ncJules checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a black man in a worn suit. When he catches your eye, he smiles, his gold tooth glittering in the light of the lamps. --- You see Jules. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node081 H…hey. (Smiles uneasily. His cologne slams into you like a wave.) Name's Jules. What you need, my friend, huh? A..anything? talk_p_proc->Node081 Node017 Hey, hey, hey, welcome back! What is it you need from Jules, my friend? --- Name's Jules, and I would be MOST pleased to make your acquaintance, show you around, and set you up with whatever you're looking for. talk_p_proc->Node017 Node016 (Smiles, displaying a gleaming gold tooth. His cologne is so strong it almost chokes you.) --- WELCOME to the glittering city of New Reno, my brother! talk_p_proc->Node016 Node999 Node081->Node999 Wander off Node081->Node999 Nothing, thanks. See you, Jules. Node018 Eh... don't strain the brain, little brother. You just don't hurt yourself, now, hear? Node081->Node018 Me looking for… um. Me forget again Node082 H-hey, I WISH I could help, but I don't know nothin'…look, I gotta go. Node081->Node082 I had some questions… Node017->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node999 Nothing, thanks. See you, Jules. Node017->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node999 Not today, Jules, thanks. Node017->Node018 Me looking for… um. Me forget again Node017->Node018 Me looking for… um. Me forget again Node072 Uh... Wright kid? Yeah, I heard about that. A damn shame. Kids his age shouldn't be doing chems. They got so much to live for without being given impure shit. Node017->Node072 Know what happened to Mr. Wright's son, Jules? Node017->Node072 Know what happened to Mr. Wright's son, Jules? Node076 Your CAR? You sure you parked it here? I ain't seen it. Node017->Node076 Jules, have you seen my car? I parked it here a while ago, and now it's gone. Node017->Node076 Jules, have you seen my car? I parked it here a while ago, and now it's gone. Node019 Sure thing, sure thing... I gots the treasure, so what's YOUR pleasure? --- I can get you ANYTHING you need, brother. If you need to fly, get high, slide down low in a luscious ho, Jules knows where to GO. Question is: I gots the treasure, so what's YOUR pleasure? Node017->Node019 Well, I had some questions… Node017->Node019 All right. How can you help me? Node075 (Jules' smile dies.) I'm lookin' for people like you comin' into Reno. This is the prime spot to deal. Plus, certain establishments pay me to point newcomers their way. THAT a good enough answer for you? Node017->Node075 So, I'm curious…what do YOU get out of playing tour guide, Jules? Node017->Node075 Look…"Jules," is it? You obviously expect something out of this conversation, so level with me up front. What are YOU looking for? Node016->Node017 Hunh? Wh-? Node016->Node017 And you are…? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Jules. description_p_proc You see a black man in a worn suit. When he catches your eye, he smiles, his gold tooth glittering in the light of the lamps. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc map_update_p_proc map_update_p_proc->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc That a CAR? Daaaamn. Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node004 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node005 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 Node012 timed_event_p_proc->Node012 Node013 timed_event_p_proc->Node013 Node014 timed_event_p_proc->Node014 Node015 timed_event_p_proc->Node015 Node018->Node999 Hi tee hi tee hi tee ho Node072->Node999 Nevermind. I really better be going. Node072->Node019 I see. I had some other questions… Node089 You tell that bitch he keeps talking shit like that, an' I'LL kill 'im before old man Wright does. You know what kind of talk that is? That's talk from a man who's SCARED, that's what it is. Node072->Node089 Speaking of impure shit, Renesco said you sell Jet laced with arsenic. Node073 (Shrugs.) Some dealers don't care what they sell, and people die. Now I ain't saying nothing, but I'd check with ol' Renesco the Rocketman and see how good his shit is. Node072->Node073 What do you mean, "impure shit?" Node086 (Glances at it.) Like a hundred others I've seen. It ain't mine, though...could be Jagged Jimmy J's or Renesco's. Node072->Node086 You know anything about this empty Jet canister? Node085 Doesn't surprise me...that sort of thing seems to happen a LOT in this town. Node072->Node085 Interesting you should say that... I don't think he overdosed on Jet. I think he was poisoned. Node076->Node999 I better go look for it. Node076->Node019 All right then. I had some other questions… Node078 Sister, I don't know NOTHING about your car. --- I AIN'T seen what happened to it, and I DON'T know where it is. --- (He throws a hateful glance at Cody across the street.) --- Sister, I don't know NOTHING about your car. --- I AIN'T seen what happened to it, and I DON'T know where it is. Node076->Node078 What, you suddenly gone BLIND? You see my FIST, mother fucker? You SEE it?!! Now tell me again you haven't seen my car…I fucking DARE you. Node987 Node076->Node987 You SURE you haven't seen it, Jules? Node019->Node999 Nothing today, thanks. Node020 Can Jules TELL you 'bout New Reno? Hell, yes! FIRST thing you should know: Reno's ruled by four families: Mordinos, the Salvatores, the Bishops and the Wrights. Each o' them got a slice of