ncJimmyJ checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a shifty-looking man. He has a jagged scar running down the side of his face, and a slight facial tic. --- You see Jagged Jimmy J. It looks like he's trolling for a customer. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node007 Knew you'd be back, knew it! Didn't Jagged Jimmy J say that be the WAY? Keep 'em happy, and they'll never let you down. So my pilot friend…what can Jagged Jimmy J can do for you today? --- Me forgot! Me finally had a thought and Me forgot! --- KILL YOU talk_p_proc->Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node003 (This man has a slight facial tic and a scar down one of his cheeks. The scar looks like a knife wound.) --- Brother, I had my eye on you since you walked down the street. You know what I see? talk_p_proc->Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node999 Node007->Node999 Nothing today, thanks, Jimmy. Node990 Node007->Node990 Um...Me forgot what me goin' to say. Me go Node989 Node007->Node989 We trad stuf? Me LIKE stuf Node007->Node989 You got Jet? Well then, let's deal….friend. Node988 Node007->Node988 How you get that scar, Jimmy? Node987 Node007->Node987 Where do you get your Jet, Jimmy? Node986 Node007->Node986 You know who gave that Wright kid the Jet that killed him? Node985 Node007->Node985 You said before your Jet was the "safest." There isn't any bad Jet floating around, is there? Node004 I see a pilot. I see someone who wants to FLY. You just need a little help, a little…JET. Node003->Node004 You see me Node003->Node004 What you see?! What you see?! Node003->Node004 Me have to go n -- Node003->Node004 What do you see? Node003->Node004 Cut the chatter, you stupid-- Node003->Node004 Sorry, not interest -- destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Jagged Jimmy J. description_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc map_update_p_proc->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node984 return_node return_node Node984->return_node Node005 And my pilot friend, when it comes to Jet, Jagged Jimmy J's your MAN. I got the best shit in New Reno, pure Jet, straight Jet, the SAFEST Jet. Node004->Node005 Hunh? Jet? In Sky? Where? Node004->Node005 Me have to go n -- Node004->Node005 Jet, huh? I had some quest-- Node004->Node005 Look, I'm not - Node006 OTHER dealers, they don't care about quality, but me, I like KEEPING my customer base and keeping 'em HAPPY, know what I'm saying? It's just my way…the Jimmy J way. --- Me no see frig-in Jet you lie to --- you lie to --- about jet? Node005->Node006 Wherez Jet? Me no see it in sky Node005->Node006 Me have TO GO N-- Node005->Node006 Jagged Jimmy J, huh? Say, I had some quest-- Node005->Node006 Look, I'm not  interest -- Node008 So what you SAY? What can Jagged Jimmy J can do for you today? --- Me forgot! Me finally had a thought and Me forgot! --- KILL YOU Node006->Node008 ME GO LET ME G-- Node006->Node008 Hey, the, uh, "Jimmy J way" sounds great and all, and that's why I had some quest-- Node006->Node008 No, I don't think so - Node008->Node999 Nothing today, thanks, Jimmy. Node008->Node990 Um...Me forgot what me goin' to say. Me go Node008->Node989 We trad stuf? Me LIKE stuf Node008->Node989 You got Jet? Well then, let's deal….friend. Node008->Node988 How you get that scar, Jimmy? Node008->Node987 Where do you get your Jet, Jimmy? Node008->Node986 You know who gave that Wright kid the Jet that killed him? Node008->Node985 You said before your Jet was the "safest." There isn't any bad Jet floating around, is there? Node009 Hey…you look FAMILIAR to Jimmy. Do I know you, my pilot friend? --- I've turned out a few movies. Heard of --- I used to get it from the god himself, Myron, see, but he up and left...or got aced. Now I mostly peddle straight from the Mordino Family. --- ? --- I'm in tight with the --- Hey, if it ain't --- family. Node990->Node009 Node989->Node984 Node989->Node009 Node988->Node009 Node012 Jagged Jimmy J's got a lot of love, my pilot friend, but the world don't always love Jagged Jimmy J back, see? Node988->Node012 Node987->Node009 Node021 Glad you asked, my pilot friend, glad you asked. See, all them OTHER dealers, right, they get their shit second hand, watered down, diluted with all sorts o' shit. Node987->Node021 Node022 I used to get it from the god himself, Myron, see, but he up and left...or got aced. Now I mostly peddle straight from the Mordino Family. Node987->Node022 Node986->Node009 Node037 Aw, so NOW it comes out, does it?! You wanna know if ol' Jimmy got something to do with that, huh?! Node986->Node037 Node985->Node009 Node036 Hell, all's I'M sayin' is Jimmy likes his buyers happy and ALIVE. Draw yer own conclusions, my pilot friend. Is breathin' more important to you than shaving a few chips off your next Jet purchase? Node985->Node036 Node009->Node999 Me WANNA talk but you not LET me BYE Node009->Node999 No, I've got to go. