ncChrWri checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a tall young man with a mohawk. He's wearing a lot of chains and leather. --- You see Chris Wright. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node005 talk_p_proc->Node005 Node004 I still can't believe Dad is dead. There's so much that I wanted to say to him… talk_p_proc->Node004 Node006 Yeah? --- Hey, you got my thanks for finding who killed Richard, --- . I owe you big, and the Wright family always pays its debts. What can I do for you? --- Hey! How's it going, --- ? Everybody treating you all right? Anything you need? talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node011 (The young man looks you up and down. His eyes stop at the mark on your forehead.) Well, now. (He sneers, then spits on your feet.) Why don't you make yourself useful and lick that up, slaver? --- (The young man looks you up and down.) Well, now. (He sneers, then spits on your feet.) Why don't you make yourself useful and lick that up, you piece of --- Hey! --- dogshit? talk_p_proc->Node011 Node999 Node006->Node999 Wander off Node006->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to bother you. Node007 Piss off, retard. I ain't got time to do sign language with you. Node006->Node007 Mattah. Man is Mattah! Node006->Node007 Hoobajuube Node009 Family Wright is the biggest crime family in Reno. We're gonna rule this city. --- You ain't heard of Family *Wright?* You musta been out in the desert too long. Family Wright is the biggest crime family in Reno. We're gonna rule this city. Node006->Node009 Can you tell me about the Wright Family? Node990 Node006->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Wright hiring? Node014 (Cringes.) *Greeeat.* Did she give you a speech? Node006->Node014 Say, I ran into your mom. Node020 Richard? We found him dead in one of the gutters like one of those jet crashers. Near as we can figure, someone pumped him with chems until he was dead. Node006->Node020 Can you tell me about Richard? Node008 I'm Chris. Chris Wright. Of the Family Wright. Glad you asked? Node006->Node008 Who are you? Node011->Node998 Kick him with the boot he spat on. Node011->Node999 Wander off Node011->Node999 Let it alone and walk away. This time. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a tall young man with a mohawk. He's wearing a lot of chains and leather. description_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node005 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 How do you go to the bathroom with that thing on? timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node007->Node999 Wander off Node009->Node999 Really? How interesting... well, look, I have to be going. Node009->Node990 Really? Sounds like the Wright family holds all the cards. Are they hiring? Node009->Node014 Speaking of family, I ran into your mom. Node009->Node020 Can you tell me what happened to your brother Richard? Node015 That a JOKE? If so, it damn well missed the funny mark by a mile. You trying to start something with Family Wright? Node009->Node015 Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families…I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem trade, and their numbers are much less than other families. Node012 Well, I… I mean, the Wright family… my family… might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright. Node990->Node012 Node013 Naw... we don't usually hire muscle that's not family. You can try asking Pa at the house, but he'll most likely just say no. Node990->Node013 Node014->Node999 Not really. Look, I better be going. Node016 (Shrugs.) She just doesn't pay attention to what's going on around her. I love her n' all, but sometimes, she's as blind as a mule. Node014->Node016 A little. Do you not like your mother? Node014->Node016 No. Does she usually? Node020->Node999 Nasty. Look, I have to be going. Node010 Like what? Node020->Node010 Sorry to hear that. I had some other questions… Node021 Cause he was a clean kid… Mom taught him THAT much. And if you feel like saying any different, maybe you and I should settle it right here, huh?! Node020->Node021 'Someone' gave him too much? How do you know he didn't overdose because HE took too much? Node025 My guess is the Mordinos, either one of their dealers or one of the Mordino family themselves. Bastards make tons of Jet. Node020->Node025 Who do you figure might have done it? Node008->Node999 Not really. Sorry to bother you. Node008->Node009 Family Wright? Who's that? Node008->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Wright hiring? Node008->Node014 