haven't delivered the package yet. Node028->Node006 Hey, look... they started throwing down, and I just defended myself... Node028->Node006 They were saying bad things about your mother, Big Jesus. I HAD to kill them. Node028->Node006 Oh. Guess I misheard. Node030 Then... why are you here? (He wipes his forehead, then takes a deep breath.) WHY do you not have the money? Node029->Node030 Uh... yes, but I don't have the money on me. Just give me some time, and I'll return it to you. Node031 (Nods as you give him the money.) Here. Half... is yours. Heh. They had already paid me this month, but I like to keep them... on their toes. --- You have collected Big Jesus's tribute. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. Node029->Node031 Yes, here is the money. Node999 Node039->Node999 No, I shall return when I have killed him. Node041 So I have heard. (Nods respectfully.) You have done... well. My faith in you is not misplaced. Here is... your payment. Five hundred... chips. --- You have completed the contract hit for Big Jesus. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. --- So I have heard. (Nods respectfully.) You have done... well. My faith in you is not misplaced. Here is... your payment. Five hundred... chips. --- And... armor and a weapon you may find... useful. Node039->Node041 He is dead. Your family is avenged, Senor Mordino. Node040 If you... run from this job, I will have you... KILLED. Node039->Node040 Salvatore's too well-guarded. I'm going to have to cancel on this job. Node007->Node999 No business today. I have to go now. Node990 Node007->Node990 I'm looking for work. Node989 Node007->Node989 I spoke to your son, Senor Mordino. I'm a slaver, and I'm looking for work. Node012 You have slaves to sell? --- (Studies you.) I… do not know you, but I will… hear you. (Wipes sweat from his forehead.) --- You have slaves to sell? Node007->Node012 I spoke to your son, Senor Mordino. I'm a slaver, and I'm looking to sell slaves. Node046 (Stares at you for a long time, then squints in confusion.) Why… do you ask me this? I have… HEARD what happened. (Wipes his brow.) The boy took too much Jet and died. Node007->Node046 You know anything about Mr. Wright's son's death? Node049 The temperature does not… agree with me. My breathing is… sometimes difficult. In times of stress or other physical activity, I tire quickly. Sometimes, I have chest pains. Node007->Node049 Is the heat bothering you? You seem… uncomfortable. Node005->Node006 Stare back at him with your meanest stare. Node005->Node006 Stare back at him with mild disinterest. Node005->Node006 Stare back at him with a sneering gaze Node005->Node006 Stare back at him with affected disinterest Node005->Node007 Who are you? Node005->Node007 Are you Jesus Mordino? Node005->Node999 Wander off Node005->Node999 Sorry. I've entered the wrong room. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Big Jesus Mordino. description_p_proc You see a fat man with beady black eyes. He is covered in sweat and breathing heavily. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc Stay away from there. map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc You have assassinated Big Jesus. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. map_exit_p_proc->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node004 Urgggg... --- You have assassinated Big Jesus. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node004->destroy_p_proc map_update_p_proc Node001 Node008 (Studies you for a long time, then shakes his head.) You… do not look STRONG enough. I have no work for you. --- (Studies you for a long time, then shakes his head.) You… are a WOMAN. What I need done is not woman's work. Node990->Node008 Node018 (Mordino studies you.) Very well. I… have work for you. Take… (Takes a deep wheezing breath, wipes sweat from his forehead.) …this package... to the *stables* north of Reno. Give it to a man... Ramirez, then return. Node990->Node018 Node050 I do not know you... you come to me... without anyone's word to give your offer... weight. (Wipes his brow, then takes a deep, rattling breath.) I have NO work for you. Node990->Node050 Node989->Node008 Node989->Node018 Node012->Node999 No, I'm sorry. I just remembered I have to be somewhere else. Node012->Node989 No, I don't. Actually, I made an error. I'm looking for work, not to sell slaves. Node011 (Mordino waits. As you watch, another bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face.) Node012->Node011 No... actually, I had some questions for you. Node013 (Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Miria, and he licks his lips.) Your puta looks fresh... I will give you 250 chips for her. --- (Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Davin.) Though he looks weak, I will take that boy there. 