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node009->Node984 No, I don't think so, Jimmy. We here to deal or what? Node009->Node009 No, I don't think so. Hey, I wanted to ask you something… Node010 That's it! I KNEW I'd seen you somewhere before! Damn, why didn't you pull from the start, put Jimmy in his place…?! Hell, what can I do for you? Node009->Node010 ME BIG HERO ME SOLVE GAME AND KICK PREZ ASS AND BLOW UP OIL FLATFORM AND SAVE WORLD Node009->Node010 Well, I did stop the Enclave's plans for murdering everyone in the world, defeated the President, blew up their base, and barely escaped with my life. Node009->Node010 Me fight in ring in front of lotz of yelling people hoo yell kill kill the fucker so I punch him until he standing down Node009->Node010 I've fought in the boxing ring. Node009->Node010 Me do th'nasty with strangers who talk to God a lot Node009->Node010 Me MADE man. Me BIG man in REEno Node011 (Jimmy falls into a stunned silence. You think you've paralyzed his brain.) --- work here is done. Node009->Node011 How can one TRULY know another, Jimmy? Is it even possible while we are on this mortal coil? Or is it only possible when we free ourselves from our physical bodies? Node010->Node999 forgot. Me go. Node010->Node999 I've got to go. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node010->Node984 We trad stuf? Me LIKE stuf Node010->Node984 Well, I'm looking for some Jet… Node010->Node008 Hey, I wanted something else… Node983 Node011->Node983 (Steal everything he has.) Node012->Node999 Good story. I got to go though, Jimmy. Node012->Node984 Good story. Now you got some Jet, I got some chips…we gonna deal? Node012->Node008 That's a GREAT story. Say, Jimmy, I had some other questions… Node013 (Points at his scar.) I got this while I was stopping this one big UGLY son of a bitch from hitting this chick cuz she don't like the way he was touching her, right? Node012->Node013 I hear you. I hear you. Node012->Node013 Don't I know it. Sometimes the world's a cruel place. Node013->Node999 Good story. I got to go though, Jimmy. Node013->Node984 Good story. Now you got some Jet, I got some chips…we gonna deal? Node013->Node008 That's a GREAT story. Say, Jimmy, I had some other questions… Node981 Node013->Node981 Oh, really? Jules says you were 'flying' on Jet and sliced up your face trying to shave with your combat knife. Node014 (Gets into fighting stance.) So's I step in, right, and he pulls a KNIFE on ol' JJ! I ain't got nothing on me but my bare hands, right? So he gets in a lucky cut before I…*BAM!* Canceled his ass! Node013->Node014 Really? What happened? Node013->Node014 Serious? Man, guys who beat up women deserve to be laid low. Node015 Wha...? Well, Jules can kiss my natural black ass, and it'd be the only ass in town he AIN'T kissed yet. He don't know SHIT. He don't even have the balls to talk shit to my face. YOU decide who's telling the truth. Node981->Node015 Node014->Node999 Good good I have to leave. Node014->Node984 Yeah...look, I got some chips…we gonna deal? Node014->Node008 GREAT story. Hey, I had some other questions… Node014->Node981 Oh, really? Jules says you were 'flying' on Jet and sliced up your face trying to shave with your combat knife. Node982 Node014->Node982 No shit? I don't think I'd have had the iron to step in like that. Hell, that man coulda KILLED you. Node016 He almost did, too! Y'know, when I got into it, I wasn't thinking like 'I'm gonna be mister brave man' an' all, but… Node982->Node016 Node015->Node999 Well, I've heard enough, Jimmy. You watch yourself shaving, hear? Node015->Node999 All right then. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node015->Node984 Yeah, yeah…. Look, you got some Jet, I got some chips…we gonna deal? Node015->Node984 Look, Mr. Big Talk, we gonna deal or sit here and listen to you jabber on all day? Node015->Node008 Yeah, yeah….say, Jimmy, I had some other questions… Node016->Node999 I have to be going. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node016->Node008 Uh-huh. Look, I had some other questions… Node017 Yeah…yeah…I just saw something wrong, and I had to do SOMETHING, right? No way could I let something like that go on while I was on the scene, y'know? Node016->Node017 You just did what was natural to you, right? Node017->Node999 I have to be going. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node017->Node008 I understand. Say, I had some other questions… Node018 I LIKE people, and I AIN'T like it when somebody messes with somebody else just cause they can. That shit's just WRONG. Node017->Node018 You got BALLS to do what you did, Jimmy. Most people would've just hung their heads, walked away. Node018->Node999 I have to be going. Catch you later, Jimmy. Node018->Node008 You're right about that. Say, I had some other questions… Node980 Node018->Node980 You're a brave man, Jimmy, a brave man. Wear your scar with pride. Say, can I see what you have in stock? Node980->Node984 Node019 Hell, my pilot friend, I like you, so don't you be pulling up that barter screen with its fuses and wires and all. Node980->Node019 Node020 Look, this is bad business an' all, and don't go telling nobody 'bout it, but lemme give you some Jet 'tween friends. Next time, a-course, you gotta pay, but this one's on Jagged Jimmy J, all right? Node019->Node020 Uh…okay…then how are we gonna deal…? Node020->Node999 All right then. Thanks, Jimmy. Node020->Node984 Thanks, Jimmy. Say, can I see what else you have in stock? Node020->Node008 Hey, thanks. Say, I had some other questions… Node021->Node999 Really? Well, I'll be sure to come back and buy some later on. Thanks, Jimmy. Node021->Node008 Actually, forget I asked. I had some other questions… Node023 Me, I got ties to the CREATOR, my pilot friend. I get my Jet straight from the brainiac, the living god of chem n' compounds, MYRON. Node021->Node023 But your Jet, on the other hand… Node023->Node999 Really? Well, I'll be sure to come back and buy some later on. Thanks, Jimmy. Node023->Node008 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node024 He's Family Mordino's golden boy. He MADE Jet. Buying from Jagged Jimmy is like buying from Myron himself, y'hear? That's why J-J got the pure Jet. The BEST Jet. Node023->Node024 Myron? Node025 Hell, no! The Mordinos got that boy locked up tighter than a New Reno virgin. No way they gonna let anybody gonna touch their livelihood, know what I'm saying? Node023->Node025 Myron, huh? Can I meet this…living god? Node022->Node999 Really? Well, I'll be sure to come back and buy some later on. Thanks, Jimmy. Node022->Node008 Interesting. I had some other questions… Node024->Node999 Really? Well, I'll be sure to come back and buy some later on. Thanks, Jimmy. Node024->Node984 Sounds good. Let's deal. Node024->Node008 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node024->Node025 Think I could meet this Myron? Node025->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for the information, Jimmy. Node025->Node008 Understood. Say, I had some other questions… Node026 Guards, guards, and more guards. Plus, tightest electronic security in New Reno. You'd be lucky if you even HEAR about somebody seeing Myron, he's so well-guarded. Node025->Node026 I hear you. So how much security they got on this guy? Node029 Now, that's a…hole…different story, my pilot friend. Oh my, yes. Node025->Node029 Except that I heard Myron has a lot of prostitute…friends. How does that happen if he's locked up so tight? Node026->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for the information, Jimmy. Node026->Node008 I see. Say, I had some other questions… Node026->Node029 Except that I heard Myron has a lot of prostitute…friends. How does that happen if he's locked up so tight? Node027 They got him stationed at this place called the "Stables," to the North, outside city limits. I only been there once - they never let me past the gates, and I WORK for the Family. Node026->Node027 Well-guarded, huh? Where, exactly? Node029->Node999 I don't think I have time for this story, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node029->Node008 Nevermind. I had some other questions… Node030 See, Myron is well taken care of…Mordinos give their little livelihood the BEST of New Reno. Node029->Node030 I think this is a story I want to hear. C'mon, Jimmy… Node027->Node999 The Stables, huh? Outside of town to the North…(I'll just record that on the Pip Boy real quick here)…thanks for the lowdown, Jimmy. Node027->Node008 I see. Say, I had some other questions… Node027->Node029 Except that I heard Myron has a lot of prostitute…friends. How does that happen if he's locked up so tight? Node028 Beats the hell outta me, friend. I SELL for the boy, and I ain't hardly see him but once or twice from a hundred yards away. Big Jesus Mordino don't let nobody near him who ain't tight with the family. Node027->Node028 Come on, there must be some way I could see him. Node028->Node999 All right then. Thanks, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node028->Node984 All right then, let's deal. Node028->Node008 I see. I had some other questions… Node028->Node029 Except that I heard Myron has a lot of prostitute…friends. How does that happen if he's locked up so tight? Node030->Node999 I see. Thanks, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node030->Node008 Nevermind. I had some other questions… Node031 Th' Mordinos deliver whores to the Stables personally, then escort them out again. Heh-heh. Myron's barely nineteen, and he's got the hormones o' twenty…twenty MEN, that is. Node030->Node031 And by that, you