ncKeiWri checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a thin, pale-faced young man with long stringy blonde hair. He's looking at you warily. --- You see Keith Wright. He's looking at you warily. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node005 I still can't believe Dad is dead. There's so much that I wanted to say to him… talk_p_proc->Node005 Node006 Whatdya want now? --- Slaver, you done come to the wrong side of town. If you don't start explain' yourself, yer gonna be in a whole mess of trouble. --- How's it goin', --- I warned you, dim… --- Everybody treating you all right? Anything I can do for you? --- Thanks for finding out who killed Richard, --- . We owe you big, and the Wrights always pay their debts. What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node999 Node006->Node999 Wander off Node006->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node007 Get outta here, dimbulb. Next time you talk to me, I'll plug you fulla holes. Node006->Node007 Mattah. Man is Mattah! Node006->Node007 Jabawokee Ding Dong Node990 Node006->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Wright hiring? Node012 Chris sent you, huh? Node006->Node012 I'm looking for a job. Chris sent me by. Is Family Wright hiring? Node017 Uh… what about her? Has she gotten herself in trouble again? Node006->Node017 Hey, Keith. I ran into your Mom. Node021 Good kid. Damn, if we ever find out who done it to him… Node006->Node021 Can you tell me about your brother Richard? Node010 I'm Keith Wright of the Family Wright. Now, you gonna tell me what yer doing here? Node006->Node010 Who are you? Node011 This is the Family Wright HOUSE. Now, you gonna tell me what yer doing here? Node006->Node011 What is this place? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Keith Wright. description_p_proc You see a thin, pale-faced young man with long stringy blonde hair. He's looking at you warily. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc Who are you? map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node998 Node004 Make another move toward that door, an' you'll be sorry. timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node003 Hey, --- I warned you, dim… --- . What's goin' on? timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node002 Whatdya want? timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node007->Node999 Wander off Node008 Get outta here! I ain't warning you again! Node007->Node008 Holes holes holes in my soles Node007->Node008 Shamma Lamma DING DONG Node013 I don't know if it'd do any good, but I guess I could ask Pa… Node990->Node013 Node014 Naw...we don't hire muscle like the other families, 'least not now. --- You better git. Node990->Node014 Node990->Node014 Node026 Hold on. (Knocks on door behind him.) Pa? (He sticks his head in, there's some mumbling, then he comes back and nods at the door.) You ken go in, but watch out. Dad's in a pissy mood. Node012->Node026 That's right. He said you might have some work for me. Node017->Node999 No, I was just curious. Later, Keith. Node989 Node017->Node989 No. Is that a common occurrence? Node019 Naw, she don't know half of it. She thinks Dad's all clean and above the board, but she ain't too bright to catch on to what he's doin'. If she found that still beneath the train station, she'd raise cain, she would. Node017->Node019 Does your Mom have any idea what your family does? Node021->Node999 Well, hopefully you'll find the killer. Bye, Keith. Node022 Lotta other families sell Jet, coulda been any one of them. Mordino's got the most Jet dealers, though, cause they make the most Jet. Me, I'm bettin' it was one of them. Node021->Node022 Any ideas who might've done it? Node010->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node010->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Wright hiring? Node010->Node012 Chris told me to stop by. I'm looking for work. Can you help me? Node010->Node017 Keith Wright, huh? I ran into your mother. Node010->Node021 Can you tell me about your brother Richard? Node010->Node011 What is this place? Node011->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node011->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Wright hiring? Node011->Node012 Chris told me to stop by. I'm looking for work. Can you help me? Node011->Node010 Who are you? Node008->Node999 Wander off Node009 I warned you, dim… Node008->Node009 A-gin, my shin, lots of din-din Node008->Node009 DING DONG! DING DONG! Node009->Node998 Hunh? Node026->Node999 Thanks. Node013->Node026 If you could, I'd appreciate it. Node014->Node999 All right then. Node015 Naw, I reckon you WILL be leaving, 'cause you look like the kinda person who likes living. Now get. Node014->Node015 I'm not leaving until I see Mr. Wright. Node015->Node999 All right. Node016 I WARNED you… Node015->Node016 I'm NOT leaving. Node016->Node998 You want some of THIS, BOY?! You want some of THIS?! Then come GET s -- Node018 Sometimes. She's always preachin' and hollerin' about the evils o' drink and gamblin' and damn near everything else. Causes quite a stir, sometimes, and gets Dad real upset. Node989->Node018 Node020 (Shakes head.) She done it this time, wrecking Pa's stills n' all. The workers were too afraid ta stop her, and Pa threw a fit, and she threw one right back at him. (Shrugs.) It'll take Pa a while to get back up on his feet. Node989->Node020 Node019->Node999 I see. Thanks, Keith. Node018->Node999 I'll bet. Well, thanks for talking with me, Keith. Node018->Node019 Does your Mom have any idea what your family does? Node020->Node999 I see. Thanks, Keith. Node022->Node999 Well, hopefully you'll find the killer. Bye, Keith. Node023 Bunch of 'em: Jagged Jimmy J on 2nd Street, that old sonuvabitch Renesco in the West End…and Jules deals, too, at th' fronta town, but mostly to dumb tourists. Then there's Little Jesus Mordino. Node022->Node023 What dealers do you suspect? Node024 Quiet kid, clean kid. Kept outta trouble, and for a Wright, that's something. We buried him on the Golgotha plains a while ago, but even so, Mom still don't want his room disturbed. It's hard for her to let go, y'know? Node022->Node024 Can you tell me a little about Richard? Node023->Node999 Thanks for the info, Keith. Node023->Node024 Can you tell me a little more about Richard? Node027 He's Big Jesus's son. A bastard, more like. He mighta caught Richard alone, then pumped him fulla Jet outta spite. You looking for him, check out the Desperado. Little Jesus hangs out there with his old man. Node023->Node027 Little Jesus Mordino? Node024->Node999 Thanks for the info, Keith. Node024->Node999 Buried in Golgotha, huh? Hmmm. Thanks for the info, Keith. Node024->Node023 Any dealers you suspect may have given him the Jet? Node025 His room? It's the empty one next to Mom's room, the second one down from the kitchen. As fer looking around… well… look, don't stay long… and don't mess the place up, or Mom'll pop a clip if she finds out. Node024->Node025 Which room was his? Do you think your mother would mind if I looked in there? Node027->Node999 Thanks for the info, Keith. Node027->Node024 Can you tell me a little more about Richard? Node025->Node999 Thanks, Keith. I won't be long.