th' Reno pie. Node019->Node020 Can you tell me a little about New Reno? Node054 Brother, you need look no farther than humble Jules himself. --- I got it ALL, and if I ain't got it, you don't want it. Shall we get down to bizness? Node019->Node054 Where can I get some chems? Node065 You want weapons, you go see my man Eldridge on the West End. He got shit that'll kill people you ain't even MET yet. Tell him I sent you. --- I hear you, brother, I hear you. You want the best, you go see my man Eldridge on the West End. He got shit that'll kill people you ain't even MET yet. Tell him I sent you. Node019->Node065 I'm looking to buy some heavy firepower. Node066 You need some supplies? Well, you CAN go see Renesco up on the West End…but here's the catch: don't buy no chems from him, cause they ain't SAFE. He's got supplies all right, but if you want chems, talk to me. Node019->Node066 I'm looking for supplies. Node067 I hear you, brother. Most TOURISTS, see, they stride down Virgin street and get suckered by some two-chip whore. You look like you got class, so head over to the Cat's Paw 'cross the street there. Tell 'em Jules sent you. --- I hear you, sister. Most TOURISTS, see, they stride down Virgin street and get suckered by some glitterboy. You look like you got class, so head over to the Cat's Paw 'cross the street there. Tell 'em Jules sent you. --- (Smiles, holds out arms.) Look no farther, my sweet sister. Jules is at your command! Node019->Node067 I want to get laid. Node068 You mean Vault CITY, don't you? That's to the northeast. Can't miss it, all the caravan trails lead right to it. Node019->Node068 I'm looking for a place called Vault 13. Node070 Don't know nothing about that. Sorry about your loss. Maybe it was slavers? Node019->Node070 I'm looking for my tribe. They've been kidnapped. Node071 A what? Node019->Node071 Do you know how to fix an oil tanker? Node069 Garden of wha-? That some kind of chem? What does this "Garden thing" do? Get you high? Node019->Node069 I'm looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Node075->Node999 Just curious. Thanks for the honesty. Node075->Node019 Yes. Now I need the answer to some other questions… Node020->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node020->Node019 Actually, I had some other questions… Node024 Well, now, ANOTHER thing you gotta know about New Reno is nothin's free. If it is, ex-amine the merchandise. Node020->Node024 Tell me about the families. Node021 Ain't no law, ain't no po-lice, ain't no sheriff, ain't no government body. JUST the families. Node020->Node021 What about the law? Node054->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node054->Node019 Not right now. I had some other questions… Node989 Node054->Node989 Sure. Let's deal. Node055 All KINDS o' shit. I got shit make you horny, make your woman horny, make you hard, make you happy, make you strong, make you smart…and, o course, I got THE chem, the shit that'll let you FLY…Jet. Node054->Node055 What kind of chems can I get in New Reno? Node065->Node999 Thanks for the tip, I think I better be going. Node065->Node019 I see. Say, I had some other questions… Node066->Node999 His chems aren't safe, huh? Well, thanks for the tip, I think I better be going. Node066->Node019 I'll keep that in mind. Say, I had some more questions… Node067->Node999 Well, thanks for the tip. I think I better be going. Node067->Node999 Well, thanks for the tip. I think I better be going. Node067->Node999 Well, uh, thanks anyway, but I think I better be going. Node067->Node019 I'll keep that in mind. Say, I had some more questions… Node067->Node019 I'll keep that in mind. Say, I had some more questions… Node067->Node019 Uh, thanks, Jules, but no. Say, I had some more questions… Node068->Node999 Well, thanks for the tip. I better be going. Node068->Node019 All right. Say, I had some more questions… Node070->Node999 Nevermind. I really better be going. Node070->Node019 Could be. I had some other questions… Node071->Node999 Nevermind. I really better be going. Node071->Node019 Forget it. I had some other questions… Node069->Node999 Nevermind. I really better be going. Node069->Node019 No, it's…well, nevermind. I had some other questions… Node024->Node999 Looks like I can't afford any information right now. I'll be back when I have some chips. Node024->Node999 Looks like I can't afford any information right now. I'll be back when I have some chips. Node024->Node999 Looks like I can't afford any information right now. I'll be back when I have some chips. Node024->Node999 Looks like I can't afford any information right now. I'll be back when I have some chips. Node024->Node999 I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip, Jules. Node024->Node019 Actually, I had some other…non-family…related questions. Node990 Node024->Node990 Pay him 25 chips. Node024->Node990 Pay him 50 chips. Node024->Node990 Pay him 75 chips. Node024->Node990 Pay him 100 chips. Node021->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node021->Node019 I see. I had some other questions… Node021->Node024 Tell me about the families. Node022 The Families keep things running smooth. They don't LIKE trouble in Reno 'cause it hurts the tourist trade, and that means less money for them. Don't make trouble and cover yer bets, you'll stay off Golgotha. Node021->Node022 Who keeps order in Reno then? Node022->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node022->Node019 I see. I had some