mean…? Node032 (Shrugs.) One of Mordino's boys cruises the Cat's Paw down the street, I hear, picks one Myron might like from Miss Kitty's stock…(Jimmy suddenly stops talking. He squints at you and frowns.) Wait a minute... Node030->Node032 You mean prostitutes, don't you? Out of idle curiosity, where do the Mordinos get these prostitutes and how are they chosen? Node031->Node999 I see. Thanks, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node031->Node984 All right then, let's deal. Node031->Node008 Nevermind. I had some other questions… Node031->Node032 Interesting….say, out of IDLE curiosity, where do the Mordinos get these prostitutes and how are they selected? Node033 Why you want to know shit like that… (Pauses, then smiles and looks you up and down.) Aw, now I catch your drift. You gonna go straight to the source for yo Jet, right, sister? --- Why you want to know shit like that? I got Jet, that's all YOU need to know. You don't need to know nothing about Myron, or what he had for dinner, or who he does 'fore he goes to bed at night. Node032->Node033 What's wrong? Node032->Node033 Uh…nevermind. Say, I had some other questions… Node032->Node033 Uh, well, thanks for the information, Jimmy. Node033->Node999 No, just curious. Thanks, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node033->Node999 All right then. Later, Jimmy. I got to be going. Node033->Node984 Not at the moment. Let's see what you got, Jimmy. Node033->Node984 Forget it, then. Let's deal. Node033->Node008 I might. Say, I had some other questions… Node033->Node008 Nevermind then. I had some other questions… Node036->Node999 Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. I'd better be going now. Node036->Node984 Understood. We gonna deal? Node036->Node008 I had some other questions… Node040 (Takes canister, studies it.) Naw, I... (Sniffs nozzle, then frowns.) Sheeee-it. This Jet's got radscorp juice in it. Whoever was sucking on this ain't long for this world... (Hands canister back.) --- You have discovered that Richard Wright was poisoned. --- You see Jagged Jimmy J. Node036->Node040 Know anything about this empty Jet canister? Node043 Don't surprise me none. Node036->Node043 I don't think the kid ODed on Jet. I think he was poisoned. Node040->Node999 I see. Thanks. Node040->Node008 Hmmm. I had some other questions… Node041 Hell, yes! Gotta be careful in this town with shit like that being passed around...that's why Jimmy always says -- Node040->Node041 It's poisoned? Node043->Node999 Nevermind, then. Node043->Node008 I see. I had some other questions… Node043->Node036 What are you saying? Node038 FUCK you! I sell CLEAN shit! You wanna know who poisoned that Wright kid, you go ask that old fool Renesco, or that weasel Jules, and you see what they say! Node037->Node038 No, I was just ask -- Node037->Node038 All right, nevermind that. We gonna deal? Node037->Node038 Look, I had some other questions -- Node037->Node038 Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. I'd better be go -- Node039 You listen, and you listen GOOD. If I hear you were talkin' shit 'bout me havin' anything to do with that Wright kid's death, I'll make sure you have a grave in Golgotha right next to him. Node038->Node039 Okay, okay. Calm down -- Node038->Node039 All right, nevermind that. We gonna deal? Node038->Node039 All right, all right. Look, I had some other quest -- Node038->Node039 Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. I'd better be go -- Node039->Node999 Easy, Jimmy. Nobody's going to be talking. Node039->Node999 I'm not going to say anything, Jimmy. I'm going now, see? I'm going. Node039->Node008 No problem. Look, I had some other questions… Node039->Node040 Know anything about this empty Jet canister? Node039->Node043 I don't think the kid ODed on Jet. I think he was poisoned. Node044 Yeah, he WOULD say that, cause he knows ALL about it. Node039->Node044 Renesco said you sell Jet laced with arsenic. Node044->Node999 Nevermind, then. Node044->Node008 I see. I had some other questions… Node045 What do I mean? I mean Jimmy likes his buyers happy and ALIVE. Renesco don't draw no distinctions 'tween the two, YOU draw yer own conclusions, my pilot friend. Node044->Node045 What do you mean? Node041->Node999 I see. Thanks. Node041->Node008 Hmmm. I had some other questions… Node042 Naw, I don't...look, now, don't be spreading the word that's mine...if I were you, I'd ask Jules and Renesco about it...but you didn't hear that from me, right? Node041->Node042 Any idea where this might have come from? Node042->Node999 Renesco and Jules, huh? I'll ask them about it. Thanks for the tip. Node042->Node008 All right then. I had some other questions… Node045->Node999 Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. I'd better be going now. Node045->Node008 I see. I had some other questions…