200 chips for him. --- (Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Sulik... and he wrinkles his nose.) The tribal... he stinks, but he looks strong. I will take him for 100 chips. --- (Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Vic.) I will take the old man... he looks like he has a few years of work left in him. I will take him for 100 chips. --- (Mordino studies your companions. His gaze stops on Cassidy.) I will take the old man... he looks like he has a few years of work left in him. I will take him for 100 chips. --- (Mordino's gaze immediately stops on the Robobrain.) That machine there. I will give you 500 chips for him. --- (Mordino's gaze immediately stops on the cyberdog.) I will buy that... machine dog from you. I will give you 500 chips for him. --- (Mordino studies your companions, then shakes his head.) You have nothing I want. Node012->Node013 Yes, right here with me. Take a look and make me an offer. Node046->Node999 I see. I think I better be going. Node046->Node011 All right then. Just asking. I had some other questions... Node047 (Wheezes, wipes more sweat from his forehead.) If the Wrights had the… SENSE they were born with, they would… know we are not the only family with Jet in New Reno. We… do NOT kill children. Node046->Node047 That's the problem. The Mordinos are the biggest suppliers of Jet in New Reno. That makes you the ones who will take the blame. Node048 (Shakes head.) I… know little of the lives of pushers in Reno. (Takes a raspy breath, coughs slightly.) You… might ask my son... in the casino, below. Node046->Node048 Do you know where he got the Jet? Node049->Node999 I see. I better be going now. Node049->Node011 Really. Well, it's good you don't take any metamphetamines or stimulants, then. I had some other questions... Node008->Node999 All right then. Catch you later. Node008->Node012 Very well. Are you interested in buying any slaves? Node988 Node008->Node988 Let me prove myself. I can do it. Node008->Node988 Give me a chance. Give me a job -- any job -- I can do it. Node987 Node008->Node987 Let me prove myself, Senor Mordino. I can do it. Node008->Node987 Give me a chance, Senor Mordino. Give me a job, any job, I can do it. Node009 (Sweat trickles down Mordino's face. His expression darkens.) I have… spoken. I have NO work for you. Leave... and do NOT return. Node988->Node009 Node988->Node018 Node987->Node009 Node987->Node018 Node009->Node998 C'mon, Big Jesus… just one chance… Node009->Node999 All right then. Goodbye. Node010 (Mordino is silent for a moment, then he speaks.) I am Jesus Mordino. Head of the Mordino family. You have come to… my casino. My home. You have shown me… no respect. You will LEARN. Node010->Node998 I think it's YOU who's going to learn a thing or two... Node010->Node998 Whoa! Hold on… let's talk about this! C'mon, now… Node010->Node998 Make a run for the door. Node010->Node998 ::Dive for cover, draw weapons in slow motion as thugs explode from the woodwork.:: Node011->Node999 Nevermind. Node011->Node990 I'm looking for work. Node011->Node989 I spoke to your son, Senor Mordino. I'm a slaver, and I'm looking for work. Node011->Node012 I was looking to sell some slaves… Node011->Node046 What do you know about Richard Wright's death? Node011->Node049 Is the heat bothering you? You seem… uncomfortable. Node013->Node999 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that slave. Let's deal another time. Node013->Node999 All right. Some other time when I get better stock, then. Node013->Node011 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that one just yet. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node013->Node011 Very well. I had some questions for you, though... Node984 Node013->Node984 Senor Mordino, please... the slave is worth MUCH more than that. It has many years of faithful service remaining. Node016 (Mordino has Miria led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has Davin led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has Sulik led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has Vic led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has Cassidy led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has Robobrain led away while counting your money.) Here. --- (Mordino has the cyberdog led away while counting your money.) Here. Node013->Node016 That is a fair price. You may have the slave. Node014 No. She has seen much hard travel and looks tired... 250 chips for her or nothing. --- The boy looks soft and weak. I'll not give more than 200 chips for him. --- No. The tribal smells and looks to be... difficult. It will be hard to break him in. 100 chips. --- The man is old. I will take him for 100 chips. --- The man is old. I will take him for 100 chips. --- No. 500 chips. --- No. 500 chips. Node984->Node014 Node015 (Mordino walks around Miria, examines her face carefully, then slaps her ass.) Hmmmm. 500 chips for her, then. --- (Mordino walks around Davin, rolls up the boy's sleeve and examines his muscles, then checks his eyes for chem use.) Hmmmm. He looks strong enough. 