ncCorBro checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a well-dressed man who smells like Vaseline. For some reason, he strikes you as faintly reptilian. --- You see Marty, one of the Corsican Brothers. His hair is slicked back, and his face is covered with a thin sheen of sweat. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc forced_node forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node talk_p_proc->forced_node Node063 talk_p_proc->Node063 Node060 … I heard about your X-ploits…how you blew the rig of every member in the Enclave. That took a stomach of iron. talk_p_proc->Node060 talk_p_proc->Node060 Node046 talk_p_proc->Node046 Node047 Hey, welcome back, --- I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. --- ! We ain't shooting today, but try back again soon. --- Hey, welcome back, --- I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. --- ! We ain't shooting today, but try back again soon. --- (Winks.) You're money, baby, nothing but money! talk_p_proc->Node047 talk_p_proc->Node047 Node048 The Corsican Brothers at yer service… (The man glances up, smiles.) Hey, welcome back, --- I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. --- ! You looking to go at another film session? talk_p_proc->Node048 talk_p_proc->Node048 Node054 The Corsican Bros at yer service… (The man glances up, irritated, then does a double take.) Holy...uh…hey, how you doing, --- Keee-rist! Get that ghoul stinkard outta here before the smell latches on. --- ?! How's Boss --- Hey, --- ? Have a seat! So, um, what can I do you for? talk_p_proc->Node054 talk_p_proc->Node054 Node051 The Corsican Bros at yer service… (The man glances up, irritated, then does a double take.) Holy... --- Hmmmm. How much you bench, pal? --- ?! How come you ain't been by earlier? Great fight by the way! Great fight! What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node051 talk_p_proc->Node051 Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 Node010 talk_p_proc->Node010 Node011 talk_p_proc->Node011 Node012 talk_p_proc->Node012 Node058 Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up.) You again. You looking for more work, Mister Fluffs-A-Lot? --- Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up.) You! What HAPPENED to you? I mean, it's good, it's good…I musta missed something before. You were interested in fluffing, was that it? talk_p_proc->Node058 talk_p_proc->Node058 Node059 Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up.) Hey! You thought about my offer? Eh? --- Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up.) Hey! You want another try-out? Is that it? --- Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up.) Hey! You thought about my offer? You wanna go again, see if you still got the magic? Eh? talk_p_proc->Node059 talk_p_proc->Node059 Node014 The Corsican Brothers at yer service… (Glances up, irritated, then does a double take.)'re the one from before - you were looking to fluff, right? talk_p_proc->Node014 talk_p_proc->Node014 Node999 Node060->Node999 Wander off Node060->Node999 I better go. Node061 Don't be modest. I know it must have sucked. Most people wouldn't have had the stomach for it. But you swallowed your pride and did who had to be done. THAT'S star power. Node060->Node061 Yup Node060->Node061 Nup Node060->Node061 Uh, I didn't blow every member of the Enclave. You see, what happened was -- Node047->Node999 Wander off Node047->Node999 All right. I'll try back later. Node040 This place? C'mon, what, you jokin' with me? This here's the Golden Globes, a FILM studio, the only one in Reno, probably the ONLY one still erect and standing. What, you don't know your own home? That hurts! --- This place? This here's the Golden Globes, a FILM studio, pal, the only one in Reno, probably the ONLY one still erect and standing, see? Now, you gonna talk my ears off, or you wanna job? Node047->Node040 Can you tell me a little about the studio first? Node057 Um, sure, sure! ya go. 250 chips. And, uh, say hello to Big Jesus for me, okay? Node047->Node057 I'm glad you said that. See, I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node048->Node040 Can you tell me a little about the studio first? Node048->Node057 Not really. I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node980 Node048->Node980 Okee-Dokee Node048->Node980 Sure am. Let's break some bedsprings. Node049 don't WANT to do it?! What, you too GOOD for us, now? We made you what you are, ' --- !' And don't you forget it! Node048->Node049 Wander off Node048->Node049 No thanks. Node054->Node999 Nuthin Node054->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to bother