other questions… Node022->Node024 Tell me about the families. Node023 Yeah, this graveyard outside o' town. It's where they put debtors and people who've crossed the families. They just string 'em up on posts and let 'em die slowly in the sun. Not my choice a' dying. Stinks like hell out there. Node022->Node023 Golgotha? Node023->Node999 Sounds great. Thanks for the information. Node023->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node023->Node024 Tell me about the families. Node025 (Jules pockets the chips so quickly, you swear they vanished.) So… which of the fine families interests you today? Node990->Node025 Node025->Node999 Actually, nevermind. We'll talk some other time. Node025->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node026 (Holds up two fingers.) The Mordinos are a two-headed beast, friend, an' each head's named Jesus Mordino. Node025->Node026 Tell me about the Mordino Family. Node034 Quiet bunch. They're led by Louis Salvatore, an original gangster gettin' on in years. Their territory's on the West Side; their crib's this bar called Salvatore's on 2nd Street. Don't be making trouble there. Node025->Node034 Tell me about the Salvatore Family. Node048 Ha! John Bishop? Not much to say: Bishop's a smart one, tough, and he's looking to get it ALL. Node025->Node048 Tell me about the Bishop Family. Node051 The Wrights? Heh. The Wrights are the only family who ARE family. The other families, see, they got mercs and tumbleweeds for muscle, but the Wright family IS the Wright family, understand? Node025->Node051 Tell me about the Wright Family. Node026->Node999 Actually, nevermind. Thanks for talking with me. Node026->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node026->Node024 Let's go back to the other families. Node027 There's the father, Big Jesus Mordino, and the son, Lil' Jesus, and both are the meanest sons of bitches you ever met. Used to be slaves here, but they turned the tables years ago and carved out their own lil' empire. Node026->Node027 Go on… Node026->Node027 I always suspected Jesus had ties to organized crime. Node034->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node034->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node034->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node035 Some free advice: You see a Salvatore, keep your head down n' mouth shut, or they'll cut you in two. They got the best firepower this side of Cee-Ay, so nobody with any kinda sense fucks with them, understand? Node034->Node035 Why not? Node048->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node048->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node048->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node051->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node051->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node051->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node052 Almost twenty or more true-blooded Wrights. Mean as spit and each of them uglier than the next. Node051->Node052 They're family? How many are there? Node027->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node027->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node027->Node024 Let's go back to the other families. Node028 They own the Desperado just down the street. Can't miss it. They also got the biggest supply of Jet in ALL o' New Reno. So if you got the urge to fly… Node027->Node028 How big is their "empire?" Node028->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node028->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node028->Node054 Speaking of which, do you know where can I get some chems around here? Node028->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node029 They're on top of the pile, friend. Ain't no more reason than that. They got the factory, the maker, and the distribution. They're like a whole goddamn airline they got so much Jet. Node028->Node029 How come the Mordinos have the biggest supply of Jet? Node029->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node029->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node029->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node030 Got factories all over New Reno, cranking out the shit day and night. That's why you can buy all the Jet you need most anywhere: bars, casinos, on th' street…and a-course, from ME. Node029->Node030 What factory? Node031 Yeah… (Leans in.) ...see, the Mordinos got themselves a lil' gold mine by the name o' Myron. Hit the jackpot with him…see, he MADE jet. Node029->Node031 What "maker?" Node032 They pump it all over New Reno, for starters. Up north to the Den, and also…uh… (Catches himself, then shrugs and continues.) ... well, it's also makin' it's way to Redding nowadays, too, which don't hurt the Mordinos purse none. Node029->Node032 How extensive is their distribution network? Node030->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node030->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node030->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node030->Node029 Back to the Mordinos and Jet… Node030->Node989 Can I see what you got in stock? Node031->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node031->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node031->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node031->Node029 Back to the Mordinos and Jet… Node057 Aw, now…see, Family Mordino struck the jackpot one day when they found this little brainiac called Myron. Seems he's a