400 chips for him, then. --- (Mordino walks around Sulik, frowning.) Hmmmm. He looks strong... and tolerant of pain, to stick a bone in his nose so far. 200 chips for him. --- (Mordino walks around Vic, frowning.) Hmmmmm. I will take him for 200 chips. No more. --- (Mordino walks around Cassidy, frowning.) Hmmmmm. I will take him for 200 chips. No more. --- (Mordino studies the Robobrain for a few minutes.) A thousand chips, then. --- (Mordino studies the cyberdog for a few minutes.) A thousand chips, then. Node984->Node015 Node016->Node999 Thank you, Senor Mordino. I hope the slave serves you well. Goodbye. Node016->Node011 Thank you, Senor Mordino. By the way, I had some questions I wanted to ask you... Node016->Node013 Would you like to see what else I have in stock? Node014->Node999 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that slave. Let's deal another time. Node014->Node011 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that one just yet. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node014->Node016 That is a fair price. You may have the slave. Node017 (Sweat trickles down Mordino's face. His expression darkens.) You are a dog, and a SON of a dog. I will not buy from the likes of you. Leave... and do NOT return. Node014->Node017 Senor Mordino, please... you are in danger of insulting me. This is prime stock, it is worth much more than that. Node017->Node999 (Leave quietly.) Node017->Node010 Senor Mordino, please... reconsider... Node015->Node999 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that slave. Let's deal another time. Node015->Node011 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that one just yet. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node015->Node016 That is a fair price. You may have the slave. Node015->Node017 Senor Mordino, please... you are in danger of insulting me. This is prime stock, it is worth much more than that. Node020 Head north up Virgin street, past the casinos... follow the trail that leads outside of town. You will... come to the Stables. Now go. Node018->Node020 Okay. Sounds easy enough. Node018->Node020 I will go there now, Senor Mordino. Node019 I…do not pay you... to ask questions. Node018->Node019 What's in the package? Node033 You come to me for work. I give you... work and you complain like a CHILD. (Takes a deep, rasping breath, then coughs.) You... are no longer welcome here... in my casino. Leave. Node018->Node033 Uh, I've changed my mind. I think I'll pass. Node982 Node020->Node982 (Follow his directions...) Node019->Node006 Well, I'd like to know what I'm carrying before I drop it off. Is it dangerous? Node019->Node020 Nevermind then. I'm off. Node019->Node020 I will go there now, Senor Mordino. Node019->Node033 Uh, I've changed my mind. I think I'll pass. Node033->Node006 Why don't you MAKE me leave? Node033->Node999 My apologies, Senor Mordino. I will leave at once. Node033->Node999 (Leave quietly.) Node033->Node010 Before I go, I had some questions I wanted to ask you... Node033->Node010 I'm not done TALKING to you yet, "Big Jesus." Node981 Node023->Node981 It's better than nothing, I guess. Node023->Node981 Thank you, Senor Mordino. Node024->Node998 You monster… you just signed your own death warrant. Node024->Node023 Uh... just checking. About my payment... Node051->Node023 Oh. Uh, about my payment then... Node052 Ramirez let... four slaves escape last month. (Shakes his head slightly.) That is not good. Within the hour, the Jet you gave Ramirez will stop his... heart. It is PUNISHMENT. Node051->Node052 Uh... come again? Node022->Node006 Well, I had some questions first... Node022->Node006 Uh, you know what? I think I'll take care of it right now... Node022->Node999 I'm going to go do it right now. Node025 I have no more... work for you. (Nods at the door.) I wish to be alone. Leave now... and do NOT return. Node981->Node025 Node026 I… have more work for you. I need someone… (He takes a deep wheezing breath, then wipes sweat from his forehead.) … to collect my percentage from the... Corsican Brothers. They are LATE in their payments. Node981->Node026 Node025->Node999 Okay. Node025->Node999 (Leave quietly.) Node025->Node009 Aw, c'mon. There must be SOME other job that I could do... Node026->Node033 I think I'll pass. Thanks anyway. Node027 Head north up Virgin street. They are across from the gym... if they give you trouble... if they make excuses... HURT them. Node026->Node027 Okay. Sounds easy enough. Node026->Node027 I will go there now, Senor Mordino. Node027->Node999 Okay. I'm on it. Node027->Node999 Very well, Senor Mordino. Node030->Node006 Well, you see, I had some questions first... Node030->Node006 Uh, you know what? I think I'll take care of it right now... Node030->Node999 Good question. I'm going to go do it right now. Node980 Node031->Node980 Hey, thanks, Big Jesus. Node031->Node980 Thank you, Senor Mordino. Node980->Node025 Node032 (Senor Mordino looks at you for a long time, then nods slightly.) I have one last job for you. There… (Takes a deep wheezing breath, wipes sweat from his forehead.)