you. Node054->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node018 Hmmmm. How much you bench, pal? --- Hmmmm. You as tough as you look, honey-tits? Node054->Node018 Me 4! Me 4! Node051->Node999 Nothing Node051->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to bother you. Node051->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node051->Node018 Me 4! Me 4! Node058->Node999 Wander off Node058->Node999 No. Sorry to bother you. Node990 Node058->Node990 Me fluf Node058->Node990 Me no fluf! Me tuff! Node989 Node058->Node989 Yeah. Is there any more work for me? Node039 Yer spouse, huh? Hmmmmm. Awright. Have yer life partner head to the back, start spit-shining the shafts. Here's the pay: 3 chips. --- Do as the man says, Davin-honey. Do --- proud. Node058->Node039 Actually, my spouse is. Node058->Node040 What is this place? Node058->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node059->Node999 Wander off Node059->Node999 No. Sorry to bother you. Node059->Node040 What is this place? Node059->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node023 Let's do it, then! No time to lose! Hey! Somebody get me an extra! --- Alright, pal, time to shine… Node059->Node023 Oh-Kay Node059->Node023 Doh-Kay Node014->Node999 Wander off Node014->Node990 Me fluf Node014->Node990 Me no fluf! Me tuff! Node014->Node989 Uh, what's a fluffer? Node014->Node989 Sure am. Node014->Node039 Actually, my spouse is. Node014->Node040 What is this place? Node014->Node057 No. I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see one of the Corsican Brothers. description_p_proc You see a well-dressed man who smells like Vaseline. For some reason, he strikes you as faintly reptilian. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node063 timed_event_p_proc->Node046 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node012 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node005 Keee-rist! Get that ghoul stinkard outta here before the smell latches on. timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node006 Hmmmm. How much you bench, pal? timed_event_p_proc->Node006 Node013 timed_event_p_proc->Node013 map_update_p_proc Node015 Awright, brainiac. Pay's 5…er, 3 chips for one shoot. Get into the backroom and wax that fella's shaft. Node990->Node015 Node990->Node018 Node038 Awright then. Head to the back, start waxing the shafts. Here's your pay: 5 chips. Node989->Node038 Node037 Whoa, what am I thinking? You come in here, a class act, and I babble like an idiot! Look, pal, sorry 'bout that. Say, um, you looking for work? None of that fluffing crap. I'm talking ACTING, see? Node989->Node037 Node039->Node999 Um, actually, I changed my mind. No thanks. I'd best be going now. Node982 I...don't feel so good. --- I...don't feel so good. --- True love triumphs once again. Your spouse looks deathly ill, but at least you're 3 chips richer! Node039->Node982 Do as he says, Miria my sweet. NOW. Node040->Node999 Just checking. I've been feeling a little drained, lately. Node040->Node999 No thanks. I have to be going. Node041 We lucked out…we don't NEED any of that stoneage crap. We stumbled across a WORKING porno…er, holo…graphic projector. No bulky equipment, no fuss…and no unsightly mess. Node040->Node041 How do you "film?"  I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff? Node040->Node041 How do you "film?"  I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff? Node981 Node040->Node981 If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'm interested. Node057->Node999 Yeah. Maybe. Later for you, pal. Node055 The Golden Globes studio, THE studio for all talent in what remains of the world. So...uh, what can I do for you today? Node057->Node055 Before you're all quick to run me outta here, why don't you tell me about your little operation, slick? Node015->Node999 Wander off Node016 Watch your mouth. Node015->Node016 Shaft…he's one bad mutha -- Node988 Me feel sicky-sick in belly. Node015->Node988 Do as man say Node017 (Holds up his hands.) I can dig it. Node016->Node017 I'm talking about Shaft! Node017->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node988 Go wax that fella's shaft Node018->Node999 Wander off Node019 Riiiiight. Pal, I know where you're coming from, and I know EXACTLY where you're going. You like to act? Node018->Node019 Me bench Node018->Node019 Me no do bench me do woman Node018->Node019 Me money-tits Node018->Node019 Me tuff Node019->Node999 Wander off Node020 No shit? So do I! We have so much in common already! See, we're a studio, we make MAGIC here. You… --- you, pal, can be PART of that magic! Node019->Node020 Me like stuff Node021 