natural when it comes to making chems. He MADE Jet. Node031->Node057 Enough about the Mordinos and the families for now. Tell me about this Myron… Node032->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node032->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node032->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node032->Node029 Back to the Mordinos and Jet… Node033 Not much TO say. Mining town northwest o' here. Word is, Mordino wants to get some influence there, get some of that Redding GOLD they dig up. So he ships them jet, they ship back gold, everybody happy. Node032->Node033 Tell me about Redding. node_string node_string Node989->node_string Node057->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node057->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node058 (Leans in.) Now, I don't want to go on 'bout the less PLEASANT New Reno sites, but there's this building, the Stables, north o' town. Heavily guarded by the Mordino family. That's where Myron is. Node057->Node058 Myron, huh? Where can I find him? Node033->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node033->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node033->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node033->Node029 Back to the Mordinos and Jet… Node035->Node999 Interesting…thanks for the warning. Node035->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node035->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node036 Pistols…'cept they shoot LIGHT. Now, Reno's a city o' lights, but the light THOSE pistols shine can cut a man in two... *swuppp*... (Jules makes slicing motion.) Makes a clean burn 'tween the two halves, it does. Node035->Node036 What kind of "firepower" do the Salvatores have? Node035->Node036 Sounds like they got some pretty heavy shit. What are they packing? Node036->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node036->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node036->Node024 I'll be sure to be careful, then. Can you tell me about the other families? Node037 Well, uh, I don't really know… I ain't sure what you're talking about. But take my word for it: don't go asking the Salvatores about those pistols. They have this twitchy habit a killing people who're curious. Node036->Node037 They shoot light? Do they call the pistols 'laser pistols?' Node037->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node037->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node037->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node041 Uh... now, I  don't know 'bout that, and... hmmmm. Y'know, you talk like one of them whitecoats over at the Stables. Y'sure you ain't one of them? Node037->Node041 By 'laser pistols,' Jules, I mean pistols that emit beams of coherent light. A beam of sufficient wattage - say, several megawatts - could do considerable damage if focused on a target for a few seconds, producing the effect you've described. Node038 They didn't always have 'em…else they'd be in charge o' New Reno…ALL of New Reno. As it stands, they're just building up quietly. Those pistols showed up…maybe a few months back, 'round the time o' the massacre. Node037->Node038 Did they always have these pistols? Node041->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node041->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node041->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node042 (Leans in.) Now, I don't want to go on 'bout the less PLEASANT New Reno sites, but there's a buncha whitecoats who talk like you in this building, the Stables, north o' town. Heavily guarded by Mordino's men. Node041->Node042 Stables? Node038->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node038->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node038->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node039 Oh, yeah…two Salvatore boys with those pistols killed a buncha Bishop's men, then shot down some of Mordino's boys who'd been tryin' to muscle in on the West Side. Since then, the other families steered clear of the Salvatores. Node038->Node039 Massacre? Node039->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node039->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node039->Node024 Tell me about the other families. Node039->Node041 Definitely sounds like lasers. Do you know how the Salvatores power their laser pistols? Do they employ battery packs, fusion cells, or cabled power systems of any kind? Node040 No idea, friend, I ain't asking, and you shouldn't neither…take my advice. You looking for weapons, there's other…safer…places you can try. Node039->Node040 Any idea where they're getting these pistols from? Node040->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node040->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node040->Node065 Like where? Node040->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node042->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node042->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node042->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node043 Test new kinds o' Jet, from what I hear. Now, I'm telling you this in CONFIDENCE, friend: don't go poking around there…the Mordinos don't like visitors. 