… is a MAN who must die. Node980->Node032 Node032->Node033 I cannot take this job, Senor Mordino, I'm sorry. Goodbye. Node032->Node033 Whoa, nobody say anything about murder. Forget it. Node034 This man, Louis Salvatore… he has killed many of my men… many PROUD men of the Mordino family. He... butchered them in the street like... dogs. (His hand clenches into a fist.) It is my will that this man die. Node032->Node034 He's as good as dead. The corpse got a name? Node032->Node034 Who is this man you wish dead, Senor Mordino? Node032->Node034 Who is this man? Node034->Node033 I can't accept this assignment. I'm leaving. Node035 I shall pay you... when Salvatore breathes no more. Node034->Node035 If you got the chips, he's good as dead. Node037 (Nods.) That is good. The man is old... a cripple... he hides in his bar, "Salvatore's," near the Bishop Casino. He is a... coward and never leaves his room upstairs. When he is... dead, return. Node034->Node037 All right then. I'll do it. Node034->Node037 I will see the Mordino family avenged, Senor Mordino. I will return when I have completed the task. Node036 (Mordino nods, studies your expression.) Does that... make you afraid? If so, leave. (Points at door.) The Mordino family has no use for... cowards. Node034->Node036 Wait a minute. Louis Salvatore who rules the Salvatore family? The ones that have the lightbringers that can slice men in half? Node035->Node033 I don't stick my neck out for nothing. I'm outta here. Node035->Node033 I can't accept this assignment. I'm leaving. Node035->Node037 Well... all right then. I'll do it. Node035->Node037 I will see the Mordino family avenged, Senor Mordino. I will return when I have completed the task. Node035->Node036 Wait a minute. Louis Salvatore who rules the Salvatore family? The ones that have the lightbringers that can cut men in half? Node037->Node999 All right. Node037->Node999 I'll be back when he is dead, Senor Mordino. Node038 (Nods.) The butcher's legs... are weak. (Jesus wipes his forehead, then draws another weak breath.) He also has... difficulty... breathing. He takes air through an... oxygen tank. Node037->Node038 Cripple? Node036->Node033 Call me a coward, but I like breathing. I'll pass on this job. Node036->Node037 No, I'll do it. Node036->Node037 I will see the Mordino family avenged, Senor Mordino. I will return when I have completed the task. Node038->Node999 Oxygen tank, huh? Hmmmm. All right. Node038->Node999 I'll be back when he is dead, Senor Mordino. Node979 Node041->Node979 Thanks. Node978 Node041->Node978 That'll do... for now. Node040->Node998 Try anything, and you'll be joining the Mordinos the Salvatores butchered. Node040->Node999 Since you put it that way, I shall return when he's dead. Node979->Node025 Node042 (Nods.) Your success... pleases me. I would welcome you into the Family Mordino. (Clasps your shoulders.) Will you join our family? Your strength shall be... our strength. Node979->Node042 Node978->Node025 Node978->Node042 Node044 Node042->Node044 It would please me to become a member of Family Mordino. Node043 (Nods.) I'm sorry that is your choice. As I said, your success pleases me... I would hate for your skills to be used by one of my... competitors. (Motions to his guards, who reach for their weapons.) --- You want some of THIS, *Fatman?!* You WANT SOME of --- ?!! Then COME GET SOME, YOU FAT SON OF A B-- Node042->Node043 I can't join the Mordinos. But don't get me wrong, Big Jesus: It was a pleasure working with you. Node042->Node043 I don't want to join, thanks. I've got a village I have to save first. Node044->ChooseFromList Node043->Node998 Whoa! Whoa…! Node043->Node998 Hey! Hold on a second...! Node045 ... that is a good name. (Nods.) The Mordino name has... weight in New Reno. Visit... the Cat's Paw... New Reno Arms... and tell them you are of my family... they will treat you well. --- You have become a made man of the Mordino family. --- You see Big Jesus Mordino. Node045->Node999 Hey, thanks, Big Jesus. Node045->Node999 Thank you, Senor Mordino. Node047->Node999 Thanks for the information, Senor Mordino. I must be going now. Node047->Node010 Just adults, huh? I mean, Jet takes a while to kill someone, but it works, right? Node047->Node011 I see. Look, I had some other questions... Node047->Node048 Somebody else might, and they might blacken the Mordino name. You know who might have sold Richard the Jet that killed him? Node048->Node999 I will. Thanks, Senor Mordino. Node048->Node011 I will. I had some other questions… Node050->Node999 I see. I better be going now. Node050->Node009 C'mon, give me a chance. Give me a job, any job... I can do it. Node052->Node998 You monster… you just signed your own death warrant. Node052->Node033 You used me to KILL that guy? That's it, Jesus, I'm outta here. Node052->Node023 Oh. Uh, about my payment then... combat_p_proc combat_p_proc->Node004 use_obj_on_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc->Node004