Act like a BEAST. Like a wild rhino. A primal animal, built only to harness his lust for the gratitude of the masses! MAGIC, BABY, MAGIC! THAT'S what I'm talking about! Node019->Node021 Act like what Node020->Node999 Wander off Node022 X-cellent! Now, time for a try-out. I need to see how you get over the 'hump.' --- You game, pal? Node020->Node022 Okee-Dokee Node020->Node022 Magic! Magic! Me like magic! Node021->Node999 Wander off Node021->Node022 Okee-Dokee Node021->Node022 Magic! Magic! Me like magic! Node022->Node999 Wander off Node022->Node023 Oh-Kay Node024 Sorry, pal, yer just not FLEXIBLE enough for what we need. Work on it, and maybe we can talk business later, okay? Node024->Node999 Me LIKE doooo-ing business here. Me be BACK Node024->Node999 *Snffff* O-kay. *Snffff* Me feel used Node024->Node999 I'll try and work on my agility. Maybe next time. Node024->Node999 I might be back. After a shower. A long shower. Node025 Sorry, pal, yer handsome and yer flexible enough, it's just that y'ain't got the, uh, stamina we need... Work out a little, and then maybe we do some business, okay? Node025->Node999 Me LIKE doooo-ing business here. Me be BACK Node025->Node999 *Snffff* O-kay. *Snffff* Me feel used Node025->Node999 I'll try and work on my endurance. Maybe next time. Node025->Node999 I might be back. After a shower. A long shower. Node026 Sorry, pal, yer handsome, yer flexible, ye got the stamina of a brahmin, but y'need a bit more experience in the sack before we can do business, okay? We ain't got the time to train you. Node026->Node999 Me LIKE doooo-ing business here. Me be BACK Node026->Node999 *Snffff* O-kay. *Snffff* Me feel used Node026->Node999 I'll try and increase my uh, 'experience.' Maybe next time. Node026->Node999 I might be back. After a shower. A long shower. Node027 Pal, that was in-credible. --- You were gold out there, pure Reno gold! That performance was worth a THOUSAND hard-ons! You wanna do a movie with us? C'mon, let's talk, baby, let's TALK! Node027->Node999 Uh-uh. Me wanna go now. Me feel dirty inside Node027->Node999 No way. I need a shower. A long shower. Node028 Node027->Node028 Okee Dokee …me talk with you. Me wanna do that stuff again and again Node027->Node028 I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. Node029 I...hmmmm...I...hmmmm. Look, I'll agree to the 500 chips, but NO ROYALTIES. You hear me? --- No royalties, no --- . I'm outta this chicken-shit studio. Node027->Node029 I'm interested. But first, some conditions. First off, I only work with CLEAN actors, I expect at least 500 chips for each shoot, 20% royalties, and no BULLSHIT. I'm a star, and you know it. Node028->ChooseFromList Node028->ChooseFromList Node029->Node999 No deal. I'll be seeing you. Node985 Node029->Node985 All right. Node985->Node028 Node030 All right! " --- I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. --- !" I LIKE it! I LIKE it! Now, let's FILM… --- I'm interested. My price: 200 chips a…shot. --- ! Lights! Camera! Action! Node984 Node030->Node984 Achtung! Achtung! Node030->Node984 Get down to business. Node987 Node984->Node987 Node031 Eh…not THAT name, 'kay? Bad ass-ociations. I mean, nobody wants to see anybody named that in any decent porno. Choose another name, eh? Node031->Node028 Okay… Node033 All right! All right! Let's do this, people! Come on! Look alive! You ready? Node031->Node033 But me really LIKE name Node031->Node033 But I really like that name. Node033->Node984 Me ready like freddie Node033->Node984 I was BORN ready. Node032 Node032->Node984 Achtung! Achtung! Node032->Node984 Get down to business. Node034 All right then, my volcanic pal. We're done for today. STELLAR performance! STELLAR! And that money shot! Perfect! You want to do another, you come back and see us in a month, you hear? Node034->Node999 Okee…Bye-bye Node035 That's a wrap. STELLAR performance! --- Cut! All right then, pal. --- And that money shot! --- Cut! All right then, honey-tits. --- And that crooning! --- Perfect! Here's your cut: --- 500 chips. --- Perfect! Here's your cut: --- 200 chips. --- You want to do another, you come see us in a month, you hear? Node035->Node999 All right then. Node036 You yanking my member? Look, if you gotta ask, then you AIN'T the person for the job. Now whaddya want? Node036->Node999 Um, nothing. I must be in the wrong place. Node036->Node040 What is this place? Node036->Node038 A job, huh? Well then, I AM a fluffer. The best fluffer in the business. Node038->Node999 Um, actually, I changed my mind. No thanks. I'd best be going now. Node983 Ack! ::spit, spit:: That SUCKED! --- You have a foul, unhealty taste in your