'Sides…Jules can get you all the Jet you need. Node042->Node043 What do they do there? Node043->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node043->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node043->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node045 Just to make it better, I guess, refine the process, refine the chem. Jet's good, but if they can make it even BETTER…difference between scraping the sky and flying to the moon, I s'pose. Node043->Node045 Why do the Mordinos keep testing Jet? It sounds like it's habit-forming enough as it is. Node044 Slaves, pretty much. Keep 'em in stalls in the stables, like brahmin. --- Mordinos buy a bunch from slavers that pass through. --- They buy a helluva lot, too, cause the slaves keep getting sick, running away…or die. Mostly die. Node043->Node044 Who do the Mordinos test the chems on? Node046 Now hold on a minute -- I wouldn't even THINK about that if I were you, friend. The Mordinos guard that place like rabid dogs. Just put the thought outta your mind. Node043->Node046 Do you know how I can get into the Stables? Node045->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node045->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node045->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node045->Node044 Who do the Mordinos test the chems on? Node045->Node046 Do you know how I can get into the Stables? Node044->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node044->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node044->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node044->Node045 Why do the Mordinos keep testing Jet? It sounds like it's habit-forming enough as it is. Node044->Node046 Do you know how I can get into the Stables? Node046->Node999 All right, nevermind then. Thanks for the information. Node046->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node046->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node046->Node045 Why do the Mordinos keep testing Jet? It sounds like it's habit-forming enough as it is. Node046->Node044 Who do the Mordinos test the chems on? Node047 Well... if you can talk all smart like you were doing, you could pass for one of the whitecoats there. 'Course, you could also hire on with the Mordinos and get put there… Node046->Node047 There must be a way in… Node047->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node047->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node047->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node047->Node045 Why do the Mordinos keep testing Jet? It sounds like it's habit-forming enough as it is. Node047->Node044 Who do the Mordinos test the chems on? Node049 He hangs out at the Shark Club up on 2nd Street. He's surrounded by guards, so don't go paying a visit unless you got REAL business with him. (Smiles evily.) And keep yer business away from his wife. AND his daughter. Node049->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node049->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node049->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node050 You know what I mean, brother. Just stay away from them two, 'less the thought of bein' on Bishop's list is somethin' you like. Node050->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node050->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node050->Node024 Uh, tell me some more about the families. Node052->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node052->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node052->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node053 They ain't got no casino, they mostly deal in alcohol and sell it to the other families. So if you're looking for hootch…they hang out in the east side o' town in a big mansion. Node052->Node053 What do the Wrights control in New Reno? Node053->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for talking with me. Node053->Node019 I had some questions about New Reno… Node053->Node024 Tell me some more about the families. Node055->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node055->Node019 Not right now. I had some other questions… Node055->Node989 Sure. Let's deal. Node056 Well... uh... Jet comes from here…Reno, I mean. It ain't been around long, but it's in DEMAND, know what I'm saying? (Winks.) Number one reason we get tourists like yourself. Node055->Node056 Where does Jet come from? Has it always been around? Node056->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node056->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node056->Node989 Well, I'm looking to buy some chems. Let's deal. Node056->Node057 But why did Jet come from here? Node058->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node058->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node059 Yeah, Mordinos keep ol' golden boy there, give him chips, whores, anything he wants, as long as he makes chems. Jet was his FINEST. Ain't seen anything so habit-forming in a long time. Turned Reno around, it did. Node058->Node059 Stables outside of town? Node059->Node999 Actually, I'm not interested in any chems right now. I have to be going. Node059->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node988 Node059->Node988 Think I could meet this Myron? Node060 (Jules stops and studies you, his eyes running up and down your body.) Node988->Node060 Node061 Whoa, now, brother, here's some free advice: don't you go be looking to meet Myron, 'cause the Mordinos catch wind of THAT, they'll gut you and let you die on Golgotha. --- I wouldn't be trying it. If you need Jet, don't go see Myron, cause you can get it from me. Mordinos catch wind of you seeing Myron, they'll gut you and let you die on Golgotha. Node988->Node061 