Chris Wright, huh? Say, I ran into your mom. Node008->Node020 Can you tell me what happened to your brother Richard? Node015->Node999 No, not at all. I think I better be going. Node024 (Chris stares at you for a moment, then lunges at you!) Node015->Node024 Start something? No, just FINISH it. Node989 Node015->Node989 No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Look, I had some other questions… Node010->Node999 No, no other questions. I better be going. Node010->Node009 Can you tell me about Family Wright? Node010->Node990 Is Family Wright hiring? Node010->Node014 I ran into your mom not long ago. Nice lady. Node010->Node020 Can you tell me what happened to your brother Richard? Node012->Node999 Thanks. Node012->Node009 Uh, Family Wright? Who's that? Node012->Node014 Wright, huh? I ran into your mom. Node012->Node020 Can you tell me what happened to your brother Richard? Node012->Node010 Thanks. Can I ask you some questions? Node013->Node999 All right then. Node016->Node999 I suppose. Look, I better be going. Node016->Node015 Heh-heh. And she looks like one, too. Node016->Node010 Oh. I had some other questions… Node017 She goes around and preaches all about sinning and stuff, but she doesn't even really know what Dad does. Either that, or she ignores it. Node016->Node017 Blind? How do you mean? Node024->Node998 So THIS is how it's gonna BE, huh? ALL RIGHT THEN, LET'S GO, MOTHER FU -- Node989->Node010 Node023 Piss off. I ain't got nothing more to say to you. Node989->Node023 Node017->Node999 Interesting. Well, I have to be going. Node017->Node010 Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions… Node018 Makes alcohol, runs guns, rubs out people who fuck with him…typical family stuff. Mom'd be pissed if she actually paid mind to what was going on. And 'specially if she found this still, here. Node017->Node018 What does your Dad do? Node018->Node999 Interesting. Well, I have to be going. Node018->Node010 Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions… Node019 Probably pissed enough to wreck this place…at least. Then she'd give us all a tongue lashing and a few solid days of preaching. Heh. Node018->Node019 How pissed would she be? Node019->Node999 Hmmmmm. Thanks. Node019->Node010 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node021->Node999 I'm not looking for any trouble. I'll be going. Node021->Node010 Who do you figure might have done it? Node021->Node024 Don't blind yourself to the possibility he might have been taking it. Jet is extremely habit-forming. Node988 Node021->Node988 I didn't mean it like that. Sorry I brought it up. Node987 Node021->Node987 Look, *kid,* if you know what's good for you, you'll stop throwing down every time a little truth comes along and bites you in the ass. Node025->Node999 I see. I better be going. Node025->Node010 Got it. Say, I had some other questions… Node026 Could have been any one of them: Jagged Jimmy J, that scarred prick at the corner of Virgin Street, or Renesco 'the Rocketman,' that weasely old shit who sells Jet outta that fortified shell up on the West Side. Node025->Node026 Which of the dealers do you think sold it to Richard? Node022 Yeah... well, just watch it. Them's fighting words to any Wright, so don't go shooting off your mouth like that, okay? Node988->Node022 Node988->Node023 Node987->Node024 Node987->Node023 Node022->Node999 Understood. I better be going. Node022->Node010 Sorry, no offense intended. Say, I had some other questions… Node022->Node024 Don't blind yourself to the possibility he might have been taking it. Jet is extremely habit-forming. Node022->Node987 Look, KID, don't start with me. If you know what's good for you, you'll stop trying to throw down every time a little truth comes along and bites you in the ass. Node023->Node999 I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Node023->Node024 Wait, I just had one more question… Node026->Node010 Got it. Say, I had some other questions… Node028 Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists…then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed chems on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado. Node026->Node028 Any other dealers? Node028->Node010 Got it. Say, I had some other questions… Node027 Hey, man, thank YOU. --- You find out who killed my brother, and all of Family Wright'll be thanking you. And that's no small thanks, understand? Node028->Node027 Jagged Jimmy J, Renesco the Rocketman, Jules and Little Jesus…I'll check them out. Thanks for the info, Chris. Node027->Node999 I understand. Catch you later, Chris.