mouth, and you feel sick to your stomach. But hey, 5 chips is 5 chips! Node038->Node983 Do as he says. Node037->Node999 Um, nothing. I must be in the wrong place. Node037->Node040 First off, what is this place? Node044 X-cellent! A-course, I'll need ta see what yer made of, a little try-out to see how you get over the 'hump.' You game, pal? Node037->Node044 If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'm interested. Node044->Node999 Uh, no thanks. I've changed my mind. Some other time. Node044->Node023 Sure. Node041->Node999 Nice talking to you, but I have to be going. Node041->Node981 I see…well, look: I'm interested in a job, if you're still offering. Node981->Node038 Node981->Node044 Node042 Well…we ain't hit capacity on the QEWB drive yet - near as I can tell, it's about a 300 GB high density memory cube. Even though the Winblows 57 O.S. eats up 70-75% of that, we could film for a hundred years on that cube. Node042->Node999 Wow. That's a LOT of porn. I think I'm going to go think about that for a while. Node042->Node981 I see…well, look: I'm interested in a job, if you're still offering. Node043 No, we try and keep everybody outta the film room…everybody wants to throw in their two cents when it comes to editing and storage. 'Sides, the cube's gold to us - wouldn't want anything to happen to it. Node042->Node043 Where is this cube now? Can I see it? Node043->Node999 Makes sense. God knows what use some thief could put that cube to if they got their hands on it. Oh, well. Bye! Node043->Node981 I see…well, look: I'm interested in a job, if you're still offering. Node045 Then get the hell outta here, you little shit! We don't need you! Get lost! You'll never work in porn again! --- Screw you! You're not my boss. You're not the boss of me. I'm the fucking boss of --- ! Node045->Node999 Me no want to anyway! SO THERE! Node050 all right? You seem a little out of it. You ain't on chems, are you? Cause I AIN'T gonna shoot you like this. Node980->Node050 Node980->Node987 Node049->Node999 Me not forget no get mad make me sad me come back but me got to go now Node049->Node999 Calm down. I just don't want to shoot today, okay? Sheesh. I'll just come back later when you've cooled off. Node049->Node045 Ignore him and wander off Node049->Node045 Screw you guys. I don't need this brahmin shit. I'm a star! A big bright shining star! Node050->Node999 Wander off Node050->Node999 All right. I'll try back later when I've, uh, calmed down. Node050->Node045 Me want to film NOW little person Node052 The Golden Globes studio, the studio for all talent in what remains of the world. And you, friend, you could be a STAR, know what I'm saying? You interested in acting? Node052->Node999 Not at the moment. Sorry to bother you. Node052->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node052->Node041 How do you "film?"  I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff? Node053 Hell, yes! Let's try you out! Hey! Get me some extras here! We gotta us a star in the making! Node052->Node053 Sure. Are you serious? Node053->Node987 Do as the man directs... Node055->Node999 Nothing today. Sorry to bother you. Node055->Node057 I'm here for Big Jesus Mordino's money. Node055->Node041 How do you "film?"  I mean, c'mon…you'd need cameras, film, projectors…where would you get all that stuff? Node056 Um, sure. Sure. Let's, uh, give you a try. See if you got what it takes. I mean, we're pretty booked, but we can try you out, okay? Uh…some extras over here, please! Hurry up! Node055->Node056 You got time to audition ME? I'm thinking I could be a star, you know what I'm saying? Node056->Node987 Do as the man directs. Node061->Node999 Wander off Node061->Node999 I better go. Node062 Yer a hero, --- . A genuine hero. I'm not gonna forget all the shit you had to swallow for us. And once all the box office receipts come in, the whole world will know, too. --- Know what I'm thinking, --- ? I'm thinking about a feature film based on your X-ploits. We'd call it 'Pullout: Post-Nuclear Boogalo.' Are we together on this? Eh? Node061->Node062 Yup Node061->Node062 Nup Node061->Node062 Uh, look, I DIDN'T blow every member of the Enclave, see -- Node062->Node999 Yuppity-yup. Byeeee Node062->Node999 Greeeeat. Thanks... Node062->Node999 Let me go save the game first, then I might come back and do it. Node062->Node999 Wander off Node977 Node062->Node977 Yup Node062->Node977 Nup Node062->Node977 Sure, what the hell. I solved this game. Let's do it. Node977->Node987 Node986 You have become a star. A big, bright shining star. --- You see one of the Corsican Brothers. Node986->Node030 Node986->Node031 Node986->Node032