Node060->Node061 Jules? Hello? I asked if there was any way I could meet Myron. Node061->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for the information. Node061->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node064 If you were a fine-looking woman, maybe, but otherwise, you would need the Mordinos' permission first. Both ain't very likely. Node061->Node064 Isn't there any way I could see him? Node062 Yeah, this graveyard outside o' town. It's where they put debtors and people who've crossed the families. They just string 'em up on posts and let 'em die slowly in the sun. Not my choice a' dying. Stinks like hell out there. Node061->Node062 Golgotha? What's that? Node064->Node999 Well, on that note, I think I better be going. Node064->Node019 I see. Say, I had some other questions… Node064->Node062 What was that about Golgotha? Node062->Node999 Sounds great. Thanks for the information. Node062->Node019 Interesting. Say, I had some other questions… Node062->Node064 Isn't there any way I could see Myron? Node063 I was doing THAT cause I was seein' if you were Myron's type, but you don't look it. Maybe if you cleaned yourself up some, Myron'd give you a second glance…see, he likes the womenses. --- Boy's like a rabbit, and is ALWAYS looking for a new cabbage patch. Node063->Node019 Uh, great. Thanks for the tip, Jules. Say, I had some other questions… Node063->Node062 What was that about Golgotha? Node089->Node999 I hear you. I'll go check it out. Node089->Node019 I see...say, I had some other questions… Node073->Node999 All right. I'll check him out. Node073->Node019 I had some other questions… Node073->Node089 I did check with Renesco... he said you sell Jet laced with arsenic. Node074 Lotta dealers in town…Lil' Jesus Mordino, maybe, but why he would sell to a Wright don't make sense. There's Jagged Jimmy J up on 2nd Street, north of here, but he's small time. I'd still check with Renesco, though. Node073->Node074 Reno's a big place, Jules. Anybody else who might be responsible? Node086->Node999 I see. Well, thanks for your time. Node086->Node019 Hmmm. I had some other questions… Node087 He's this dumb sonuvabitch up on 2nd Street, north of here. You can't miss him...his face is all scarred up. The fool was flying on Jet one night and tried to shave with a combat knife. Sad part is, it didn't KILL 'im. Node086->Node087 Jagged Jimmy J? Node088 He's this old cracker who runs a pharmacy on Commercial Row...go up a few streets north, make a left where Salvatore's and the Bishop casino meet, then keep heading down that street. It's on the right. Node086->Node088 Renesco? Node085->Node999 I see. Well, thanks for your time. Node085->Node019 Say, I had some other questions… Node085->Node073 What do you mean by that? Node085->Node086 What can you tell me about this empty Jet canister? Node074->Node999 Lil' Jesus…Jagged Jimmy J…Renesco. Got it. Thanks. Node074->Node999 All right. I'll check him out. Node074->Node019 Maybe I will. Say, I had some other questions… Node074->Node089 I did check with Renesco... he said you sell Jet laced with arsenic. Node083 He's this dumb sonuvabitch who thinks he's a big-time dealer. You can't miss him...his face is all scarred up. The fool was flying on Jet one night and tried to shave with a combat knife. Sad part is, it didn't KILL 'im. Node074->Node083 "Jagged Jimmy J?" Who's that? Node084 Well, friend, I'd be careful about just walkin' in and accusing Lil' Jesus of anything. But if you REALLY want to talk with him, I ain't gonna stop you. He hangs out at the Desperado 'cross the street there. Node074->Node084 Lil' Jesus Mordino? Where can I find him? Node083->Node999 Lil' Jesus…Jagged Jimmy J…Renesco. Got it. Thanks. Node083->Node999 See you, Jules. Node083->Node019 Lotta love in this town...say, I had some other questions… Node083->Node084 And Lil' Jesus Mordino? Where can I find him? Node084->Node999 Lil' Jesus…Jagged Jimmy J…Renesco. Got it. Thanks. Node084->Node999 See you, Jules. Node084->Node019 Say, I had some other questions… Node084->Node083 And "Jagged Jimmy J?" Who's that? Node078->Node999 Nevermind then. I'll keep looking for it. Node079 All right, brother, all right! --- …I seen some guys take the car not long ago. But there were too many of them for me to stop, y'know, and -- Node078->Node079 Really? That sounds like a load of SHIT to me. Node078->Node079 That so? I KNOW you did something with it, so you better tell me where it is before I do something to YOU. Node987->Node078 Node077 Naw, brother, I ain't seen it. --- I'll keep an eye out for it, though. (Shrugs.) Still, Reno's a big place… Node987->Node077 Node077->Node999 Nevermind. I really better be going. Node077->Node019 Thanks anyway. I had some other questions… Node077->Node078 Jules, I have this crazy HUNCH you know where my car went. If you don't tell me where it is, I'll use you for target practice. Now talk. Node079->Node999 Nevermind. I'll look for them without your help. Node080 Okay, okay… Node079->Node080 Shut up and take me where they went. Now. Node985 Node080->Node985 (Follow him.) Node082->Node999 See you, Jules. Node087->Node999 Got it. Thanks. Node087->Node019 Lotta love in this town...say, I had some other questions… Node087->Node088 And Renesco? Where can I find him? Node088->Node999 Got it. Thanks. Node088->Node019 All right...say, I had some other questions… Node088->Node087 And "Jagged Jimmy J?" Where can I find him? Node997 Node997->Node998 Node986