ncBisGrd checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a rugged-looking man dressed in leather armor. Numerous scars and gunshot wounds cover his body. --- You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. He is scanning the area and fingering his weapon. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc forced_node forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node Node006 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Hey! --- You better leave, --- Hey! --- . Now. talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node008 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Yo, champ. No weapons in here, 'kay? talk_p_proc->Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node011 talk_p_proc->Node011 talk_p_proc->Node011 Node016 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Slaver, you better secure that weapon right NOW. talk_p_proc->Node016 talk_p_proc->Node016 Node018 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Put that weapon away, tribal, or I'll use you for target practice. talk_p_proc->Node018 talk_p_proc->Node018 Node017 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Stop sneaking around, slaver, or I'll use you for target practice. talk_p_proc->Node017 talk_p_proc->Node017 Node019 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Stop sneaking around, tribal, or I'll use you for target practice. talk_p_proc->Node019 talk_p_proc->Node019 Node020 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Get that robot outta here. Now. talk_p_proc->Node020 talk_p_proc->Node020 Node021 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- That mutant better get outta here right now, or we'll be mounting his head on a wall. talk_p_proc->Node021 talk_p_proc->Node021 Node022 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- That ghoul ain't outta here in a minute, he's gonna be deader than he already is. talk_p_proc->Node022 talk_p_proc->Node022 Node024 You can go up if you want. Bishop got whacked, so you can use the pool, too. talk_p_proc->Node024 Node035 Mr. Bishop 'xpecting you? --- Yo, --- You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away. --- ! --- Mr. Bishop 'xpecting you? talk_p_proc->Node035 talk_p_proc->Node035 Node025 You again. What the hell d'you want now? --- What d'you want, pal? Make it quick. talk_p_proc->Node025 talk_p_proc->Node025 floater_rand_with_check_cust(228 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 231 + (5 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 200 + (global_var(230) / 100))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(228 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 231 + (5 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 200 + (global_var(230) / 100))) Node006->floater_rand_with_check_cust(228 - (3 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 231 + (5 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 200 + (global_var(230) / 100))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(245, 247, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(245, 247, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) Node008->floater_rand_with_check_cust(245, 247, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(277 - (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 277 + (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(277 - (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 277 + (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node011->floater_rand_with_check_cust(277 - (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0)), 277 + (2 * (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1)), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node999 Node035->Node999 No, not right now. Take care, guys. Node036 Next time, don't even sweat asking…just head on up. --- Sure, go on up, --- You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away. --- . --- Next time, don't even sweat asking…just head on up. Node035->Node036 Yes. Can I head on up? We have business to discuss. Node025->Node999 Wander off Node025->Node999 Sorry, I seem to have taken a wrong turn. I'll be going now. Node027 Boy, you are one stupid son of a bitch, aren'tcha? --- Look, get out of here before we beat the rest of your brains outta you. Node025->Node027 Me want world peace Node025->Node027 Me want to go up stairs Node025->Node027 Hoo Yoo Node029 If you don't know, then you don't NEED to know. Now blow. Node025->Node029 What's up those stairs? Node990 Node025->Node990 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. Node989 Node025->Node989 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. description_p_proc You see a rugged-looking man dressed in leather armor. Numerous scars and gunshot wounds cover his body. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc Hey! map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node016 timed_event_p_proc->Node016 timed_event_p_proc->Node016 timed_event_p_proc->Node016 timed_event_p_proc->Node018 timed_event_p_proc->Node018 timed_event_p_proc->Node018 timed_event_p_proc->Node018 timed_event_p_proc->Node017 timed_event_p_proc->Node017 timed_event_p_proc->Node017 timed_event_p_proc->Node017 timed_event_p_proc->Node019 timed_event_p_proc->Node019 timed_event_p_proc->Node019 timed_event_p_proc->Node019 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node021 timed_event_p_proc->Node021 timed_event_p_proc->Node021 timed_event_p_proc->Node021 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node024 Node001 Hey! --- ! Way to kick the Enclave's ass! timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 How the hell do you go to the bathroom with that thing on? timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 Bishop expecting you, --- You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away. --- ? Go on up. Just don't be waving that weapon around him. timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node004 Uh, look… Bishop's expecting you, right, --- You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away. --- ? Go on up. Turn off the sneak, though. timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node005 Bishop expecting you, --- You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away. --- ? Go on up. timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node009 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Are you trying to avoid your fans? timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 Node013 Honey, with a body like that, you won't be able to sneak anywhere. timed_event_p_proc->Node013 Node014 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Love the films, --- Hey! --- ! timed_event_p_proc->Node014 Node023 You see one of Bishop's bodyguards. --- Catch the fight last night? timed_event_p_proc->Node023 floater_rand_with_check_cust(265, 266, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(265, 266, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) Node010->floater_rand_with_check_cust(265, 266, message_str(353, 400 + global_var(231))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(290, 293 + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) floater_rand_with_check_cust(290, 293 + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node014->floater_rand_with_check_cust(290, 293 + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 1), message_str(353, 500 + global_var(232))) Node027->Node999 Shamble off Node027->Node999 All right. I'm leaving. Node027->Node989 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. Node028 Dipshit, you just earned yourself a ticket to a world of hurt. --- only want to be left ALONE but WORLD hurt --- so --- SMASH PUNY HUMANS Node027->Node028 ME WANT WORLD PEACE ME WANT WORLD PEACE Node027->Node028 ME SAY ME WANT TO GO UP STAIRS Node027->Node028 HOO YOO Node027->Node028 Let me pass. Node029->Node999 Sorry, I seem to have taken a wrong turn. I'll be going now. Node029->Node990 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. Node029->Node989 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. Node030 Well, that's too damn bad, cuz Bishop took the road to the sky not too long ago. Now beat it. Node990->Node030 Node031 No, I know Mr. Bishop's schedule, and you ain't on it. Node990->Node031 Node989->Node030 Node034 (The guard steps away for a moment, opens a panel one of the walls and whispers something. He waits for a minute, listens, then turns back to you and shrugs.) He says you can head on up. Node989->Node034 Node026 You got some business upstairs, pal? Node026->Node999 Wander off Node026->Node999 Sorry, I seem to have taken a wrong turn. I'll be going now. Node026->Node027 Me want world peace Node026->Node027 Me want to go up stairs Node026->Node027 Hoo Yoo Node026->Node029 What's up those stairs? Node026->Node990 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. Node026->Node989 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. Node028->Node998 YOO ONE WHO GET HURT Node028->Node998 Scream and dive for cover Node028->Node998 Go silent, brace yourself, and get ready to do some damage. Node028->Node998 You want some of THIS, boys?! YOU WANT SOME?! Then come GET some, you pathetic SONS OF BIT -- Node030->Node999 Okay, I'm leaving. Node030->Node027 Look, I need to go upstairs, just for a second. Node031->Node999 All right then. Goodbye. Node032 Awright, pal. What's yer name? I'll check with the boss. --- I'm --- . Node031->Node032 He's expecting me. Tell him I'm here. Node031->Node034 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. Node032->Node999 Forget it. You don't need to check…I'll be going. Node032->Node027 You don't need my name. Just let me see him. Node032->Node034 I'm here to see Mr. Bishop. I have a suitcase for him from Mr. Moore. Node034->Node999 All right. Node033 (The guard steps away for a moment, opens a panel one of the walls and whispers something. He waits for a minute, listens, then turns back to you.) --- He doesn't know you. Piss off, pal. You're wasting our time. Node033->Node999 Forget it then. Node033->Node027 Let me see him. Now. Node033->Node034 Tell him I have a suitcase for him... from Mr. Moore. Node036->Node999 Thanks. floater_rand_with_check_cust You looking to fill a grave in Golgotha, slaver? Put that thing away.